Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Over the last several weeks, the level of demonstrations directed against the United States throughout the Muslim world has increased. We have seen tens of thousands demonstrate against us in Indonesian, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. In the past, we have seen schools in the Muslem world preaching anti-American sentiment.

The incident with Laura Bush on Sunday should make it crystal clear to almost anyone how fundamental the hatred is in the Muslim world toward the United States. Mrs. Bush is quoted as saying “As we all know, this is a place of very high tensions and high emotions”. Why the Bush administration thought they could improve the atmosphere in the Muslim world by sending Laura Bush into that area demonstrates their refusal to accept the fact that we are hated by millions of Muslims and they just want us to leave them alone. We are fortunate that Mrs. Bush’s visit did not result in a much more difficult incident. Her visit has capped several weeks of demonstrations that show the depth and breadth of the hatred felt by Muslims toward Americans. I know there are some who will claim that the little children come up to our military in Iraq and I am sure there are Muslems who accept Americans. That does not change the fact that millions hold pure hatred toward Americans. The administration should read the book, “Imperial Hubris” by the former CIA bin Laden section chief to get a better idea of what these people really think of Americans and WHY they hate us so much! . We have a much more dangerous problem with Muslem hatred then most Americans understand!

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 23, 2005
yep gene all this hatred and protest against america based on lies, lies spread by mean spirited hate filled people like you and the far left and elite media,
on May 23, 2005
many of the predictions of Nostradamus have become true

And just as many have NOT come true!
on May 23, 2005
The incident with Laura Bush on Sunday should make it crystal clear to almost anyone how fundamental the hatred is in the Muslim world toward the United States.

Forty people yelling at Mrs. Bush. What a turnout.

That does not change the fact that millions hold pure hatred toward Americans. The administration should read the book, “Imperial Hubris” by the former CIA bin Laden section chief to get a better idea of what these people really think of Americans and WHY they hate us so much! . We have a much more dangerous problem with Muslem hatred then most Americans understand!

As usual you put no thought into your post, I guess it was time for an anti-American rant.

These "millions" of muslims have hated the U.S. for decades. Remember when the bombed the WTC the first time, or when they killed our soldiers in Saudi Arabia? Their hatred for us is based on their fanatical religion. I can show you studies and reports where the so-called "hatred" is caused by lack of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, not by the reasons you keep quoting.

Col why do yo ignore the numberous reports of Iraqis helping the U.S., thanking the U.S., and helping their fellow Iraqis build a stable democracy? You are just as bad as the arab "media" who spread this same kind of hatred.

Remember col, islam is the problem, not the U.S.
on May 23, 2005
That is true. That is why I hope his 27 year war in one that will NOT come true! So far as the genesis of the hatred in the Middle East it began a long time ago. When Pope Leo sent the Christian armies to liberate Palestine and kill tens of thousands of Muslims the hatred between Muslims and Christians was spawned. Our invasion of Iraq and our presence in the Middle East in flames the radical Muslem factions and enables them to garner the support of many moderate Muslems. When we allow Israel to build settlements and walls into the Palestinian territories we add to the hatred. We need to take a honest look at why so many millions hate us and why so many Musloms are willing to destroy themselves just so they can kill Christians or Jews.
on May 23, 2005
Our invasion of Iraq and our presence in the Middle East in flames the radical Muslem factions and enables them to garner the support of many moderate Muslems. When we allow Israel to build settlements and walls into the Palestinian territories we add to the hatred. We need to take a honest look at why so many millions hate us and why people why so many are willing to destroy themselves just so they can kill Christians or Jews.

That's exactly what you don't do. We know why muslims hate us, it's their religion that preaches hate. It's their opression of their own people that doesn't help. America and Israel are used as scapegoats in the so-called media in the Middle East. People like you are so worried about offending people that it gets in your way of clear thought.
on May 23, 2005
I know all about Nostradamus, Gene....he had thousands of predictions, most of which did not come true. I once read that his accuracy ratio, to that date, was something like one or two in a hundred or so.
There was also supposed to have been a blue-turbaned Moslem leader in a cloak to take command of the entire Moslem world by 1990, and a full-scale nuclear war in 2000. No blue turbans, no mushroom clouds. Unless you want to count the clouds the Lefties see drifting by when they eat mushrooms.
on May 23, 2005
Island Dog

You don't know what we're talking about. When I attended the Army War College I have the benefit of discussing that part of the world with people like the gentleman who negotiated the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. The issues that face us in the mid-80s in the Middle East are very similarv to the issues that face us today. Muslims do not separate their religious beliefs from their secular life the way the Western world does. They believe that the actions of the United States and Israel are anti-Muslem and as a Muslems and they have a responsibility in their own way to fight anyone who they believe is anti-Muslem. They look at our presence in the Middle East as anti-Muslim and a look at the occupation by Israel of the West Bank and Gaza as well as the Jewish settlements and the wall as actions against Muslims. You would do well to read about the real root causes of why millions of Muslims hate Americas and Jews. We cannot deal with something if we don't understand it. Things like invading Iraq , The visits of Ariel Sharon and Laura Bush to the Dome of the Rock and our support of Israel when they occupy the West bank and build settlements in violation of international law just makes the situation worse.
on May 23, 2005
When something kills minorities we know that we have to stop it in it's track even if these means losing out on other things. War is SICK!
on May 23, 2005
Okay COL, you have all the warnings and alarms, set off with caps and exclamation points, but no answers. What do you propose we do, since you're so well-informed as to why Moslems hate us and root causes and all that? What do we do about it? Just pull out and leave them alone? What would that do? Just cause more hatred for us because we left them without finishing what we started.
One of the reasons they hate us is because we have different Gods (which I'll never fully understand, because both Moslems and Jews claim common ancestry in Abraham, who of course worshipped the Hebrew God) and different cultures.
We're just a tad more accepting of differences in people than they are, don't you think? They want everyone to be like them....we couldn't care less.
Even if we left them alone, do you really think they would be content to just co-exist with us? I doubt it.
on May 23, 2005
Okay COL, you have all the warnings and alarms, set off with caps and exclamation points, but no answers. What do you propose we do, since you're so well-informed as to why Moslems hate us and root causes and all that? What do we do about it? Just pull out and leave them alone? What would that do? Just cause more hatred for us because we left them without finishing what we started.
One of the reasons they hate us is because we have different Gods (which I'll never fully understand, because both Moslems and Jews claim common ancestry in Abraham, who of course worshipped the Hebrew God) and different cultures.
We're just a tad more accepting of differences in people than they are, don't you think? They want everyone to be like them....we couldn't care less.
Even if we left them alone, do you really think they would be content to just co-exist with us? I doubt it. Islam has been referred to, by your precious scholars, as an imperialistic religion, after all.
on May 23, 2005
By the way, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Minister, also used Nostradamus's predictions, tweaked to indicate Nazi victory, in their war efforts.
on May 23, 2005

So did the US Military sight Nostradamus since he predicted the US would destroy the second antichrist as he called Hitler.

you ask what we should do to combat the Moslem extremists. Here are two things so we could do.

We need to take a more even handed stance with Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians need to let the Israelis alone and the Israelis need to take their army out of the West Bank and Gaza, dismantle their Jewish settlements and build their wall along their existing border. We need to insist in exchange for an end to Palestinian attacking Israel that Israel abide by international law.

We need to become energy independent so that we can disengage from the politics of the Middle East which currently is impossible because of our dependence on their oil.
on May 23, 2005

So did the US Military sight Nostradamus since he predicted the US would destroy the second antichrist as he called Hitler.

Yes, but in response to Nazi propaganda, and they didn't have to tweak them.

We need to take a more even handed stance with Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians need to let the Israelis alone and the Israelis need to take their army out of the West Bank and Gaza, dismantle their Jewish settlements and build their wall along their existing border. We need to insist in exchange for an end to Palestinian attacking Israel that Israel abide by international law.

But would the Palestinians go for that? With shitstirrers like Arafat out of the picture, there may be hope.
One of the main problems is that BOTH sides claim that they have a divinely-ordained right to the area. That's hard to overcome, especially when you're dealing with Moslems, many of whom are more than a little backward, and are informed only by their clerics, and then only of what the clerics want them to know.

We need to become energy independent so that we can disengage from the politics of the Middle East which currently is impossible because of our dependence on their oil.

Wow......this we agree on. Only thing is, the oil companies (BUSHILTER JINGOISTIC CHIMP) will never let it happen. It makes them more money the way it is now.
on May 23, 2005
Also, to become energy independent would require drilling in certain areas sacred to the Greens, and the treehuggers would never let that happen, either
on May 23, 2005

I guess I fall in the middle here but I do know one thing...

"Justice for Jews" get a Thesaurus and find some new words other than SICK!
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