Over the last several weeks, the level of demonstrations directed against the United States throughout the Muslim world has increased. We have seen tens of thousands demonstrate against us in Indonesian, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. In the past, we have seen schools in the Muslem world preaching anti-American sentiment.
The incident with Laura Bush on Sunday should make it crystal clear to almost anyone how fundamental the hatred is in the Muslim world toward the United States. Mrs. Bush is quoted as saying “As we all know, this is a place of very high tensions and high emotions”. Why the Bush administration thought they could improve the atmosphere in the Muslim world by sending Laura Bush into that area demonstrates their refusal to accept the fact that we are hated by millions of Muslims and they just want us to leave them alone. We are fortunate that Mrs. Bush’s visit did not result in a much more difficult incident. Her visit has capped several weeks of demonstrations that show the depth and breadth of the hatred felt by Muslims toward Americans. I know there are some who will claim that the little children come up to our military in Iraq and I am sure there are Muslems who accept Americans. That does not change the fact that millions hold pure hatred toward Americans. The administration should read the book, “Imperial Hubris” by the former CIA bin Laden section chief to get a better idea of what these people really think of Americans and WHY they hate us so much! . We have a much more dangerous problem with Muslem hatred then most Americans understand!