Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Over the last several weeks, the level of demonstrations directed against the United States throughout the Muslim world has increased. We have seen tens of thousands demonstrate against us in Indonesian, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. In the past, we have seen schools in the Muslem world preaching anti-American sentiment.

The incident with Laura Bush on Sunday should make it crystal clear to almost anyone how fundamental the hatred is in the Muslim world toward the United States. Mrs. Bush is quoted as saying “As we all know, this is a place of very high tensions and high emotions”. Why the Bush administration thought they could improve the atmosphere in the Muslim world by sending Laura Bush into that area demonstrates their refusal to accept the fact that we are hated by millions of Muslims and they just want us to leave them alone. We are fortunate that Mrs. Bush’s visit did not result in a much more difficult incident. Her visit has capped several weeks of demonstrations that show the depth and breadth of the hatred felt by Muslims toward Americans. I know there are some who will claim that the little children come up to our military in Iraq and I am sure there are Muslems who accept Americans. That does not change the fact that millions hold pure hatred toward Americans. The administration should read the book, “Imperial Hubris” by the former CIA bin Laden section chief to get a better idea of what these people really think of Americans and WHY they hate us so much! . We have a much more dangerous problem with Muslem hatred then most Americans understand!

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 26, 2005
To know the enemy is to defeat the enemy and I think it's been clear from the start that the war is against the terrorists and not Islam. To lump the enemy and their potential adherents as one and say
islam is the problem
is the surest way to lose this war.

There is a great difference betwen appeasement of the enemy and understanding his goals. The enemy wants to draw us back to the Crusades so that he can raise his army as our knee-jerk military reactions to his antics push more Muslims to his side. Our moves, therefore, should always be in keeping with understanding his moves, unless, of course, we want him to win.
on May 26, 2005
No that is not how it works. We won WWII and do not occupy Germany, Italy or Japan. The issue is that Israel is in violation of international law and UN resolutions. There will NEVER be a settlement so long as their Army is in the West Bank and Gaza.

We are not talking about WWII. We are talking about a war arabs started and still can't get over the fact that they lost and didn't destroy Israel. U.N. resolutions have nothing to do with it. The "palestinians" don't want a free state, they want the total destruction of Israel. This is the statements they make.

Since you are so interested in polls all the time, the polls I see taken in "palestine" always show the same thing. The palestinians want the destruction of Israel and they support terrorism as a way to do that.

Here is another example of their mentality.

“The day will come when we will rule the United States, the day will come when we will rule Britain, we will rule the whole world [and all will live in peace and comfort under our rule] except the Jews. The Jews will not live in peace and comfort under our rule. Treachery will keep being their nature throughout history. The day will come when the whole world will rid itself of the Jews.”


So col, to once again correct you. There will never be peace until this "religion" reforms itself.
on May 26, 2005
To me its just simple racism on your behalf but perhaps you can enlighten me. Please explain why you believe Islam is the problem with the Middle East.

It's not racism at all. What's the base of most terrorism in the world? Islam.

Do you really need me to explain the oppression by islamic regimes in the middle east?

I could go on, but this sums it up best.

... or are some of the rest of you getting just a little bit tired of all of the butt kissing we're delivering to disgruntled Muslims out there. This whole flap over the faulty Newsweek story is starting to get under several different patches of my skin.

Reuters is reporting from Islamabad that the Pakistani government remains unhappy with Newsweek. Well, don't feel pregnant, Pakistan. But Pakistani Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmad pushes things just a bit with his statement that we need to work harder at understanding the sensitivities of the Islamic people. He says "The apology and retraction are not enough. "They (Newsweek) should understand the sentiments of Muslims and think 101 times before publishing news which hurt feelings of Muslims."

Sorry, pal. I'm not buying it. I getting just a bit beyond the point where I'm all bent out of shape trying to understand Islamic sensitivities. If there is something about your religion that should make me feel badly about poor Muslims getting their feelings hurt, you had better get it out there on the table now. All I see is a religion that seems to take great pleasure in passing condemnations and "death sentences" on various people around the world for all sorts of meaningless infractions of some great system of Islamic law.

I'm just not going to get all worked up worrying about the sensitivities of devotees of a religion that will stone a woman to death for adultery, while letting the man go unpunished.

Sensitivity would not be the word to describe how I feel about a religion that is in some way involved in more than 95% of the actual shooting conflicts and wars around the world.

Muslims shoot school children in the back! Remember Chechnya? They brag about bombs in schools in Israel! Tell me again about how I need to be sensitive?

The daughter of a devout Muslim gets violently raped. The devout Muslim takes a knife and, in front of the entire family, cuts his daughter's throat because she has dishonored her family .... by being a rape victim. Yeah, sport. Let me just pour out my sensitivities to this practitioner of the religion of peace.

There's a school on fire outside Riyadh. It's a girls school. The girls are trying to escape! But wait! Their faces aren't covered! It's the Islamic defenders of the faith to the rescue! They block the doors to keep the young Muslim girls from escaping ... from a burning building. The dignity of the great and wonderful religion of peace must be protected, even if young women burn to death! Yeah ... my respect for your sensitivities is on the way.

Those insurgents who are killing innocent civilians in Iraq? The suicide bombers in their cars and trucks? Haven't you heard? Most of them are from Saudi Arabia. They're crossing borders to kill innocent women and children because they don't like the idea of people being able to chose those who will rule them. I'm feeling so sensitive to that.

Tell you what: When you stop killing your own daughters; when you stop trying to lock young girls into burning buildings; when you eschew shooting school children in the back; and when I can look in a newspaper and read that Muslims are NOT involved in one way or another in revolts, insurrections and hot wars around the world --- and when you're not working so hard to kill American civilians --- and when you start to show some tolerance and respect for the world's other religions .. then maybe I'll feel a bit more worm and fuzzy toward your incredible religion of peace.

on May 26, 2005
It's not racism at all. What's the base of most terrorism in the world? Islam.

Really wow and here i was thinking it was repression. How do you define a terrorist?
on May 26, 2005
"the Israelis need to take their army out of the West Bank and Gaza, dismantle their Jewish settlements and build their wall along their existing border"

What border would that be? Israel doesn't have a border with the West Bank. It has an armistace line.
on May 26, 2005
"This is the site that touched off four years of KILLING when Ariel Sharon visited that site."

People still believe this? It was a bad decision, no doubt. But people who think that that act cauused almost five years of violence don't understand the situation.
on May 26, 2005
We won WWII and do not occupy Germany, Italy or Japan.

Now? No. But we did.

It's also worth noting that After the Six Day War, Israel offered the Palestinians (at that time Jordanians and Egyptians) their own state, in exchange for recognition and a peace treaty. They rejected it, likely fearing that they would be outcasts from the Arab world.
on May 27, 2005

When it comes to the Muslim world there are 3 problems:
) The lack of freedom and oppertunity
) The Clerics control and want to keep control. the best way to do that is to control information
) American politicies toward Iraq (1980 Iran/Iraq war), Saudi Arabia (which many believe has a non-ligitimate rulers in place supported by America) and Isreal (which expanded its borders beyond the 1967 treaty and continues to do so even to this day)

Honestly, they take it 'in the ass' every day for decades and they are feed up with America doing it this way for the betterment of everybody (Iran/Iraq war bankrupted USSR, if Saudi Arabia falls, the world economy falls with it, and Isreal being a home after WWII mass murder)

A lot of this was not fair to them even if it actually is better. People, in general, do not like their lives interfered into like this and Muslims are no different. Some feel (whether right or wrong) that if America allowed Saudi Arabia to just 'be' whatever it is or not support Isreal even though it really does abuse thr 1967 borders (if its just for defence, why do people live there?).

The reality is that these things are forming a grave wedge. Wheather right or wrong, poor people tend to fight when they feel they have no hope or nothing to loose. Muslims are amonst the worlds poor.

The Iraq situation might help, but that is 10 years down the line. A long time to wait.

What of Iran? North Korea?

We are headed toward WWIII (Not the one Bill O'Rielly keeps talking about) where millions will die. Once that happens and evryone is tired of loosing loved ones, maybe then we will have peace.
on May 27, 2005
How do you define a terrorist?

People flying planes into building comes to mind. Taking a school hostage would count also.
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