Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 11, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Last Wednesday, circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull III, handed some of Rush Limbaugh’s medical records to Palm Beach prosecutors, ending his 19 month battle to keep his medical records from being used to determine if he illegally obtained prescription drugs. Limbaugh, obtained four prescriptions from four different doctors during the same period of time for prescription narcotics. He is an admitted drug addict and the delivery of some of his medical records to the Palm Beach prosecutor by the court should provide the information needed to charge him with, “doctor shopping”.

Rush had a banner week after he repeated the idiotic statements of the Mayor of London who said the attack on London 7/7 /2005 “didn’t succeed in doing anything”. The reason Rush Limbaugh repeated that ridiculous statement is to make light about the concern that the war on terrorism is not going well. The Islamic terrorist group claiming responsibility made it clear it was in retaliation for the British actions in Iraq. This whole concept that the war in Iraq is helping fight in the war on terrorism has been shown to be a farce with the London attack of 7/7. What is true is that the Iraq war has made the war on terrorism more intense and has provided yet another location for Islamic militants, who hate us, a place to train for future attacks. For Rush Limbaugh to repeat that an attack which brought the transportation system in London to a stop and either killed or injured a thousand people accomplished nothing shows the extent to which this ideologue will go to make it look as if the policies of the right are succeeding.

Last week was also a big week for another right wing conservative giant, Karl Rove who was finally identified as the person in the White House that revealed that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. This was after her husband, Ambassador Wilson debunked the Bush claim that Saddam Hussein had attempted to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa. At the time Mrs Plame’s name was revealed in the Bob Novak article, President Bush pledged the full support of his administration to find out who perpetrated the illegal act of identifying a CIA agent’s name. He directed his staff to fully cooperate with the FBI to determine the name of this person. Evidently Karl Rove must not have gotten that instruction of the president.

It is now time for both Rove and Limbaugh to face the music. They should both be charged and tried in court. To ignore Limbaugh’s obtaining illegal drugs through doctor shopping or Karl Rove’s illegal act of outing the name of a CIA agent, would be 100% WRONG. We cannot allow these right wing ideologues who either help make policy or influence people with their radio program to not face the same consequences as other Americans who break our laws. Please do not tell me neither Rove or Limbaugh have been convicted. The issue is to bring them to trial and determine their GUILT or INNOCENCE!

It will be very telling of George W. Bush as to what he will do now that Karl Rove has been identified by one of the reporters as the person who released the name of our CIA agent. Although Bush cannot cover it up like Nixon in Watergate, the question is will the Bush administration support Rove being charged and brought to court or if he’s found guilty will Bush pardon him for breaking the law that Bush himself said was a serious offense. As for Rush Limbaugh, his 20 million listeners every day need to understand that their right-wing guru is subject to the same laws and penalties for breaking the laws as everyone else. Last week very definitely documented the values of these two influential right wingers in America. They have shown total disdain for our laws and for the values that has made this country great. It is time for Rove and Limbaugh to face the music.

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on Jul 15, 2005
Hey Klink, just WTF do WMD's & Iraq have to do with Niger?

--So its 'klink' now?
on Jul 15, 2005
--So its 'klink' now?

Excuse me? I don't believe I was talking to you.
on Jul 15, 2005
What you believe Wilson did or did not do DOES NOT allow Rove to out his whie's idendity.

Lets clear up a few points:

Plame was a COVERT Agent but had not been posted outside the US for over 5 years PRIOR to the outing.

There was enough of a case for the CIA to go to the Justice Dept and a SP was appointed and an FBI investigation was started.

Bush said anyone in the WH staff involved in identifying Plane would be delt with.

There is NO QUESTION that four days BEFORE the Novak article, Rove told Cooper that Wilson's wife was a CIE Agent, even though he claims he did not say the words " Valerie Plame.

Rove maintained for the past two years he had no in involvement in making Mrs. Plame's idendity as a CIA Agent know.. That was a LIE!

It is time for Bush to remove Rove from the WH staff. The SP should call Novak before the GJ to tell his source the same as the other two reporters. If Novak refuses to tell his source, hold him in contempt and put him is jail. If after all the facts, including Novak's input, is known, the SP needs to see if Rove broke the law which is very complex. However, even if Rove can not be tried because of a technical issue with the law involved, he did lie about his telling Cooper and possibely Novak that Plame was a CIA Agent. For that he should be removed from the WH Staff!
on Jul 15, 2005
You forget there was no Nuclear program nor WMD in Iraq. Wilson said just that. It was Bush and Cheney that told the world that we were in danger from all the WMD Saddam had and was ready to use on America. I glad to see you now admit Rove did tell Cooper that Wilson's wife was a CIA agent. Rove said he had nothing to do with identifying Plame as a CIA Agent. That was lie!

It was Bush, Cheney, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, most intelligence agencies, and others who said Iraq had WMD. Let's not go there col.

Col, how many times do you have to be told that she was not a CIA agent?

The latest polls not show Bush is trusted by only 40 % of Americans and support for his major programs including the way he is handling the economy is in the 1/3 range.

Polls are not reliable col. You cannot base everything on a poll of 1000 Americans.

Plame was a COVERT Agent but had not been posted outside the US for over 5 years PRIOR to the outing.


There was enough of a case for the CIA to go to the Justice Dept and a SP was appointed and an FBI investigation was started.

Maybe, but the prosecutor says Rove is not the target of the investigation.
on Jul 15, 2005
Pattern. When faced with facts about Wilson, shift to Rove saying her name. When people address the "agent" status, shift to Wilson and claim vendetta. When faced with facts about Wilson, shift to Rove saying...

What's the propaganda manual say to do with people laugh at you and walk off? No one is saying Rove should get away with anything if the court finds him GUILTY. You want him fired regardless. You want him punished regardless. The title of this blog is misleading, you don't want "courts", you want a lynching.
on Jul 15, 2005
What's the propaganda manual say to do with people laugh at you and walk off? No one is saying Rove should get away with anything if the court finds him GUILTY. You want him fired regardless. You want him punished regardless. The title of this blog is misleading, you don't want "courts", you want a lynching.

Remember, any accusations against terrorists must be fairly done. Accusations against Rove are pointless, he's guilty.
on Jul 15, 2005
Today NYT reported a previously undisclosed phone call between Rove and Novak on July 8, 2003 six days before Novak's article that named Plame. It is time that Novak be required to te tell the GJ what Rove told him on the 8th and in any other conservations between him and Rove about Plame. Plame WAS a CIA Agent but had not been poasted outside the US for over 5 years prior to July 2003. If she was not a CIA Agent, there would not be a need for the Justice Dept to have created a SP nor for the FBI Investigation. The point all you Bushies will not acknowledge is that Rove had been saying for two years HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CASE. That is not true. Cooper and Rove's Lawyer acknowledge Rove told Cooper that Wilson's wife was a CIA Agent with out saying her actual maden name! IT IS TIME FOR ROVE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 15, 2005
It's almost as if last year's Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into Wilson's allegations never happened.

In fact, after probing Wilson's story, Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts publicly ripped the so-called "whistleblower" as a possible hoaxer and a fraud. In a July 9, 2004 press release that's still available on Roberts' official web site, the Kansas Republican said:

"The former Ambassador, either by design or through ignorance, gave the American people and, for that matter, the world a version of events that was inaccurate, unsubstantiated, and misleading . . .

"Time and again, Joe Wilson told anyone who would listen that the President had lied to the American people, that the Vice President had lied, and that he had 'debunked' the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa. As discussed in the Niger section of the [Committee's] report, not only did he NOT 'debunk' the claim, he actually gave some intelligence analysts even more reason to believe that it may be true."

Sen. Roberts continued:

"When asked how [Wilson] 'knew' that the Intelligence Community had rejected the possibility of a Niger-Iraq uranium deal, as he wrote in his book, he told Committee staff that his assertion may have involved 'a little literary flair.'"

The Intel Committee chair concluded:

"I believed very strongly that it was important for the Committee to conclude publicly that many of the statements made by Ambassador Wilson were not only incorrect, but had no basis in fact."

on Jul 15, 2005
WILSON: My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity.
on Jul 15, 2005
Let him argue with himself. He's eating up the fact that each time we respond he can just reiterate the same statement. Our time would be better spent discussing politics with someone who actually knows the facts of current events and isn't just programmed like some chatbot.

If I, I.D., The Docs, MM, and a couple others decided never to post on his stupid blog again, he'd never get any attention at all. There's no need to validate this bullshit anymore. I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong about the Col. I tried, but there's nothing here that merits comment.

slap a mark on the door and let him wither inside.
on Jul 15, 2005
WILSON: My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity.

DO YOU SEE THIS col???DO YOU? Pay attention. There will be a test later!
on Jul 15, 2005
DO YOU SEE THIS col???DO YOU? Pay attention. There will be a test later!

There isn't even a story here. No crime was committed by anybody.
on Jul 15, 2005
Rove lied. He said he had nothing to do with outing Plame. THAT IS UNTRUE!!!! A LIE!!!!! He talked with both Cooper and Novak as either a source or a confirming source. Bush told us Rove had NOTHING to do with this matter. Either Rove lied to Bush or Bush lied. Take your pick!
on Jul 15, 2005

Rove lied. He said he had nothing to do with outing Plame. THAT IS UNTRUE!!!! A LIE!!!!! He talked with both Cooper and Novak as either a source or a confirming source. Bush told us Rove had NOTHING to do with this matter. Either Rove lied to Bush or Bush lied. Take your pick

Hey Klink YOUR full of it! If the independent prosecutor thought Rove was implicated then "why" was Rove told he was not the target of the investigation? Evidently you don't keep up with the news. So now you know for a FACT that Rove was either the source or the confirming source, huh? You are so full of it that it's coming out of your mouth. Your brain cell is getting lonely!
on Jul 15, 2005
Anyone capable of neutrally reading the literal words of the conversations in question who does not understand exactly what Rove meant when he subsequently said he had "nothing to do with divulging Plame's identity" is just a hate-blinded partisan hack. This ain't the "Watergate equivalent" the left has been praying for - it's nothing but a totally transparent & pathetic invention born of the left's powerlust.

I've asked repeatedly, but noone out for Rove's scalp here has yet explained how the alleged motive works in this invented crime: How exactly would disclosing Plame's name and employer undermine or discredit Wilson or his claims? How would this be "retaliation?" This is the motive repeated over & over again by the press, but where is the evidence of this alleged motive? Other than in the fevered conspiratorial imagination of the press & the left, that is? The Senate Intelligence Committee certainly didn't need her name or employer to discredit her husband's claims - there was plenty of factual evidence to take care of that.

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