Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The strategy at the White House has changed with respect to the Iraq War. We are now attempting to withdrawal just as soon as we have trained enough Iraq security and military forces. Bush wants to make the withdrawal appear legitimate and when that magic number has been achieved, you will see the troops begin to come home. The truth is we are not winning the military battle against the insurgents. Our military fight and die to secure an area and a few months later the very same elements are operating in that area. We then repeat the action and loose more of our troops. We do not have the manpower to control the entire country and prevent the reintroduction of the insurgent forces in the areas that we cleared with our precious military lives.

When the history books are written about this conflict, it will not be a positive oration. First, the rationale for the war was untrue. Bush supporters will say everyone thought there was WMD and therefore he did not lie as to his reason for attacking Iraq. The problem with that rationale is that the reason given today is to provide the Iraqi people the right to choose their own government. If that were the reason we chose to depose Saddam Hussein, that is the reason that Bush should have provided the Congress of the United States before asking for approval of the war resolution. Bush did not give that reason and this whole process was justified by the imminent danger to the United States. Then Bush said it was to enforce the UN Resolutions however the UN NEVER made the United States or England the enforcement agent for UN resolutions. Another rational Bush gave to remove Saddam was to rid the world of an evil dictator. There are many more evil dictators that exist in this world and Saddam Hussein was not the worst of the lot. If you have any doubt about that, look at what is happening to millions of people in Africa. If we were to provide this choice of the type of government that Bush NOW claims is the reason for the war, why not Cuba 90 miles from Florida? Why not Syria, North Korea, Iran, China or a host of other countries where the people do not have a choice. Why not our so-called ally, Saudi Arabia.

The real reason Bush wanted to invade Iraq may never be known. It was clear that this was in Bush's mind when he first took office. The removal of Saddam Hussein was a discussion item at the VERY FIRST Cabinet meeting. This has been clearly stated by the former Treasury Secretary Paul O' Neal. This was before 9/11, before we were attacked or heard about the War on Terrorism in America. The lesson we must learn is that in the future if a president asks Congress to go war with reasons that are not as stated, that president needs to be impeached and removed from office. If George W. Bush had asked Congress for authorization to attack Iraq so that Iraq people could select their own form of government, the resolution would NEVER have been approved. It is a sad day for this country that our president did not give the actual reason for America to go to war. The Bush LIE has cost America over 1,800 lives, more then 25,000 injured and over $300 billion dollars! It has created thousands if not millions of NEW enemies all over the world!

Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 19, 2005

Your statements are truly mindless! Iraq is a disaster that Bush created.
on Aug 19, 2005
If anyone here would be "kinda like a cockroach"it would be "YOU"! Adolesent behavior? Don't look in a mirror.

Yet another major contribution to the issue of this blog article, miler. Your mindless insults are so empty, I don't understand why COL Gene doesn't blacklist you. You do not add anything to the debate at all. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Cockroach
on Aug 19, 2005
Yet another major contribution to the issue of this blog article, miler. Your mindless insults are so empty, I don't understand why COL Gene doesn't blacklist you. You do not add anything to the debate at all. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Cockroach

Because unlike you the col don't do half-a**ed things like that. I've told you before. The col and I have had some "serious" head-butting before. But all in all he and I have NEVER lowered ourselves to "your" standards. That is "if" you have any. Standards that is. Cockroach!

And col while I'm thinking about it I have removed your name from my blacklist. And thank you for removing mine from yours. And unlike the col, dabe "you" will stay on my list forever!
on Aug 20, 2005
I choose not to black list people. I believe their statements are the best proof of their inability to deal with reality. I have always believed things can improve but I also understand that it takes effort and at times different ways to deal with things. One of the most serious problems with Bush is that he will not look at the results of his policies and when they are not working alter his approach. This is true in almost everything he has done. Some think that is because he is , "strong leader" A storng leader taking us in the wrong direction is NOT an asset! The truth of this will be sceen in the future!!!!
on Aug 20, 2005
Col, you know that I agree with virtually everything you have posted about this administration. And, likewise, I agree with your assessment of what makes a good and strong leader. "Stay the course" does not qualify when that course is a proven failure. So, when you have a leader who stay a failed course, you're bound to have sheeple who will follow him. History will illustrate this, also.

Unlike you, I do blacklist. I do so, because there is only so much nonsense that I feel compelled to respond to. You are a much more patient person than I, that's for sure. Patient and tenacious.
on Aug 25, 2005
sorry, but Richard Perle himself has said that he didn't believe it and neither did the Administration but that it was a 'bureaucratic necessity' to justify the invasion. You may not like the duplicity, and I'm with you, I don't like it either, but just denying it in the face of direct evidence really doesn't help, and it just repeats the errors of the US administration. The CIA said that there was insufficient evidence, so did MI6, so did the UN (the only ones who were there, the group set up to find WMDs after the conquest didn't find them - they don't exist. there is/was no link between Saddam's regime and September 11, ant attempt to show this is deliberately disingenuous.

Iraq is a distraction from the effort to defeat terrorism (it isn't a war) and the risk is that it will actually escalate the problem. Show me the evidence that the 'war on terrorism' is being won. At very best you could claim a stalemate at present but noone can overlook the potential for disaster is as real and as high as it was 3 years ago. The only real change is that most of the world (including a large proportion of US citizens) has added the Bush administration to its list of terrorist organisations).
on Aug 25, 2005
brainless in what sense?
on Aug 28, 2005
If Iraq goes into civil war after our military leave, it will be a SAD day beacuse that will mean our dead and injured military accomplished NOTHING in Iraq!

Col. Gene I have stayed out of this foolish discussion, but this statement is patenly false. Here is a list of a few things that we have accomplished just in 2005:

Aug 20 - Sweetwater Canal - 2M Iraqi citizens benefit from $2M project
Aug 18 - 15 potable water systems to be rehabilitated, serve over 380,000 Iraqi's
Aug 15 - 101st Airborne Division headquarters nearly ready for business
Aug 14 - Najaf Maternity Hospital undergoing Reconstructive Rebirth
Aug 11 - Camp Cropper is expanding
Aug 10 - Najaf Road Projects to Bring Critical Transportation for Agriculture, Schools
Aug 8 - Najaf Water Projects Focus On Supplying More Potable Water
Aug 6 - Another 43 Iraqi schools funded and approved for rehabilitation, 40,000 children to go back to school.
Aug 4 - Najaf Electricity Projects Target Distribution
Aug 3 - What a Difference a Year Makes
Aug 2 - Reconstruction Continues in Iraq
July 29 - Engineer Summit Shared Reconstruction Lessons
July 25 - Commander's Emergency Relief Program pumps another $161 Million into Iraqi life
July 18 - Military Installation ""grows in Kirkuk
July 17 - Najaf Beginning To See Reconstruction Efforts Take Hold
July 16 - Strategic Anaconda gets its gravel
July 16 - Qudas generating station to be operational within month
July 15 - 1st Public Order Brigade Headquarters taking shape
June 30 - GRS Provides Good Medicine To Cure Iraq's Ills
June 26 - Mountain spring water to supply Khalifan
June 17 - Basrah International Airport Opens to Commercial Flights
June 10 - Water Project on schedule in Southern Iraq
June 07 - Najaf Teaching Hospital shows evidence of improvement
May 27 - Benchmark 1,000th Reconstruction Project Completed
May 24 - All Mud School Replacement Projects Completed in Babil Province
May 24 - GRS Opens First Border Post on Iranian Border
May 21 - Police Story
May 16 - Two Kirkuk rail stations' reconstruction complete
May 11 - Setbacks aside, Al-Oubaidy District improvements continue
Apr 20 - Reconstruction efforts pay dividends in Salah ad Din Province
Apr 17 - Najaf Teaching Hospital Outpatient Clinic opens tomorrow
Apr 10 - Rebuilding continues to progress in Diyala Province
Apr 3 - Maysan Province soon to get 13 renovated police stations
Mar 27 - Bayji power plant
Mar 27 - Ramadi barrage will get needed repairs
Mar 26 - School doors opening again for children of Iraq
Mar 26 - Loyalty Base finalizes Zeblin sewer line repair
Mar 24 - GRS-FOB 7
Mar 19 - Al Thawra, or Sadr City , is under construction.
Mar 18 - A brighter hospital and a brighter future
Mar 18 - New life for Baghdad's fire stations
Feb 23 - Al Ameen sewage system removes health hazard, improves sanitation
Feb 22 - Changes Sweep Across Local Iraqi Police Stations
Feb 19 - Schools of Mud and Reeds
Feb 11 - Vast School Renovation Effort Rekindles Hope
Feb 09 - Something new from something old, Al Kasik Military Training Base
Feb 04 - $15M Cleanup Effort Underway for North Oubaidy Sewage Problem
Feb 02 - New friendship and trust being built in Sulay, Northern Iraq
Feb 01 - Securing Iraq' borders
Jan 19 - Village roads get facelift in Iraq
Jan 18 - Three courthouses rebuilt in Iraqi province
Jan 16 - Clean water coming to al Fallujah
Jan 15 - Iraqi police station renovations begin
Jan 11 - Project will ease over crowding In Iraq's northern-most province
Jan 09 - Iraq's future depends on developing schools
Jan 05 - Academy gets renovation, expands to receive additional cadets
Jan 01 - Substations step down power for homes, schools, businesses

If you would like to read about any of these projects go here: Link

You are either very stupid (which I do not think you are)or fail to do your research, we have accomplished thousands (last count was over 3000) construction projects that have made things better for the people of Iraq. I don't call that nothing. Bahu whats his name says something about children not being in school. What in the world is he talking about? There are more Iraqi children in school now than before. And the schools are in much better shape. If you would like more things we have accomplished I can post them here for you if you like.
on Aug 28, 2005
Your contribution here is admirable, ShadowWar, but Gene never lets good news or facts get in the way of his opinion (Bush was a poor student, and, and, and he... sucks!).

on Aug 29, 2005
When you have served 30 years in the military come talk to me.

Col, when you stop disrespecting our military you talk to me.

There were no Terrorist operating in Iraq until George W. Bush opened the door for them to operate! Every day the deaths occurr ( US, British and Iraqi) .

I can name three right off the top of my head, including the terrorist leader al-zawari.

Bush is responsible for the deaths because he went to war in the first place aginst a country that posed NO DANGER TO the United States and then did so with out the number of troops required! You are the pathetic person defending Bush given what is taking place on Iraq!!!!!

The usual bs col. Did the democrats who said Iraq was a threat were lying also col? That is a question you seem to avoid. Where was your outrage when the U.S. attacked Iraq under a democrat President? Hypocrit as usual.
on Aug 29, 2005
Unlike you, I do blacklist. I do so, because there is only so much nonsense that I feel compelled to respond to.

Interesting since you don't seem to respond when someone presents facts to you.
on Aug 29, 2005
I do not dispute those wonderful things we're doing in Iraq. The problem is that WE BROKE IT ALL TO BEGIN WITH. Now, we have to spend the billions to fix what we broke. And for what? So that the government that is now being set up will support an Islamist state. That's what is so pathetic about this whole stupid endeavor. Sure, the more we do for the Iraqis, the better. We sure do owe it to them. But, we're doing it at the expense now of our own country's needs, and using our grandchildren's money to do it.

So, hip, hip, hurray for our side............
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