Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The strategy at the White House has changed with respect to the Iraq War. We are now attempting to withdrawal just as soon as we have trained enough Iraq security and military forces. Bush wants to make the withdrawal appear legitimate and when that magic number has been achieved, you will see the troops begin to come home. The truth is we are not winning the military battle against the insurgents. Our military fight and die to secure an area and a few months later the very same elements are operating in that area. We then repeat the action and loose more of our troops. We do not have the manpower to control the entire country and prevent the reintroduction of the insurgent forces in the areas that we cleared with our precious military lives.

When the history books are written about this conflict, it will not be a positive oration. First, the rationale for the war was untrue. Bush supporters will say everyone thought there was WMD and therefore he did not lie as to his reason for attacking Iraq. The problem with that rationale is that the reason given today is to provide the Iraqi people the right to choose their own government. If that were the reason we chose to depose Saddam Hussein, that is the reason that Bush should have provided the Congress of the United States before asking for approval of the war resolution. Bush did not give that reason and this whole process was justified by the imminent danger to the United States. Then Bush said it was to enforce the UN Resolutions however the UN NEVER made the United States or England the enforcement agent for UN resolutions. Another rational Bush gave to remove Saddam was to rid the world of an evil dictator. There are many more evil dictators that exist in this world and Saddam Hussein was not the worst of the lot. If you have any doubt about that, look at what is happening to millions of people in Africa. If we were to provide this choice of the type of government that Bush NOW claims is the reason for the war, why not Cuba 90 miles from Florida? Why not Syria, North Korea, Iran, China or a host of other countries where the people do not have a choice. Why not our so-called ally, Saudi Arabia.

The real reason Bush wanted to invade Iraq may never be known. It was clear that this was in Bush's mind when he first took office. The removal of Saddam Hussein was a discussion item at the VERY FIRST Cabinet meeting. This has been clearly stated by the former Treasury Secretary Paul O' Neal. This was before 9/11, before we were attacked or heard about the War on Terrorism in America. The lesson we must learn is that in the future if a president asks Congress to go war with reasons that are not as stated, that president needs to be impeached and removed from office. If George W. Bush had asked Congress for authorization to attack Iraq so that Iraq people could select their own form of government, the resolution would NEVER have been approved. It is a sad day for this country that our president did not give the actual reason for America to go to war. The Bush LIE has cost America over 1,800 lives, more then 25,000 injured and over $300 billion dollars! It has created thousands if not millions of NEW enemies all over the world!

Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 17, 2005
Wrong Again. The time has come for the Iraqi people to take responsibility for their country. You are the pathetic person.

Your BOY looks sad in Crawford!!!
on Aug 17, 2005
Wrong Again. The time has come for the Iraqi people to take responsibility for their country.

And they are more and more everyday. You complain when troops aren't pulled out, and now you are complaining that we are pulling out. Which is col? Hypocrit.

Your BOY looks sad in Crawford!!!

He's not my boy col. And the only person who is sad is you. You spend all your time bashing Bush and nothing comes out of it except the lessen credibility of yourself. You can't prove your lies, and your propaganda is the same as the terrorists.
on Aug 17, 2005
With all this good news, we should tell Iraq as of 12/31/05 we will be gone and allow them to provide the security for their country!

That would definitely result in a bloody civil war, an occurrance which you claim not to wish for.
This would do nothing more than allow you and your fellow unreasoning Bush-haters to trumpet the failure of our Iraq policy, despite the fact that a pullout is exactly what you keeping calling for. There's no pleasing you.

If we pulled out of Iraq before the right time (which may be quite a long time), the same thing would happen, quite probably, as happened in Afghanistan in the wake of the end of the USSR war and pullout. There would be a struggle for power and seething anger at us for leaving them in the lurch. Bush seems to have learned from the past, so he sees that it's not an option. Maybe you should follow his example if you can.
on Aug 17, 2005
The Washington Post article Link goes on to state:
--from dabe's reply

And here we have another non-biased article from the Post that we should all read with rapt attention and believe unquestioningly, right, dabe?
on Aug 17, 2005
Col is losing again. It's time for him to start talking about the deficit.
on Aug 17, 2005
Wrone Again-- The looser is the United States and our brave military. If you believe we are gaining control of the insergents in Iraq you are very mistaken. The only thing we are doing is killing our military. If the Iraqi people want to stop the insergents, they have the power to do just that. There are 25 million people in Iraq and they CAN shut them down and STOP the support for the terrorists. If they choose not to take responsibility for their security then that is their fault. Bush has created a MAJOR problem and it is time to end this farce.
on Aug 18, 2005
Wrone Again-- The looser is the United States and our brave military. If you believe we are gaining control of the insergents in Iraq you are very mistaken. The only thing we are doing is killing our military. If the Iraqi people want to stop the insergents, they have the power to do just that. There are 25 million people in Iraq and they CAN shut them down and STOP the support for the terrorists. If they choose not to take responsibility for their security then that is their fault. Bush has created a MAJOR problem and it is time to end this farce.

Do you even look at the good news coming out of Iraq? Do you even know the extent of progress there? The answer is no because you based your opinions on the headlines, not the reality.

Wrone Again-- The looser is the United States and our brave military

Only you could think our country is losing. You are pathetic and no better than the terrorists themselves.
on Aug 18, 2005
Island Dog.

When you have served 30 years in the military come talk to me. There were no Terrorist operating in Iraq until George W. Bush opened the door for them to operate! Every day the deaths occurr ( US, British and Iraqi) . We clear an area and in a short time the terrorists are operating in the same location. We go in again, loose more troops and the cycle statrs again. We never had anything close to the number of troops needed to establish and maintain control in Iraq. That is because George did not listen to the military experts that knew what it would take to control the country when Saddam's government fell. Bush is responsible for the deaths because he went to war in the first place aginst a country that posed NO DANGER TO the United States and then did so with out the number of troops required! You are the pathetic person defending Bush given what is taking place on Iraq!!!!!
on Aug 18, 2005
The Washington Post, Bradley Grahm just reported, one month before the start of the Iraq War three State Dept Bureau Chiefs warned of "Serious planning gaps for post-conflict security" in a secret memo. I guess this warning was correct! To bad Bush did not pay attention to his staff in both the DoD and State Departments.
on Aug 18, 2005
Wrone Again-- The looser is the United States and our brave military. If you believe we are gaining control of the insergents in Iraq you are very mistaken. The only thing we are doing is killing our military.

The terrorists must love you, col.

There were no Terrorist operating in Iraq until George W. Bush opened the door for them to operate!

LOL... are you insane?

You are the pathetic person defending Bush given what is taking place on Iraq!!!!!

*salutes Island for being a proud American*
on Aug 18, 2005
The CIA has said there were no terrorists operating in Iraq prior to the fall of Saddam. He was a dictator but the type of terrorists operations that take the lives of Americans almost every day were not in Iraq before Bush deposed Saddam. The security situation appears to be getting worse and we simply do not have nearly enough forces to control that country! This situation is 100% at the door step of Gerore W. Bush! The latest poll shows 28% believe we are safer because of the war. About 35% agree with the way Bush is operating in Iraq. Bush and the CIA admitted that Saddam was not linked to 9/11. How then is this war a part of the War on Terrorism?
on Aug 18, 2005
How classy dabe. I would address the rest of your post, but as usual you are so clueless it's not even worth the effort.

Why do you even bother wasting bandwidth with such a non-response? In fact, you have nothing to say, but insults, because you're an empty bag of god knows what. If you really had something worthy to refute my case, then fine. Instead, your adolecent behavior is nothing but annoying. Kind of like a cockroach.
on Aug 18, 2005
How classy dabe. I would address the rest of your post, but as usual you are so clueless it's not even worth the effort.

Why do you even bother wasting bandwidth with such a non-response? In fact, you have nothing to say, but insults, because you're an empty bag of god knows what. If you really had something worthy to refute my case, then fine. Instead, your adolecent behavior is nothing but annoying. Kind of like a cockroach.

If anyone here would be "kinda like a cockroach"it would be "YOU"! Adolesent behavior? Don't look in a mirror.
on Aug 19, 2005
Bush deserves bashing on this. he knowingly lied to you for other hidden agendas, he planned poorly, he had vert unsophisticated plans for rebuilding Iraq and still does. he has made the life of ordinary Iraqis much worse. those that can leave Iraq are leaving creating a brain drain of the talent that the country needs. The rebuilding process is as corrupt as the 'oil for food' programme ever was with companies like Halliburton securing multi-million dollar contracts with no tendering or public process. The Kurdish timebomb is still times to explode.
Iraq has had no positive contribution to the wider Middle east conflict and Iraq has diverted attention from the battle against extremism.
I'll be in the Bush bashing Queue right begind you.
on Aug 19, 2005
Iraq has had no positive contribution to the wider Middle east conflict and Iraq has diverted attention from the battle against extremism.
I'll be in the Bush bashing Queue right begind you

More like the "brainless queue"!
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