Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 23, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The Iraqi Assembly has failed to agree on their proposed constitution. They used a technical sleight-of-hand to provide the assembly with incomplete draft constitution with 20 items that have not been resolved. At least three of these issues are MAJOR sticking points.

If the Iraqi Assembly fails to either adopt a constitution or if they adopt a constitution that is not ratified in October, Bush has a MAJOR PROBLEM. Should Iraq fail to adopt a constitution in October 2005, it will be time for the US to wash our hands of this adventure and bring our troops home. If they approve a constitution, we should set a target date for them to become responsible for their security and continue the training process of their police and military forces. The day of reckoning in Iraq will quickly be upon us!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 23, 2005
I guess the Bushies will tell us the Easter Bunny is at fault. There would not have been a "CHOOSING" without Bush invading Iraq!

If Bush took out a gun and killed an unarmed person on Live National TV, you Bushies would blame the unarmed person for being there and tell us Bush had NOTHING to do with it!
on Aug 23, 2005
Frankly Bush is the only thing America has going for it at the moment.
on Aug 23, 2005
The Iraqi constitution does say that the Bill of Rights portion supersedes Islamic law. The Bill of Rights has not even been written at this time. Much like our own Bill of Rights, it will be the true guide of what type of state will be produced.

Remember, that woman's right to vote appears in our Bill of Rights nearly 120 years after it was written.

Many of the same people complain that the reason why we have this terrorist problem is because of our attempts to force western values onto the Middle East, are the same ones moaning about the Iraqi Constitution not being western enough.

IMO the major quality that needs to be in the constitution is that it is a real Democracy which allows the people to decide their leaders (even if they chose them to be Clerics) and the abilities for that constitution to be changed by popular vote.
on Aug 23, 2005
If Bush is the only thing America has going for it, WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE. Show me the major issues Bush has solved or made better since Jan 2001?


The budget deficit
Trade deficit
Border control
Jobs leaving America
Health Care
policical discord in America
Our standing with other people in the world
Solutions for Social Security, Medicare and Medicade funding issues
Our Security and the mess in Iraq
Capture of the people responsible for 9/11
Spread of Nuclear Weapon
The Environment
Higher graduation rates (No child left behind)
on Aug 23, 2005
While many complain about Iran and its Islamic laws, you must note that it is by far closer to a Democracy then most of the dictatorship in the area.

The Iranian Constitution has two good parts.

All males can vote at elections that are run fairly. Unfortunately only clerics are allowed to run for some offices. But ANY cleric that is Radical or liberal may run with no restrictions.

The second part is that in the Iranian constitution allows that it can be changed by popular vote. That means if the Iranian people want it, they can change the Cleric requirement and also the Islamic law requirment (i.e. ending the theocracy).

While the US loves to moan about our differences with the country and our rocky past with them, they are technically much closer to a democracy then most of the Middle Eastern countries.
on Aug 23, 2005
Damnit! I should have guessed Natl Debt would appear within 20 posts, not 10... Curses!

Hey, remember that the government has been VOTED in by THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ. Yes, that's right... they had a democratic election. This isn't a set of laws being drafted by some disconnected group that isn't accountable. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps these people WANT a government steeped heavily in Islam? These people are Islamic afterall... If that's what they genuinely want, and that's what they vote for, then we have suceeded completely.

Yes, I said that... I said if the people elect to adopt an Islamic government, then we have succeded in bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq. Remember, democracy is the freedom for the people to CHOOSE how they wish to be governed. This doesn't mean they have to put in a secular govt that meshes with YOUR views for it to be right. That's the wonder of a democracy, the people get to pick their representatives. It's a majority rules system. The system isn't broken just because you disagree with that majority.
on Aug 23, 2005
Ok... I'll also fire back on your list.

What has ANY President really done to solve the issues of..
The budget deficit
Trade deficit
Border control
Jobs leaving America
Health Care

??? These have been issues for DECADES now. They're all chronic problems that no one president has done a ton to fix or hurt.

policical discord in America

Only real discord is from those who lost the election. There is no real rift in this country as a result of Bush. It's largely imagined by those on the extreme sides of the spectrum.

Our standing with other people in the world

We've never been popular abroad. Americans are arrogant and annoying travelers, and our government has always had a certain cowboy attitude. We are hated for giving aid to regions as we're accused of attempting to spread imperialism. Then we're hated for not giving enough aid and are accused of hoarding wealth and food from those who need it more. We've always been in a "Damned if we do, damned if we don't" role just by being the last superpower.

Solutions for Social Security, Medicare and Medicade funding issues

This is another ongoing problem. And while current solutions may not be optimal, I have yet to hear ONE alternative suggestion from the Democrats. Give me an ALTERNATIVE and I'll likely support it, but just saying the Bush plans are bad doesn't cut it. Stop being brainless complainers and come up with a solution to oppose the Bush plans.

Our Security and the mess in Iraq

Are we less secure today than we were 4 years ago? The ONLY change I've seen is that airports are more annoying to go through now. I feel no more or less secure than I did before 9/11. And the mess in Iraq is a moot point now really. We're there, that can't be changed so now we have to finish what we started. It's called follow-through and doing what you committed to doing. It would be wrong and disasterous to run out right now.

Capture of the people responsible for 9/11

We've been killing and capturing Al Quida people left and right. We've put many on trial. We're doing pretty well on this front.

Spread of Nuclear Weapon

Long running problem. I'd blame Russia more for this as it's a lot of THEIR shit that's being spread around. This isn't new to Bush.

The Environment

Another long running problem. What has he actually done to negatively impact the environment? What has he actually done?

Higher graduation rates (No child left behind)

Parents and local governments hold almost 100% responsibility for education problems in this country. The federal government actually has a pretty small amount of influence or impact here.
on Aug 23, 2005
"What does the type of Government in Germany or England or the fact that the Christian faith is tought in their schools have to do with the possibility of creating a second Iran?"

It points out that not every government based on a religion creates a fundamentalist state.

Jordan's government is based on Islam. In fact the Jordanian king (as was Iraq's king) is a direct descendant of Mohammed. But Jordan cannot, I think, be considered very fundamentalist, not as a state.
on Aug 23, 2005
There was NO annual Budget Deficit when Bush took office. We had a balanced budget in 2000.
We did not have the mess in Iraq when Bush took over. Saddam was NO threat to the US even if he did have WMD!

You indicate the other problems we have had for decades. During the past five years they have ALL gotten worse i.e. Trade Deficit, loss of Americabn Jobs, border security, our standing in the world, energy cost etc. Thus your answer is that Bush HAS NOT helped OR begun to solver ANY of the major issues that face our nation ( I agree) and has managed to add some new ones that did not exist when he took over ( Annual Budget Deficit and Iraq).
on Aug 23, 2005
on Aug 23, 2005
Dr Guy

Are you quoting Bush?
on Aug 23, 2005
(Stretches and yawns, bored) And we receive yet another Bush-bashing article from the good colonel. Keep it up, CG, if it helps your morale.
on Aug 23, 2005
The results of Bush during the past four plus years deserve bashing. He has done almost NOTHING WELL. I have yet to hear from you Bushies which major issues he has solved or improved as President!
on Aug 23, 2005

Why don't you SAY IT A LITTLE LOUDER, and a little more often. It might make it a little more true. Or maybe it's just a MAJOR PROBLEM for you and your ilk?
on Aug 24, 2005
The truth hurts. Not one of you that support Bush has been able to show that his policies have improved or solved the major issues facing Amereica. In addition, he has added even more to the major issues that face us, the Added Debt for example. Your Children will be paying for the Bush policies for a LONG TIME! His failures are worth repeating!!!!!!!! WE NEED NEW POLICIES - NO MORE "STAY THE COURSE" THAT IS NOT WORKING!
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