Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 23, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The Iraqi Assembly has failed to agree on their proposed constitution. They used a technical sleight-of-hand to provide the assembly with incomplete draft constitution with 20 items that have not been resolved. At least three of these issues are MAJOR sticking points.

If the Iraqi Assembly fails to either adopt a constitution or if they adopt a constitution that is not ratified in October, Bush has a MAJOR PROBLEM. Should Iraq fail to adopt a constitution in October 2005, it will be time for the US to wash our hands of this adventure and bring our troops home. If they approve a constitution, we should set a target date for them to become responsible for their security and continue the training process of their police and military forces. The day of reckoning in Iraq will quickly be upon us!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 23, 2005
One of the biggest issues is that they are allowing Islam to be the state religion, wherein it would dictate the laws of the land. This alone is a major failure of the dubya regime. It means that he has taken down a secular government, albeit Saddam's dictatorship, and replaced it with yet one more Islamic extremist mess. In fact, it gives the Iranians the power in the mideast now. What a freakin' mess these idiots have created.

Poll numbers are dropping like stones now for the dubya regime. It's about time. Only a few diehards continue to support the bastard and his oil-sucking entourage.

The time of reckoning is coming, and it ain't gonna be pretty. And, that's really sad.


Silence IS Permission
Circle The White House
SEPT 24-26, 2005
Washington D.C.
on Aug 23, 2005
Yes, If the form of government is anything like Iran, Bush will have created another MONSTER!!!!!
on Aug 23, 2005
Hey, if they want to ELECT a government like that, it's their call... Bush isn't forcing or allowing anything really. They've been left to their own devices to build a government suitable to them.

This one isn't Bush's fault, no matter how much you try to frame it that way.

(Oh, and I bet the National Debt will be used as an argument in this thread within 10 posts)
on Aug 23, 2005



Some believe it is better when more people die for other people's lies. Saving hundreds of thousands of lives just isn't worth it, I suppose. And there is just no way that any state based on religion could possibly be different from Iran.
on Aug 23, 2005
IF Iraq selects a government that is anything like Iran, it is because of the Bush policy. If that happens, we have exchanged one evil for another and lost almost 1,900 American Lives, 25, 000 injured and $300 billion to create a NEW EVIL. It is Bush that is saying Iran is a MAJOR problem for the US and the area. How turning Iraq into another Iran can be spun intio a GOOD change or not because of Bush is beyond belief. Even the most supportive Bushie will be forced to admit that Saint George screwed UP if we wind up with a second Iran in Iraq!
on Aug 23, 2005
This is pathetic, the Iraqis haven't even finished their constitution yet and your declaring "another Iran" and that Bush and Blair have failed.

Of course Islam will play a part in their society, just as Christianity plays a role in Western societies, the problem will be if we get a highly politicized version of Islam, which I think will only happen if the US and UK withdraw too soon and give ground to the child-murdering insurgents.
on Aug 23, 2005
May I say that Germany is a Christian country. Religion is even taught in state schools.
on Aug 23, 2005
"Religion is even taught in state schools."

Britain has over 7000 Christian faith schools, are they all producing Christian crusaders after Muslim blood?
on Aug 23, 2005
READ "IF IRAQ SELECTS A GOVERNMENT LIKE IRAN" I have not said they have failed. We will know soon! What does the type of Government in Germany or England or the fact that the Christian faith is tought in their schools have to do with the possibility of creating a second Iran?
on Aug 23, 2005
What we are saying is that we needn't be afraid of Islam being a part of Iraq, what we should be wary of is the insurgents largely hailed as matyrs by the anti-war crowd taking over and creating a violent state.
on Aug 23, 2005

IF Iraq selects a government that is anything like Iran, it is because of the Bush policy.

And "what" does the first part have to do with the second? I mean REALLY. What does them choosing a particular kind government have ANYTHING to do with Bush? "I can hardly wait for this answer".
on Aug 23, 2005
My point is that the creation of a new governmnet is BECAUSE Bush removed Saddam. If what is created is like Iran, we gained NOTHING and have lost lives, injuries and hundreds of billions, FOR WHAT?. If Bush had not attacked Iraq, Saddam would most likely be in power . Thus, IF we have managed to trade an Evil Dictator for a government like Iran, HOW HAVE WE MADE THE US SAFER? Bush is telling us how dangerous Iran is to our security!
on Aug 23, 2005
What does them choosing a particular kind government have ANYTHING to do with Bush? "

You're kidding, right?
on Aug 23, 2005

My point is that the creation of a new governmnet is BECAUSE Bush removed Saddam. If what is created is like Iran, we gained NOTHING and have lost lives, injuries and hundreds of billions, FOR WHAT?. If Bush had not attacked Iraq, Saddam would most likely be in power . Thus, IF we have managed to trade an Evil Dictator for a government like Iran, HOW HAVE WE MADE THE US SAFER? Bush is telling us how dangerous Iran is to our security!

Like dancing around the point huh? You "still" have not addressed the question. What does either "any" type of government choosing have to do with Bush and his policies? What are his policies twisting their arm to "make" them choose one way or the other?
on Aug 23, 2005
What does them choosing a particular kind government have ANYTHING to do with Bush? "

You're kidding, right?

dabe....you can go get lost now.
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