Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 23, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The Iraqi Assembly has failed to agree on their proposed constitution. They used a technical sleight-of-hand to provide the assembly with incomplete draft constitution with 20 items that have not been resolved. At least three of these issues are MAJOR sticking points.

If the Iraqi Assembly fails to either adopt a constitution or if they adopt a constitution that is not ratified in October, Bush has a MAJOR PROBLEM. Should Iraq fail to adopt a constitution in October 2005, it will be time for the US to wash our hands of this adventure and bring our troops home. If they approve a constitution, we should set a target date for them to become responsible for their security and continue the training process of their police and military forces. The day of reckoning in Iraq will quickly be upon us!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 24, 2005
Wah wah wah wah... Gene, you know you sound like a spoiled little kid who finally has someone who tells him "No"

How about instead of screaming, crying and moaning like a little girl, lets see you come up with ONE practical alternative solution to ANY of the problems you list. Come on, you're soooo good at pointing out the bad, lets see you come up with an original idea. I don't think I've seen you once provide a new, original thought in all of your bashing.

If you do nothing but bash, you make yourself look like a complete and utter fool.
on Aug 24, 2005
"Col" You're on crack. Big fat crack rocks. The only thing that can explain this constant paranoid vitriolic drivel, is the paranoic tendencies of a long term cocaine user.

Your articles are so biased, so lacking in factual data from any rational source (try linking to the occasional news agency for example,) and so filled with hatred, that my only surprise is that you haven't donned a Cat Stevens beard and turban, grabbed an AK and a sack of IEDs and headed east.

Have you not noticed that the only people who come on and comment on these are the whackjobs like dabe, and people that want to flame you like little-whip and the doc?

Repeat after me, this is not Vietnam.....this is not Vietnam......you are not tracy givens..........like the man said, sell crazy somewhere else, we're all full up here.
on Aug 24, 2005

As you requested:

The Annual Deficit and national Debt - Restore tax rates to the pre 2000 levels except for the marriage penality, 10% bracket and the increased child credit. Increase enforcement of tax laws to increase the Federal revenue. Cut pork spending that is at an ALL TIME HIGH.
If these steps do not bring the budget into balance, we will need more spending cuts and or tax increases. When we have a balanced the annual budget, cut more spending or increase revenue to produce at least a $200 Billion per year surplus( without Social Security and Medicare) and begin paying DOWN THE NATIONAL DEBT.

Social Security - Extent retirement age to 70 over time. Lift the cap on Income for Social Security like Medicare and invest that added revenue in equities WITHIN the Social Security Trust Fund.

Energy - Increase CAFE standards ( not the two miles per galon by 2011 like Bush has finally suggested) to an average of about 40 MPG which most experts think is possible given current technonlgy. Create partnerships between the Fed and private companies to develop refineries, nuclear plants, use of domestic coal and development of other controllable energy. Create tax help to encourage these projects and tax increases if they fail to achieve established goals.

Iraq - Set a date to leave Iraq which will privide a target for the Iraqi people to provide for their own defense.

Border protection - Add needed guards (Bush said we need 10,000 more), close border, establish worker progrem that will allow controlled entry and keep tabs of these workers. That will require the staff that we DO NOT have now. Enforce the laws that exist to stop employers from illegal employment.

Lets have Saint George start with this list!
on Aug 25, 2005
Have you not noticed that the only people who come on and comment on these are the whackjobs like dabe, and people that want to flame you like little-whip and the doc?

You know, this is what you morons all do. You attack people without even answering any questions. You attack, as in ad hominim attack, people for their beliefs. You are a disgusting piece of work. Screw you.

No, I do not believe dubya has done one goddamm thing to better this country. Not one. You all spout about how wonder NCLB is, but if this is true, then why are states now suing the feds for this idiotic piece of legislation? And, this claim that we are in Iraq to bring them democracy is so freakin bogus. It was never our mission until all other "missions" fell apart.

Only real discord is from those who lost the election.

Wrong. The real discord is from those who oppose the war and the failed policies of this administration, whether they voted for Kerry or not. If this isn't so, then why are dubya's ratings plummetting? Down to 38%, last I heard. Because growing numbers of people have had it with the chimp king.

Our standing with other people in the world

We've never been popular abroad.

Wrong again. In fact, right after 9/11, there was an outpouring from all over the world to support the US. Dubya squandered it away with his cowboy arrogance and warmongering. Now, I don't think any country on this globe supports us anymore. Certainly, not the people of those countries.

Solutions for Social Security, Medicare and Medicade funding issues

This is another ongoing problem. And while current solutions may not be optimal, I have yet to hear ONE alternative suggestion from the Democrats.

It's the solution you do not want to hear. That being that there is no freakin crisis in social security. Period. If this administration would stop pilfering from the SS trust fund for other issues, stop providing tax cuts to the wealthiest corporate interests, and use those revenues to fund stuff, instead of the SS funds, there wouldn't be a freakin crisis. As far as medicade, he and his corporate buddies have made it illegal to even negotiate for better prices for medications. Yeah, that was really helpful to fix the health care problems. Simple solution from the democrats - repeal that piece of corporate welfare, and use the negotiated savings to help people instead. These are only a few examples.

Our Security and the mess in Iraq

Are we less secure today than we were 4 years ago? The ONLY change I've seen is that airports are more annoying to go through now. I feel no more or less secure than I did before 9/11.

We are definitely less secure now than when we were before 9/11, in my opinion. Dubya's little folly into Iraq has strenghened the resolve of those Islamists who hate us. Poll after poll illustrates that people really do believe that we will be attacked again. Yeah, we have strengthened airport security. That's good. But, that's all we've done. What about our ports and our power plants, water supplies, food supplies, etc? We've done absolutely nothing with the billions of dollars directed at the Dept. of Homeland Security. Where the hell is the money going? Crap, these guys can't even be honest about the failures of our intelligence to discover the 9/11 planning. Instead, they are so busy covering their own asses.

The Environment

Another long running problem. What has he actually done to negatively impact the environment? What has he actually done?

Christ, I cannot believe you even have to ask this question. It's because you refuse to do any research at all, and instead spew the rightie party line. Well, I'm gonna point you in the right direction. Does Clear Skies Initiative ring any bells for you? You know, that corporate welfare program that allows utility companies to continue to dump tons of pollutants into the atmosphere, by repealing the requirement that they upgrade their stacks and scrubbers whenever they do any work on their plants. Does Healthy Forests Initiative ring any bells for you? You know, that bogus excuse that the bushies have given to the American people that allows lumber industries to enter forests to clean out whatever they think could add to the forest fire risks, like [cough] trees? Ring any bells? Then there is the arsenic debaucle, the constant attempts to weaken the Endangered Species Act, one example being to use farmed salmon in their counts so they can take native salmon off the list, even though they are not the same salmon; just a few examples that do nothing for the environment, but just add megabucks into the pockets of their corporate buddies. And, of course, lets not forget the ANWR drilling initiative. You say the dems are not offering solutions. Yes they are. Repeal these damaging pieces of legislation. Not very complicated really. Just solutions that you refuse to even see.

DO SOME FREAKIN' RESEARCH and stop the ad hominim attacks. You might even become a bit smarter.
on Aug 25, 2005
Only real discord is from those who lost the election.

Wrong. The real discord is from those who oppose the war and the failed policies of this administration, whether they voted for Kerry or not. If this isn't so, then why are dubya's ratings plummetting? Down to 38%, last I heard. Because growing numbers of people have had it with the chimp king.

And you are WRONG! What about the 68% who think we should take a tougher stance in Iraq?

Solutions for Social Security, Medicare and Medicade funding issues

This is another ongoing problem. And while current solutions may not be optimal, I have yet to hear ONE alternative suggestion from the Democrats.

It's the solution you do not want to hear. That being that there is no freakin crisis in social security.

Again WRONG! Your the one that needs to do the freaking research. From Cato Institute:

July 13, 2001

Clinton Wanted Social Security Privatized
by Michael Tanner

Michael Tanner is director of the Project on Social Security Privatization at the Cato Institute.
A president decides that Social Security is in need of radical reform. He assembles a team of experts to examine the issue and they conclude that allowing workers to privately invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in individual accounts is a viable way to solve the program's financial problems, increase the rate of return to young workers, and allow low income workers to accumulate real wealth. They conclude that most criticism of individual accounts -- they would be too risky, too costly to administer -- is unfounded. The president leans toward quick implementation.

George Bush? No. Bill Clinton. So much for the myth that Social Security privatization is a "partisan" or "conservative" issue.

This administration? Try EVERY administration! If not then "why" was Slick Willie so concerned?

And you "really" shouild stop reading the "Sierra Club's" propoganda! They're the only ones who really "oppose" the healthy forest plan. And the same goes for the clear skies plan. When you grow up you "might" grow a brain.
on Aug 25, 2005
miler, you are not worth my time anymore. I find you utterly intolerable.
on Aug 25, 2005
"You know, this is what you morons all do. You attack people without even answering any questions. You attack, as in ad hominim attack, people for their beliefs. You are a disgusting piece of work. Screw you."

So I take it that you disagree with my articles about how Bush's war in Iraq helped reducing the number of deaths occuring there and that the quoted text is your way of dealing with my opinion?

I suggest that the dramatic reduction in deaths occuring in Iraq is an excellent result of Bush's policies. If you disagree with that, let's hear your answers. We have seen your attacks. My point on Iraq was not an ad hominem.
on Aug 25, 2005
If Bush had provided the number of troops the Generals said were required to maintain control when Saddam's Government fell, we would not have the deaths and injuries we have had. Our deaths last month were about the highest in this war - What reduction in deaths are you talking about? Bush attackled a country that was NO danger to the US. Even if Saddam had the WMD Bush thought, they were NO THREAT TO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!The Bush policy has caused all the almost 1,900 dead and 25,000 injuries (combat and non combat on Iraq).
on Aug 25, 2005
"What reduction in deaths are you talking about?"

If you are not reading what I wrote about that, what's the point of arguing with you about it?

And what's the value of any claims that nobody answered your arguments if your strategy is to not even read what is put in front of you?
on Aug 25, 2005
You said " I suggest that the dramatic reduction in deaths occuring in Iraq is an excellent result of Bush's policies" WHAT REDUCTION IN THE DEATHS IN IRQA? US Forces have had more deaths last month then ever - Today they found another 30 dead Iraqi's Any a*s that supports the Iraq War is so screwed up there is NO hope for them. We would have NO American deaths if Bush had not lied about Iraq and started a war with a country that did not endanger the American People. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and until Bush attacked them, the terrorist groups were not operating in Iraq. THEY ARE TODAY per Porter Goss, Dir of the CIA!
on Aug 25, 2005
miler, you are not worth my time anymore. I find you utterly intolerable.

Your vocabulary is on the upswing! Now we can start on your intelligence.
on Aug 25, 2005
skru you, guy
on Aug 25, 2005
First of all, I cannot believe you are taking credit for my vocabulary. Secondly, if you think you can have any effect or success in reducing my intelligence to your dumbass level, your lack of intelligence is exceeded only by your arrogance. Sheesh.......
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