Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on September 9, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
We need to STOP the Mayor of New Orleans from the forced evacuations. The pictures on the TV should NEVER take place in America. I believe the people that choose to remain in New Orleans have made an error. However, it should be their option, even if it means an end to their life!

The Governor or the Courts should stop this NOW!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 09, 2005
However, it should be their option, even if it means an end to their life!

Are you related to 'Dr.' Kavortian?
on Sep 09, 2005
If there was ever a moment that I feel justified saying I can predict EXACTLY what someone would do, this is it...

...now, concerning all that rot about Bush not evacuating New Orleans...

" The reports I read said in excess of 150,000 remained. They still believe there are 15,000. If you think 700 busses would have solved the problem, you just do not understand the size of the problem. Only the Active Military could have handled this problem. The looting and the inability of the police or national Giarg to control the situation gave the President the authority to send in Federal Troops. He has Federal troops in there now!"

To which I said:

"I don't think for a moment 150,000 people stayed behind because they didn't have transportation. (I honestly don't believe 150,000 people stayed behind.) I don't believe even a 10th of the ones that did stay behind would have left, even if the government had been standing there begging.

I DO, know, however, had Bush sent in the military in a house-to-house operation dragging US citizens from their homes, you'd have been right here bitching about how he overstepped his authority. You'd have made up a thousand inane conspiracy theories about how Bush was starting a new reich or something."

I TOLD you if Bush had ordered the military in to evacuate New Orleans this is exactly what you'd say.

on Sep 09, 2005
I never said anything about Bush not conducting a forced evacuation. What I said is he did not provide help to stop the looters, provide medical help, evacuate those that wanted out, provided water and food AFTER the storm. He sat there Monday through Saturday without acting. Not before Saturday did the Guard BEGIN to appear in the numbers needed to have ANY impact! Again, you defend this president that failed our country when it needed leadership! Look at what is now comming to light about HIS choice for FEMA Director! Bush could kill some one in cold blood and you Bushies would say it was NOT HIS FAULT! The Federal Response was his fault. The people he appointed that did not do their job are hiis fault- He selected them.
on Sep 09, 2005
Don't sit there and pretend 150,000 people were somehow stranded in New Orleans without a ride during the evacuation. Of all the people I have seen interviewed on TV, I haven't seen more than a couple that said they didn't leave because they didn't have a ride. Once the waters rose EVERYONE wanted out, and there was no accurate count of how many and where they were.

What's even more insipid is the fact that the Red Cross was kept OUT of these areas to promote evacuation. That's a known fact. So don't blame Bush for not having resources in New Orleans. The Governer and the Mayor didn't want them there until it was too late. They thought if there were aid stations there people wouldn't bother to leave. Then when the people didn't leave anyway, they start screaming a profanity-laced SOS.

From what I know of you Col, you aren't this dumb. You simply want to use every detail you can. It doesn't matter if the shit sticks, you just hope it will smear a bit before it falls off. Idiots who never bother to look into your claims are your target audience.

on Sep 09, 2005
The people he appointed that did not do their job and it is his fault- He selected them.

Oh so now because he appointed them it's GW's fault that "they" didn't do their jobs? Even if they lied on their job app? Lets see how would that work in the real world....You get hired by a company to do "X" (whatever that might be). You "lied" (embellished) about your qualifications. You do not do your job correctly. What happens next? Do they fire the one who hired you? NO! "You" get fired for poor job performance. So get rid of the head of FEMA. And it's the "person" not the people he appointed. Get real sir (spelled cur).
on Sep 09, 2005
I have said the local and state officials were worng before the storm hit. After it hit, the local and state assets were impared by the storm and Bush did nothing effective to help from Monday until Saturday. All three levels of our government FAILED. This is a Text Book example of how NOT to handle an emergency. Given the fact they had drills and studies that predicted just what would most likely happen, is even more troubling. Bush did NOTHING to prevent or moderate the damager from a storm like this even though his own studies told him of the danger. HE CUT THE FUNDING!
on Sep 09, 2005
I agree Colon Gene, this shouldn't be happening.

I also have no doubt that if Prs. Bush had have responded the way you demand he should have, your article on the subject would have included...

on Sep 09, 2005
"and Bush did nothing effective to help from Monday until Saturday."

That's a lie. There was coast guard rescuing people immediately. I heard people lauding all the help they were getting on Thursday, saying it was "turning the corner." The idea that 20,000+ people lived in the Superdome for 6 days without any aid is idiotic. I heard to many being interviewed bitching about MREs to believe you. I saw a report on Thursday about people not knowing how to use the warmers to heat them up. Where exactly did those MREs come from, Col?

You lie, and lie, and hope no one will notice or hate Bush too much to care. You should be ashamed of yourself. You smear Bush, sure, but when you make comments like this you are smearing the people who were there the whole time working to help people. Aid was kept out until people were ALREADY in the straits you describe. Blame the people who kept out the aid. By the time they asked for it, it was too late.
on Sep 09, 2005
I have said the local and state officials were worng before the storm hit. After it hit, the local and state assets were impared by the storm and Bush did nothing effective to help from Monday until Saturday. All three levels of our government FAILED. This is a Text Book example of how NOT to handle an emergency. Given the fact they had drills and studies that predicted just what would most likely happen, is even more troubling. Bush did NOTHING to prevent or moderate the damager from a storm like this even though his own studies told him of the danger. HE CUT THE FUNDING!

Yeah but had state and local "done" their jobs in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation would we.
on Sep 09, 2005
He sat there Monday through Saturday without acting. Not before Saturday did the Guard BEGIN to appear in the numbers needed to have ANY impact!

And again you talk without thinking. Bush does not control the national guard. The LA govenor does. The "guard" is state not federal. "She's" the one that should have sent the guard in, not Bush.
on Sep 09, 2005

I was NOT TALKING ABOUT THE NATIONAL GUARD. I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE ACTIVE MILITARY THAT ARE NOW PART OF THE FORCES IN THE AREA! The Coast Guard did a fine job. They were not able to stop the looting and provide medical care, water and food. Bush could also have Federalized the Guard just like IKE did. The difference is IKE was a leader, Bush is NOT! All your BULL SHIT does not alter the fact that Bush as well as the Mayor of New Orleans and Governor failed to meet their responsibilities!

It is on the plate of Bush for selecting peope that were not qualified and for not making sure the experience they listed on the resume was correct! What kind of vetting process exists in the White House?
on Sep 09, 2005
yeh let em stay in diseased water, no power, no food. good old natural selection works for me gene.
on Sep 09, 2005

BULL! "Your" quote, not mine.

He sat there Monday through Saturday without acting. Not before Saturday did the Guard BEGIN to appear in the numbers needed to have ANY impact!

When used in "this" context you are NOT talking about active military. You don't send the "Coast Guard in". And you don't seem to be able to get it through your head. Ike federalized the guard to help with "civil unrest" NOT a natural disaster.
The same kind of vetting that exsists in the real world. I don't know about you, but I've seen it happen all to often out here. Also remains is the fact that GW is NOT the one checking resumes! However the people that do that for him should be "slapped", fired, something!
on Sep 09, 2005

Col, any kind of funding cuts would not have made any bit of difference. You need to realize that.

Also, if Bush sent in the military when you wanted, you would have made a post about how Bush is overstepping his authority. You are a fraud col.
on Sep 09, 2005
#16 by Island Dog
Friday, September 09, 2005

Also, if Bush sent in the military when you wanted, you would have made a post about how Bush is overstepping his authority. You are a fraud col.

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