Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 31, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

To be elected a person must obtain the support of some group of people. The problem with the office of President is that it and the VP are the ONLY national offices. What we have scene is an administration that has adopted policies that meet the wants of the base that elected him and ignored everyone else. That truth of that is reflected in all the polls about the Bush policies and the fact almost 75% of Americans believe we are, as a nation, moving in the wrong direction.

Although the conservatives got Bush elected, he is NOT President of just the conservatives. In fact the majority of Americans are NOT conservatives. Thus, for President Bush to properly serve our nation, he should move toward the center where the majority are politically. Clinton was a Democrat but his policies were far more toward the center then those of George W. Bush.

The base of an elected president is ALL Americans not just the right or the left!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 31, 2005

I have showed how polls taken by the MSM and similar organizations choose to poll more democrats than republicans. I have shown on several occassions how the media distorts these polls.

Anyways, if you want to believe that a media poll of 1000 Americans accurately represents the millions of people in this country, well....there's just not much hope.
on Oct 31, 2005
I read that particular blog, Island Dog and you were correct to a certain extent. However, the fact remains that not every poll centers around a sample of only 1000 Americans and not every poll from every organization or news agency within the Mainstream Media polls more Democrats then Republicans.

Now, I'll restate this challenge to you since you've failed to read it or answer to it,

Someday, Island Dog, you must share with us alternate ways of representing a consenus of the American opinion.

Any ideas Island Dog? Or is there just not much hope?
on Oct 31, 2005
Someday, Island Dog, you must share with us alternate ways of representing a consenus of the American opinion.

Any ideas Island Dog? Or is there just not much hope?

The best one I can think of is in November.

Bush - 62,040,606
Kerry - 59,028,1099
on Oct 31, 2005
I'd say that was a fine alternative, Island Dog, the only drawback being that it takes millions (billions?) of dollars and more then two months to accomplish the task, add to that the fact that the data is significantly outdated and no longer holds as much relevancy to the new day. Obviously, if another election was to be held today, two months from now, we'd very probably see some drastically different numbers then we did last January.

The main difference between the actual polls /surveys and an election tally is that one is done with smaller numbers which are expanded to the population as a whole in the form of a percentage to predict public opinion whereas the other is used to verify public opinion with actual numbers.

Different engines for different purposes.
on Oct 31, 2005
Well in a democratic system it is what the majority want not what the minority want that is to the way things are run.

Colon Gangrene, have you ever made any statement that didn't prove that the taxpayers' money was completely and utterly wasted paying for your "education".

Tell me please that you know the difference between a democracy and a representative republic. Also please tell me that you haven't smoked so much crack that you think the U.S. is a democracy.

You may return to your crack-whoring now.
on Oct 31, 2005
I'd say that was a fine alternative, Island Dog, the only drawback being that it takes millions (billions?) of dollars and more then two months to accomplish the task, add to that the fact that the data is significantly outdated and no longer holds as much relevancy to the new day. Obviously, if another election was to be held today, two months from now, we'd very probably see some drastically different numbers then we did last January.

Interesting, but let's remember most polls showed Kerry beating Bush.

Also, the election was a decisive question. Bush or Kerry. There is no way to spin that poll like the media does with targeted and distorted questions.
on Nov 01, 2005
Just to put your mind at ease about my education I know we have a republic form of government. However, those elected are expected to follow the desires of those that elected them not go off into a direction that ignores what the majority want. In 1776 we went to war with the most powerful nation at that time to end policies that most Americans did not accept - those of George III (another George) and the English Parliment.

The polls in November 2004 said the election would be close. I guess they were correct. If the election were held today, the results would be VERY different. I would like anyone to explain why, we should be following policies or court appointments that agree with about 1/3 of the people in our country and ignore the other 2/3?
on Nov 01, 2005
In 1776 we went to war with the most powerful nation at that time to end policies that most Americans did not accept - those of George III (another George) and the English Parliment.

Historians believed that only 25% of the colonial population supported the revolution, with 25% against it and 50% neutral on the subject.

I would like anyone to explain why, we should be following policies or court appointments that agree with about 1/3 of the people in our country and ignore the other 2/3?

Because the US is a Republic and when over 50% elect one of the 1/3 into office, that is the way the system works.

If the election were held today, the results would be VERY different.

Just because 2/3 of the people don't approve of the President's policies, does not mean they would vote for a Democrat at this time. Could you please provide some evidence saying that if the election was held today that they would not vote for a Republican, or is this your opinion?
on Nov 01, 2005
The polls in November 2004 said the election would be close. I guess they were correct

Nope, the polls said Kerry would beat Bush. I guess they were wrong.

I would like anyone to explain why, we should be following policies or court appointments that agree with about 1/3 of the people in our country and ignore the other 2/3?

Because like it or not, he IS the president! He was duly elected and in doing so "we" gave him the power to do those things which "you" seem to hate! Tough! You want change? You ain't going to get it until at least 2008.
on Nov 01, 2005
Lee 1776

The system is NOT working for the vast majority of Americans. The low and most of the middle income works are getting screwed. The future generations are getting screwed by the debt thay will be forced to repay because we are giving the wealthy tax cuts we can not afford. Just think we borrow money our children must repay and pay interest on the adedd debt to give those that have more then they need to have even more. Works for the Haves and the Have more The Bush Base.

Yes drmiler That is the attitude The conservatives and Bush screw the vast majority because they can. This must be part of the right wing Christian teaching. I wonder why I can not find that passage in my Bible?
on Nov 01, 2005
Bush - 62,040,606
Kerry - 59,028,1099

and then there's:

bush - 50,460,110 gore - 51,003,926
on Nov 01, 2005
Bush - 62,040,606
Kerry - 59,028,1099

and then there's:

bush - 50,460,110 gore - 51,003,926

Except the former came after the latter. We had a mulligan and still picked the "loser".

on Nov 01, 2005
The system is NOT working for the vast majority of Americans. The low and most of the middle income works are getting screwed. The future generations are getting screwed by the debt thay will be forced to repay because we are giving the wealthy tax cuts we can not afford. Just think we borrow money our children must repay and pay interest on the adedd debt to give those that have more then they need to have even more. Works for the Haves and the Have more The Bush Base.

You mean in your opinion.
on Nov 01, 2005
Island Dog.. It is not just my opinion. The facts show that for 4 years in a row the poverty index increased. Middle and low income Americans can not afford gasoline and wait for the heating bills this winter. The savings rate for middle income Americans in Negative . They are spending more then they make (going into more debt). GDP growth and profits are up but thoes do not help the working families. It helps the wealthy that own the majority of the investements. Even the impact on the average person's IRA income does not help them live TODAY.
on Nov 01, 2005
Lee, Thanks for giving the answer that I would have. It seems Colon Gangrene is as incompetent in his history as he is in his understanding of what a republic means.

Colon Gangrene, I'm glad you recognize that we are a Representative Republic, now go learn what that term means. Actually, I am very impressed with your education, it is what you have taken from it that I question.

I also find it interesting that, in a thread that you started, and has nothing to do with "class", you chose to reach for it anyway. Could it be that your original arguments failed, so you turned to your tired and true bag of class warfare tricks?

The fact is, Prs. Bush is one of the few elected officials today who makes decisions based on what he feels is best for the country. We can discuss whether we agree with him or not that his decisions were what was best, but whether or not he truly believes he is doing what is best isn't a matter of opinion. The ironic part is, even when his policies are successful, you still are too stoned, stupid, or just plain stubborn to admit he did the right thing.

How sad.
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