Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 31, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

To be elected a person must obtain the support of some group of people. The problem with the office of President is that it and the VP are the ONLY national offices. What we have scene is an administration that has adopted policies that meet the wants of the base that elected him and ignored everyone else. That truth of that is reflected in all the polls about the Bush policies and the fact almost 75% of Americans believe we are, as a nation, moving in the wrong direction.

Although the conservatives got Bush elected, he is NOT President of just the conservatives. In fact the majority of Americans are NOT conservatives. Thus, for President Bush to properly serve our nation, he should move toward the center where the majority are politically. Clinton was a Democrat but his policies were far more toward the center then those of George W. Bush.

The base of an elected president is ALL Americans not just the right or the left!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 01, 2005
Unless you want to subvert the constitution and insert some sort of "confidence vote", it's a silly point anyway. More empty complaints about a president that isn't going to run again, and who really doesn't need the approval of the country.

Even the legislature doesn't have much to worry about since empty headed folks always blame their ineptitude and failure at jobs entrusted to them on the President. The vast majority of Col. Gene's blogs are just blaming Bush for things the Constitution delegates to the Congress.

Whatever his base is, I would imagine that all his base are belong to us, though.
on Nov 01, 2005
Bush may make decisions on what he feels best but the results of his decisions show they are not producing positive results. For example how can anyone look at going from a balanced budget to $550 billion in the red this year a good outcome. How can our energy policy be considered good for our country. How can anyone look at Iraq and believe that was a good choice. How can anyone look at the arrest of the White House procurement officer, Libby, the outing of Mrs Wilson, the scandle of GOP leader of the Senate, The DeLay matter , the Myers nomination, the response to the storms, the lack of border control, his appointment of political hacks like Brown at FEMA, etc. Which of those decisions made by Bush has truly helped the majority of Americans? Please point them out for me. The failures of Bush as president are the same as Bush in Business, As Bush in school and as Bush in the National Guard.
on Nov 01, 2005
Whatever his base is, I would imagine that all his base are belong to us, though.

hell yes!

All your base belong to us.

Classic mistranslated japlish! Great call Bakerstreet!

hmmm...where is that *insightful* button...?
on Nov 01, 2005

The reality is that most of the policies that have not helped the American people were proposed by Bush and passed by those who support him in congress. Bottom line, the policies we have been following are a disaster for most people. Like the deficit, trade, Iraq, border security, energy, Social Security, Medicare, Medicade will have a negative impact for decades.
on Nov 01, 2005
The reality is that most of the policies that have not helped the American people were proposed by Bush and passed by those who support him in congress.

Our system has a remedy for this problem, if indeed it is one - Congressional elections. Feel free to vote for whoever you feel best represents your views in your Congressional District & Senate races in 2006.

on Nov 01, 2005
That is what I will do and hope all those that do not agree with the policies we are following do the same.
on Nov 01, 2005
So someone walks up to your doctor, advises him to amputate your leg, and when you find out later that the advice was wrong, you blame the third party? You keep exemplifying my point. The people who are responsible for these policies are the people WHO VOTE ON THEM.

Bush has certain responsibilities, I'm not denying that, but almost every single thing I ever hear Bush criticized for was at least in part the responsibility of Congress. That makes people like you the smokescreen of lazy, greedy, power hungry people. They LOVE all this ire over Bush. It hides their sins.

Worse, you aren't preventing Bush from being reelected. He can't be. You are building a dodge for all those congressmen who WILL be up for reelection, and whose sins will already be pawned off on the Bush administration.
on Nov 01, 2005
Just to fling poo and run, an earlier part of this thread talked about a conservative or liberal majority.

I wanted to point out that a liberal majority is an oxymoron. Liberals are those who wish to change the status quo. Therefore if they become the majority, then they are the status quo, and therefore conservatives.

Really, it's a misnomer, seeing as how there haven't been any major changes in the two parties, and that the country is about split between the two. What you really have is two conservative parties with completely polar points of view.
on Nov 01, 2005
Oh yes, and COL, you are an idiot. You make me sad that I was in the same military as you.

I couldn't possibly pass up commenting on your blog without letting you know that I take umbrage at your hate filled political ranting. Have a nice day, and find a new hobby.
on Nov 02, 2005
That is what I will do and hope all those that do not agree with the policies we are following do the same.

Don't hold your breath!
on Nov 02, 2005
The facts show that for 4 years in a row the poverty index increased. Middle and low income Americans can not afford gasoline and wait for the heating bills this winter

I have never seen a "fact" that shows Americans can't afford gasoline. Poverty is a choice in American, and is in no way related to policies.

That is what I will do and hope all those that do not agree with the policies we are following do the same.

You just don't get it col, do you? Democrats lose elections because of people like you. If you would stop the mindless hatred of Bush, and focus on other things, you guys might win someday.
on Nov 02, 2005

I have said from the start that the policies that are not working are the result of BOTH Bush and those that think like him in Congress. The process is that policies are proposed by the President and then Congress considers them and a bill results. During the past five years, the bills that have resulted from the Bush policies have been very similar to what he asked to be approved. Then Congress votes on them and if passed they go to Bush for his approval or veto. This congress in not a Veto proof congress so Bush has the power to veto anything passed by Congress and make his veto stick.

Therefore the responsibility for the policies that have been passed into law during the past five years are the responsibility of the conservatives in Congress and President Bush. Bush has not vetoed ANY bill since becomming President. He is more responsible then congress because it was his policies that started the laws and then it was his concurrence that allowed then to become law. Yes we need a change in BOTH CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE. Neither one is acting in a way that solves the issues facing America.
on Nov 02, 2005
My dislike is that the needs of Americans is not being met by the policies we are following. When ever a person does not agree with Bush and the conservatives they are accused of hatred for Bush. I do not hate anyone including Bush. I hate what the policies we are following are doing to our country. Today the president of St Bernard Parish, LA was on CNN. He was talking about the fact the Federal Government is only talking about loans to rebuild that area. As the president of the area pointed out, there is NO TAX BASE to repay ANY loan. He asked a very good question, WHY ARE WE REBUILDING IRAQ WITH A GIFT AND DEMAND St. Bernard Parish repay the money to rebuild that part of the United States? These are the types of policies I HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Nov 02, 2005
Yes we need a change in BOTH CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE.

What we need is the abolishment of the Great Society, and the purging of the New Left anti-Americanism so prevalent in this country. An end to Neocon world utopia via democracy, invasion, and unchecked immigration would help too.
on Nov 02, 2005
What do you mean by the Great Society? If you mean Social Security and Medicare you are swimming Up Stream! Most of the Boomers have no time or options to replace either of these programs.
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