Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Bush spin doctors have outdone themselves with their claim that seeking ALL the facts that lead to the Iraq War is an attempt to CHANGE HISTORY. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learning ALL the intelligence that was available before we went to war is to COMPLETE the history of how we got into this war not change history.

There is no question George W. Bush intended to invade Iraq from the very beginning of his Administration. At his First cabinet meeting the invasion of Iraq was discussed according to then Secretary of Treasury Paul O’Neill. That was nine months BEFORE 9/11.

So far we have learned that much of the intelligence that Bush used as justification for our invasion was provided by Ahmet Celebi, a convicted felon who wanted the United States to remove Saddam so he could assume a position of power in Iraq. Congress was not made aware that this person, was the source of much of the so called intelligence Bush sighted for reasons to go to war. There are reports of other intelligence that did not support the Bush rational for war that existed PRIOR to passing the war resolution that Congress was not made aware of.

The Phase II Intelligence Committee report must document ALL the intelligence that existed PRIOR to going to war and learning why ALL that intelligence, including the information that DID NOT support the Bush arguments, were not known by Congress before they allowed Bush to invade Iraq. That will be completing the history of the Iraq War NOT rewriting the history of the Iraq War as the Bush spin doctors claim.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 16, 2005
No Island Dog 2/3 of about 280 Million. If you want to kid youself that the vast majoity do not agree with Bush, so be it. I just wish the presidential election had taken place this november!
on Nov 16, 2005
No Island Dog 2/3 of about 280 Million. If you want to kid youself that the vast majoity do not agree with Bush, so be it. I just wish the presidential election had taken place this november!

Prove it col. You have no facts except from a media poll of 1000 American which is not factual at all. Go to every persons house in America col, then you have real facts. Bush was elected and re-elected and you still can't get over it. With all your whining and complaining it does nothing. Democrats are so pathetic that they can't even beat Bush, why don't you go help them get their party out of disarray?

Col, Bush would still win. I know you don't understand this but the democrats offer no alternatives to Bush. All they have is the political version of your blog. Bush is bad, Bush is bad.

on Nov 16, 2005
Only a fool would vote to continue policies that have failed like the Bush policies have failed. The man is inept. He is disliked in the US and in MOST of the world. There is not a single major policy that he is pushing that most people want for this country because they benefit only his "Base" The haves and the have more. Then there are some so called GOP conservates that follow him just because he is a Republican and they themselves are being harmed by his policies-- That includes any people that are not on the top 5% of the income lader. Many middle income Bush supporters are worse off then they were 5 years ago. His policies have taken from the middle income workers and gave to the wealthy for Republicans, Democrats and independents..
on Nov 16, 2005
COL, here's the problem I have with the tone of your article. You want to get all of the facts from before the war and re-analyze them based on intelligence gained directly due to the war itself. Then decide whether they are in fact credible assumptions.

So you are, to a degree, wanting to rewrite history, by analyzing the situation from a completely different knowledge base, one that didn't exist prior to the invasion.

It's an empty statement to say that knowing what we now know it was not a good idea to invade, since it's fully circular reasoning. We wouldn't know what we now know if we hadn't invaded in the first place.
on Nov 16, 2005
COL, here's the problem I have with the tone of your article. You want to get all of the facts from before the war and re-analyze them based on intelligence gained directly due to the war itself. Then decide whether they are in fact credible assumptions.

So you are, to a degree, wanting to rewrite history, by analyzing the situation from a completely different knowledge base, one that didn't exist prior to the invasion.

It's an empty statement to say that knowing what we now know it was not a good idea to invade, since it's fully circular reasoning. We wouldn't know what we now know if we hadn't invaded in the first place.

Nice one. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's like getting married. Would you have mariied your wife if you knew then what you know about her? Bad habits, prior sexual relationships, criminal records, weird family, etc. I have extensive experiences of doing what I thought was the right thing only to get negative results about 90% of the time. It's how the world works, those of us who do good things have to live with the fact that does who do nothing feel they look bad when we do good thing. And therefor try to make us the bad guys so as to not be seen as bad themselves.
on Nov 16, 2005
The best statement I have heard about Bush's WMD statements came from the talking head John Gibson on FOX news last night:

Remember, if Bush were going to lie about something, why would he send 150,000 U.S. troops to discover the lie and put it on display before the world and the American voter? Link

This is just common since, something the left wing has buried under their hatred of Bush.
on Nov 16, 2005
Lee -

What a "Doh!" moment - if only the Bush haters were as smart as Homer.

With the left, no good deed goes unpunished.

on Nov 16, 2005
History is What took place at a point in time. We only know part of what took place and most of that is what Bush and his staff have provided. To learn the remander of what took place is not changing ANYTHING it is simply knowing all of want took place i.e.the complete history of how we went to war in Iraq. The problem Bush may have is that if that missing history shows that the information was burried so that only the information that supported going to war was released, Bush could be in trouble.
on Nov 16, 2005
I just wish the presidential election had taken place this november!

then why not go get your judges to judge that the last election was unconstitutional, and reset the date to this month? Hell, that is the only way you yahoos can seem to get anything done, is having the courts unconstitutionalize every law you agree with.....constitution be damned.
on Nov 16, 2005
Only a fool would vote to continue policies that have failed like the Bush policies have failed. The man is inept. He is disliked in the US and in MOST of the world. There is not a single major policy that he is pushing that most people want for this country because they benefit only his "Base" The haves and the have more. Then there are some so called GOP conservates that follow him just because he is a Republican and they themselves are being harmed by his policies-- That includes any people that are not on the top 5% of the income lader. Many middle income Bush supporters are worse off then they were 5 years ago. His policies have taken from the middle income workers and gave to the wealthy for Republicans, Democrats and independents..

my wife and I make 17k a year....combined. FAR from the top 5%....and I am most definetely NOT one of the haves or the have mores.

But, I have more now, than I ever have in the past. A good job (looking to be promoted, even).....just recently bought a home (this past summer). Gas prices are dropping. Life is looking up....

So, you were saying...(?)
on Nov 16, 2005
I am glad you are doing well. However, the debt this nation is building, the lack of progress in education, the lack of an energy policy and many other things are far worse then 5 years ago and the Bush policies have no solutions. You and your children will be paying for Bush all your lives. I hope you live someware where you will not need to heat your home this winter. If not you will get another shock. There is NOTHING in the conservative fiscal policies that will help a family like yours!
on Nov 17, 2005
MM -

Actual results & troublesome reality are not the issue - it's the hypothetical catastrophe that matters.

on Nov 17, 2005
MM -

Actual results & troublesome reality are not the issue - it's the hypothetical catastrophe that matters.

on Nov 17, 2005
MM -

Actual results & troublesome reality are not the issue - it's the hypothetical catastrophe that matters.

on Nov 17, 2005
JU's acting up again. Sorry for the extra posts.

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