Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Bush spin doctors have outdone themselves with their claim that seeking ALL the facts that lead to the Iraq War is an attempt to CHANGE HISTORY. Nothing could be further from the truth. Learning ALL the intelligence that was available before we went to war is to COMPLETE the history of how we got into this war not change history.

There is no question George W. Bush intended to invade Iraq from the very beginning of his Administration. At his First cabinet meeting the invasion of Iraq was discussed according to then Secretary of Treasury Paul O’Neill. That was nine months BEFORE 9/11.

So far we have learned that much of the intelligence that Bush used as justification for our invasion was provided by Ahmet Celebi, a convicted felon who wanted the United States to remove Saddam so he could assume a position of power in Iraq. Congress was not made aware that this person, was the source of much of the so called intelligence Bush sighted for reasons to go to war. There are reports of other intelligence that did not support the Bush rational for war that existed PRIOR to passing the war resolution that Congress was not made aware of.

The Phase II Intelligence Committee report must document ALL the intelligence that existed PRIOR to going to war and learning why ALL that intelligence, including the information that DID NOT support the Bush arguments, were not known by Congress before they allowed Bush to invade Iraq. That will be completing the history of the Iraq War NOT rewriting the history of the Iraq War as the Bush spin doctors claim.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 17, 2005
the lack of progress in education

I know you blame all of your problems on Bush. Are you really trying to put the state of the education system on his back too?

Kids are under-educated by under-paid, under-accountable teachers. I graduated from high school barely. This was several years ago. I had teachers back then that could really give two shits if I showed up for class. I got news for you buddy ... some of those teachers are still in the class room.

Do you realize how stupid you make yourself sound when you offer a simple sweeping statement like the education system sucks and our kids are all stupid because of Bush's policies. I will give you the right to be upset with policy but policy is not history and the American education system is a historical failure.

You and your children will be paying for Bush all your lives.

No matter who is in office we are all left with something to pay for. Since Clinton and his BJ problem, we now have a morally bankrupt society. How do you explain the trend in 13-15 year olds who now think oral sex is not really sex?

All your base are belong to us.
on Nov 17, 2005
However, the debt this nation is building, the lack of progress in education, the lack of an energy policy and many other things are far worse then 5 years ago and the Bush policies have no solutions. You and your children will be paying for Bush all your lives. I hope you live someware where you will not need to heat your home this winter. If not you will get another shock. There is NOTHING in the conservative fiscal policies that will help a family like yours!

So all the years before Bush when education sucked, when energy policies were lacking and things were far worse than they were even before Bush was elected the first time don't count? So your only concern is from day 1 that Bush entered office. Funny how you blame a lifetime of problems that this country has had on a single person like Bush. I guess you think it's his fault the Social Security dilema as well, something that has been building up for years since it was first created. I guess in your mind anyone else could have solved all these problems that Bush can't. Maybe you should shoot out some solutions. You feel Bush is so inept, can you come up with solutions to any or all of these dilemas you cry so much about? Or are you just as inept?
on Nov 18, 2005
The amount Bush and his policy of cutting taxes while increasing spending has added more debt then ANY other President. Between Bush and reagen, they will have added about $7 Trillion of the $10 Trillion that will be on the books when Bush goes back to Texas. Just wait until you see what the interest will be in the 2009 budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Nov 18, 2005
The amount Bush and his policy of cutting taxes while increasing spending has added more debt then ANY other President. Between Bush and reagen, they will have added about $7 Trillion of the $10 Trillion that will be on the books when Bush goes back to Texas. Just wait until you see what the interest will be in the 2009 budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey col you "still" going on about this? Time to change your tune. You seem to forget that Bush CAN'T raise taxes or give tax cuts on his own. ALL of the above MUST be authorized first by CONGRESS. And I notice that you're starting in on Reagan. Not a good idea.
on Nov 19, 2005
The time to change my tune is when we are on a path to repay the debt and STOP paying the added interest . I am glad all you Bushies like paying more taxes to pay the interest on the debt. China holds almos $1 Trillion of our debt. and we will be sending them millions of our tax dollars EVERY year!
on Nov 19, 2005
The time to change my tune is when we are on a path to repay the debt and STOP paying the added interest . I am glad all you Bushies like paying more taxes to pay the interest on the debt. China holds almos $1 Trillion of our debt. and we will be sending them millions of our tax dollars EVERY year

ONCE again you miss the point by a mile. The POINT was that Bush can not push through a tax cut OR a new tax by himself! Those require an act of CONGRESS! So where is your outrage against them?
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