Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 3, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics
The plea of Abramoff has caused a lot of GOP members to have changed their shorts today. The more Abramoff cooperates the less time he will spend in Jail. This one could be the 2006 election for the GOP.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 06, 2006
Interesting how the republican sheep aren't bothered at all by this scandal and resort to the old, worn out response, "Well, under Clinton blah, blah, blah..." It's really pathetic. There was no lobbying scandal under Clinton. The big "scandal" was for loans and while some of it was probably unethical, there was nothing illegal about it. It wasn't about individuals buying influence.

No what's "really" interesting is the fact that "NO ONE" even so much as mentioned Clinton's name until you did! And just maybe you should do some research "before" engaging your mouth....

Bill Clinton and Al Gore met with known criminals who either gave large amounts of money to the Democrats or were brought in by those giving huge sums of money to the Democrats. These people included convicted drug dealer Jorge Cabrera; a Chinese arms dealer named Wang Jun; and Grigory Lutchansky, whose company, Nordex, was on Clinton's CIA watch list and who was denied entry into Canada because he failed a background check!
There is also the appearance of foreign policy quid pro quos involving Indonesia, Paraguay, Guam, Vietnam and China. Even more disturbing are allegations of economic espionage, communist Chinese involvement in U.S. elections, and compromising U.S. national security - all in the name of helping the Democrats and securing Bill Clinton's reelection.

And just an FYI...do you realize that the indian nations are exempt from the campaign finance law? Doesn't that smack of a way to really pedal some influence? And guess who sits on the indian affairs committee? That's right "Dingy Harry" Reid!
on Jan 06, 2006
democrats receiving tainted money.ok

Republicans doing the same. criminal

another much to do about nothing? Priceless
on Jan 06, 2006
It is time to stop ALL contributions and any other favors, gifts, trips etc to ANY elected officials from lobbyists, corporations, PAC's etc.
on Jan 06, 2006
It is time to stop ALL contributions and any other favors, gifts, trips etc to ANY elected officials from lobbyists, corporations, PAC's etc.

What a great idea! Surprised no one ever thought of it before. (sarcasm alert)

And yet when someone comes up with legislation to prevent these things from happening, it gets shot down by both sides of the aisle. How's the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform bill coming along, guys? Know why? Politicians don't want to stop their gravy train.
on Jan 06, 2006
The GOP controls BOTH houses of Congress and the White House. They have the power to act but will not because they want the money and perks. Look at Tom DeLay. He took hundreds of these gifts.
on Jan 06, 2006
The GOP controls BOTH houses of Congress and the White House. They have the power to act but will not because they want the money and perks. Look at Tom DeLay. He took hundreds of these gifts.

Of course col. Blame republicans for everything. How pathetic.
on Jan 07, 2006
The GOP has control. The scandals have not so widespread in a long time. I would like to see ALL the members of Congress that have taken funds and the free trips etc removed. Bush also has received these funds. Delay has now given up. The handwriting is on the wall.
on Jan 07, 2006
Hmm, let's explore the thinking of pundits like the good Col:

Republicans accepting gifts from lobbyists within the US = BAD

Democrats accepting campaign contribuntions from foreign, hostile nations = GOOD.

Inconsistency, thy name is Col. Gene.
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