Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not Tone deaf but Stone deaf
Published on February 27, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush has said he will veto any attempt by Congress to stop the proposed sale of six American Ports to Dubai Ports. Mr. Bush has asked what is the difference between a British company who currently owns and operates the ports and a company from the United Arab Emirates? Let’s take a look Mr. Bush:

The current operator is NOT owned and operated by the British Government.

Dubai Ports is OWNED and OPERATED by the UAE.

None of the 9/11 terrorists were English citizens.

Two of the 9/11 terrorists were from UAE.

England recognizes Israel.

UAE does NOT recognize Israel.

Funding for 9/11 did not go through British Banks.

Funding for 9/11 did go through UAE Banks.

England did not warn Osama bin Laden in 1999 of our intent to capture him which enabled his escape but UAE DID WARN HIM and that prevented his capture by the United States.

England does not support Islamic Terrorist organizations.

Several Islamic organizations have been supported by elements in the UAE. The UAE was only one of three countries in the world that recognized the Taliban as the ruler of Afghanistan.

President Bush tells us that the security at our ports will remain unchanged under this new contract. That means we will continue to inspect about 5% of the containers that come into the United States. That also means Dubai Ports will be responsible to supervise loading ALL these containers and prepare the documentation showing what is in all these containers. This is what Mr. Bush is willing to turn over to the UAE.

Mr. Bush – Congress and the American people DO NOT WHANT THIS CONTRACT APPROVED! Just like Rep. Myrick ® from NC said when she wrote you about allowing this contract to be approved – Not only NO but HELL NO! Mr. Bush - bring on your Veto. Congress - override his veto.

It is time for Congress to insist that George W. Bush begin to meet his responsibilities to FULLY protect our ports and borders. He must request to fully fund the Coast Guard and our military. It is DISGARCEFUL how Mr. Bush has FAILED to fully protect our country. It is time for an American company to own and operate our ports.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 01, 2006
Got ya.
on Mar 01, 2006

You do not know what you are talking about. I have brought what the PLAYERS have advised Bush. People like, O'Neil, Greenspan, and the Comptroller General of the U S. Gates, Buffet, generals Riggs, McCaffrey, Shinseki, and Clark. Professors Krugman, Record, Tsurumi, Kersh. Ron Suskind, Michael Scheuer, Richard Clark. The Treasury Dept. GAO, Labor Dept, OMB etc. These are the PLAYERS.

What ever you say Col. And then you think we are sheep or mindless followers, you can't even make up your own mind without using all these people to fill you head up first. Hows about you reach your own conclusions without any info from all these peeple who are only concerned with fame and fortune.
on Mar 01, 2006
Again you do not know what you are talking about. I used both the collective advise of these sources plus my education and experience in business and the military. Below is the press release for you to pick apart.


EDITORS: E-mail: genep0041@earthlink.net
Tel: (239) 541-5799

Change the Bush policies to protect our future?
What have the Bush policies done, suggested alternatives and insightful Blogs

CAPE CORAL, FLA. - You can not turn on the TV, radio or read the news paper without politics hitting you in the face. There are many books that have blasted President Bush and the Congress for their failure to address some of the most important issues facing America as we begin the 21st century. WHY should you read, George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich? To look at alternate suggestions to solve the issues the current policies are not solving.

The Author has drawn from more then 40 blue ribbon sources to write his book. The first section documents the impact of the policies President Bush and the GOP have enacted since January 2001. The results are clearly stated and documented without the SPIN. The second section offers alternate policy suggestions to solve many of the issues that our current policies have failed to address. Topics such as Medicare, Social Security, Energy, the Federal Deficit, Taxes, Spending, Trade, Illegal Aliens and the loss of American Jobs. The third section is a sample of the Author’s Blogs that take issue with current news stories. The Author has used specific news stories to create his Blogs in order to illustrate the impact of the Bush policies on the average person and the country overall. This section will in some cases be humorous while at other times provocative. In all cases they will grab the reader’s attention.

To learn the truth about what is happening in America and to look at some different solutions you MUST read, George W. Bush Robin Hood for the Rich.

The Author has used his successful business and military careers combined with an outstanding number of expert sources and federal agencies to prepare his analysis of the Bush policies and offer alternatives to effectively deal with the problem areas that have not been resolved by the current policies. The Author is in total agreement with President Bush that WE NEED TO JUDGE BY RESULTS! Let’s look at the results and possible alternatives so we can pass on a BETTER America to our children! We should not,” stay the course” when that course leads us over a cliff.

AuthorHouse is the world leader in publishing and print-on-demand services. For more information, visit www.authouhouse.com.
on Mar 01, 2006
Again you do not know what you are talking about. I used both the collective advise of these sources plus my education and experience in business and the military. Below is the press release for you to pick apart.

Please, you keep proving my point. Do you believe I'm gonna read something you post that is not even yours? You do not have an opinion of your own, you take the ideas of those who make sense to you and then put them all together and make it your idea, your opinion. The day you can put across and argument about what you believe in, not what someone said or you copied from, then I can see you as a serious person worthy of a real debate, in the mean time you will continue to get the same response from me and from many here who already do the same. You have no credebility cause you get your opinions from someone else and make them your own.

So if someone here doesn't know what they are talking about, it's you, cause nothing you say comes from your mind, it comes from the words of someone else. This is the best discription for you:

leech: a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage.

on Mar 01, 2006

How you can be so ill informed is amazing. The second section of my book ARE MY SUGGESTIONS to resolve the issues that have NOT been resolved by the Bush policies. Section one is predicated of more then 40 experts or official federal Government agencies. The data is factual and clearly shows where this country has gone over the past 5 years. My book should be out in April. Maybe you can learn something by reading it. However, I would suspect your closed mind can learn very little.
on Mar 01, 2006
Newsmax.com just announced the parent company of Dubai Ports is supporting the Arab Boycott against ALL products made in Israel. This is the company Bush wants to have manage our ports. UAE may have cooperated to some degree with us but they are part of the Islamic movement that opposes Israel and which will prevent ANY solution of the conflict in the Moslem world.
on Mar 01, 2006
However, I would suspect your closed mind can learn very little.

I'm closed minded? How foolish of you to say such a thing when you are so thick you could have probably saved the military money by not using a helmet since you don't need one. Real ideas could enter your head if they were fitted with a nuclear warhead.

How you can be so ill informed is amazing. The second section of my book ARE MY SUGGESTIONS to resolve the issues that have NOT been resolved by the Bush policies.

Where you get that idea of me being ill informed is beyond me. You on the other hand have plenty of info, but none of it is yours. Hey, even I could be a genius if I used Einstein's ideas as my own. Believe what you want, that is your freedom to do so, but the only smart thing about you is the ability to use other peoples words, ideas and analysis as your own, but you would have to get that passed people who are dumber than you cause most people here can see right thru you, even with a head as thick as yours.

The data is factual and clearly shows where this country has gone over the past 5 years. My book should be out in April.

If you say so, I'll be sure to avoid all book stores during April. I bet they would make great sofa levelers and would burn great in fireplaces. I wouldn't buy a book from you if God told me to.

Maybe you can learn something by reading it.

Yea, I could learn what too many bullets to the head can do to your brain. Is the whole thing written in caps, since you adore them so much and it's the only way you can get peoples attention, by yelling? Will it be spell checked before printed? Will it have your face on the back so I can use it to print posters for a lost brain? I could only think of one thing this book would be good for, to see how many times the name Bush shows up. That would prove how obsesed you are with him. I can bet Bush will buy one.
on Mar 01, 2006
As I have said in an earlier post, those that pan what I have said just show their ignorance. My information is founded on the expert advice of the people and official Federal Agencies I have indicated. So when you argue with me you also argue will all the nationally known experts I used as sources. All that does is confirm YOUR IGNORANCE!Here are the major sources I used: George W. Bush – Robin Hood for the Rich by Colonel Gene P. Abel Sources: Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve Bill Gates Boston Globe-Bush National Guard Service Brookings Institute Center For Economic And Policy Research Charles Lewis Congressional Budget Office - CBO Dan Rather David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001 Federal Reserve General Accounting Office –GAO General Barry McCaffrey General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS General Wesley Clark Hoover Institute Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer) Journal of Foreign Affairs Lt. General John Riggs Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records Office of Management and Budget – OMB Paul Craig Roberts Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003 Paul R. Pillar retired CIA Top Counterterrorism Coordinator Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward Popular Science -- Airborne Laser Presidential Commission on Social Security Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University Professor Rogan Kersh Senator Ted Kennedy comments on Medicare January 2005 Sierra Club Social Security and Medicare Trustees The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor of GWB United States Army War College U S Conference of Mayors Warren Buffet Washington Post 60 minutes 60 Minutes II
on Mar 01, 2006
Tova7 -

About this law (requiring recognition of Israel as a condition of commerce with the US) that has surfaced as an issue - if it is indeed on the books, it's been honored in the breech in a big way for a long time.
on Mar 01, 2006
Col, you just cited your own book as a source... *knock knock*
on Mar 01, 2006


What I did was COPY the "Sources" section from my book. That included the title of the book but is NOT ONE of the sources. To accommodate your limited intellect let see if this will format the "Sources" section a little more clearly.

George W. Bush – Robin Hood for the Rich by Colonel Gene P. Abel


Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve

Bill Gates

Boston Globe-Bush National Guard Service

Brookings Institute

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Charles Lewis

Congressional Budget Office - CBO

Dan Rather

David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States

Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt

Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001

Federal Reserve

General Accounting Office –GAO

General Barry McCaffrey

General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS

General Wesley Clark

Hoover Institute

Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer)

Journal of Foreign Affairs

Lt. General John Riggs

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Office of Management and Budget – OMB

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003

Paul R. Pillar retired CIA Top Counterterrorism Coordinator

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Popular Science -- Airborne Laser

Presidential Commission on Social Security

Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor

Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University

Professor Rogan Kersh

Senator Ted Kennedy comments on Medicare January 2005

Sierra Club

Social Security and Medicare Trustees

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor of GWB

United States Army War College

U S Conference of Mayors

Warren Buffet

Washington Post

60 minutes

60 Minutes II

on Mar 01, 2006


What I did was COPY the "Sources" section from my book. That included the title of the book but is NOT ONE of the sources. To accommodate your limited intellect let see if this will format the "Sources" section a little more clearly.

George W. Bush – Robin Hood for the Rich by Colonel Gene P. Abel


Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve

Bill Gates

Boston Globe-Bush National Guard Service

Brookings Institute

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Charles Lewis

Congressional Budget Office - CBO

Dan Rather

David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States

Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt

Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001

Federal Reserve

General Accounting Office –GAO

General Barry McCaffrey

General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS

General Wesley Clark

Hoover Institute

Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer)

Journal of Foreign Affairs

Lt. General John Riggs

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Office of Management and Budget – OMB

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003

Paul R. Pillar retired CIA Top Counterterrorism Coordinator

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Popular Science -- Airborne Laser

Presidential Commission on Social Security

Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor

Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University

Professor Rogan Kersh

Senator Ted Kennedy comments on Medicare January 2005

Sierra Club

Social Security and Medicare Trustees

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor of GWB

United States Army War College

U S Conference of Mayors

Warren Buffet

Washington Post

60 minutes

60 Minutes II

on Mar 01, 2006
Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor of GWB

We're back to that again? Jesus.
on Mar 01, 2006
Here is some info on the Israel boycott issue;


on Mar 01, 2006
Thanks for the links, davad, though the second one is 4 years old.

Nonetheless, this is a valid reason to question the deal, as opposed to the security issue, which is a non-issue in reality.

If US law bars doing business with countries which participate in boycotting Israeli goods, and the UAE is still doing so, then we shouldn't be doing business with the UAE. I suspect the situation is not as simple as that, however, as we've been doing business with the UAE for many, many years.
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