Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He is not Tone deaf but Stone deaf
Published on February 27, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush has said he will veto any attempt by Congress to stop the proposed sale of six American Ports to Dubai Ports. Mr. Bush has asked what is the difference between a British company who currently owns and operates the ports and a company from the United Arab Emirates? Let’s take a look Mr. Bush:

The current operator is NOT owned and operated by the British Government.

Dubai Ports is OWNED and OPERATED by the UAE.

None of the 9/11 terrorists were English citizens.

Two of the 9/11 terrorists were from UAE.

England recognizes Israel.

UAE does NOT recognize Israel.

Funding for 9/11 did not go through British Banks.

Funding for 9/11 did go through UAE Banks.

England did not warn Osama bin Laden in 1999 of our intent to capture him which enabled his escape but UAE DID WARN HIM and that prevented his capture by the United States.

England does not support Islamic Terrorist organizations.

Several Islamic organizations have been supported by elements in the UAE. The UAE was only one of three countries in the world that recognized the Taliban as the ruler of Afghanistan.

President Bush tells us that the security at our ports will remain unchanged under this new contract. That means we will continue to inspect about 5% of the containers that come into the United States. That also means Dubai Ports will be responsible to supervise loading ALL these containers and prepare the documentation showing what is in all these containers. This is what Mr. Bush is willing to turn over to the UAE.

Mr. Bush – Congress and the American people DO NOT WHANT THIS CONTRACT APPROVED! Just like Rep. Myrick ® from NC said when she wrote you about allowing this contract to be approved – Not only NO but HELL NO! Mr. Bush - bring on your Veto. Congress - override his veto.

It is time for Congress to insist that George W. Bush begin to meet his responsibilities to FULLY protect our ports and borders. He must request to fully fund the Coast Guard and our military. It is DISGARCEFUL how Mr. Bush has FAILED to fully protect our country. It is time for an American company to own and operate our ports.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Mar 01, 2006
Tova7 -

About this law (requiring recognition of Israel as a condition of commerce with the US) that has surfaced as an issue - if it is indeed on the books, it's been honored in the breech in a big way for a long time

Yeah, I can't find the law any where so I sent an email to Fox to see if they can give me a reference.

But I'm not holding my breath.

I am all for Israel...so any enemy of Israel is no friend of mine...personally...

I still think its cool we have a law about it though.
on Mar 01, 2006
I suspect the situation is not as simple as that, however, as we've been doing business with the UAE for many, many years.

You are right, but I wonder if now that its in the "spot light" if that will continue?

I've noticed in our history sometimes we make laws for political reasons, but in reality, once the cameras are off....bamo. We break those laws.

on Mar 01, 2006
The devil's always in the details, Tova. This kind of stuff can be terribly convoluted despite good intentions.
on Mar 01, 2006
You JUMP to conclusions about Professor Tsurumi. He commented on two very different subjects. One is what GWB told him at the time about how he got into and out of the Guard. That is a follow up on the CBS story last year. The other area were comments by the professor about statements made by GWB that clearly show his attitude about the poor, various social policies that clearly show a great deal about the Bush policies TODAY. The Bush comments to the Professor show how radical and far Right the ideas that Bush expressed while at Harvard. Thus the comments of Professor Tsurumi are VEYR RELAVENT to the policy choices Bush is making as president.
on Mar 02, 2006
You JUMP to conclusions about Professor Tsurumi.

This is also the Professor that said GWB spanked and road him like a horse.

Then bragged to this leftwing Professor how he skipped out of his Guard Duty.

Lets just add one more thing, if GWB was as much of a Rightwing racist student that Professor Tsurumi claims he was. Then why on the Green Earth would GWB even hang out with a openly Leftwing Asian Professor?
on Mar 02, 2006

As I have said in an earlier post, those that pan what I have said just show their ignorance. My information is founded on the expert advice of the people and official Federal Agencies I have indicated. So when you argue with me you also argue will all the nationally known experts I used as sources. All that does is confirm YOUR IGNORANCE!

Your information is founded on expert advice from those experts who you agree with but dismiss all those who contradict you. So whows the real ignorant person here? Hell i could right a book about the horrors of the US military by simply dismissing all the good things they have done. Only ignorant people would believe the one-sided book, which is exactly what you and you book are.

And once again, you can take your book and all the info inside and shove it where the sun don't shine. I have no interest in it and it's sad that you would use JU as a place to advertize your excuse to make money off the ignorant and the curious.
on Mar 02, 2006
And once again, you can take your book and all the info inside and shove it where the sun don't shine. I have no interest in it and it's sad that you would use JU as a place to advertize your excuse to make money off the ignorant and the curious.

If you truly have no interest in it, then why do you keep posting about his book in his thread?
on Mar 02, 2006
If you truly have no interest in it, then why do you keep posting about his book in his thread?


What's your take in this? Why do you care what I do? Yes, this is his thread and if he choses to he can ban me from it. But he also has to face the fact that by posting about his book and allowing me to reply about it that he either has to deal with it or ban me. Why am I even bothering with you? I saw you as a pretty smart person here and hardly argued against you cause I admit when I know little about things you know more of. But your making me rethink my stance on you.
on Mar 02, 2006
Well I searched, sent emails and all to no avail.

I haven't even heard mention of the law again since yesterday. So maybe the judge was wrong...

I guess you can consider it off the table.....for now.
on Mar 02, 2006
What's your take in this? Why do you care what I do? Yes, this is his thread and if he choses to he can ban me from it. But he also has to face the fact that by posting about his book and allowing me to reply about it that he either has to deal with it or ban me.

What's my take on what? On you arguing against something that you say you don't care about? I just don't understand it is all. Why do I care what you do? I don't really "care" in the usual sense, I'm just curious why you continue to enable him to do something you clearly despise. If you think it's not my business, then you probably shouldn't post in a public forum.
on Mar 02, 2006
Well I searched, sent emails and all to no avail.

I haven't even heard mention of the law again since yesterday. So maybe the judge was wrong...

I've been searching for this law also Tova. It's not just the judge who made reference to it, I've seen it mentioned in several places. Let us know if you come up with anything.
on Mar 02, 2006

You just show you complete ignorance. The sources I have used are NOT skewed to the right or the left. They are Federal Agencies, respected organizations or individuals that are experts on the subjects in question. Your opinion and negative comments will not change the information nor the results of what may be the WORST President in our history. EVERY DAY brings us more revaluations of how stupid or devious Bush has been. Every day brings more information to light of how incompetent he and the people he appointed are and the damage they have done to our country.
on Mar 02, 2006
antiboycott law enforcement info here

on Mar 02, 2006
What's my take on what? On you arguing against something that you say you don't care about? I just don't understand it is all. Why do I care what you do? I don't really "care" in the usual sense, I'm just curious why you continue to enable him to do something you clearly despise. If you think it's not my business, then you probably shouldn't post in a public forum.

Your right. I appologize. I responded out of anger for something else not related to you and I took it out on you. Like I said I consider you a pretty smart person (not pretty and smart) and can learn a thing or 2 from people like you. Again, I'm sorry, should not have said what I said.
on Mar 02, 2006

It seems a little strange that the hardcore right wing Bush administration would have no problem with selling ports to Arabs

You will always be surprised by these things until you realise that the "hardcore right wing" (i.e. the administration that has the majority in parliament) does not have a problem with nationalities. Whether Arab or not, this is simply not part of the deal.

The "COL" is right about his comparison of the United Kingdom and the Arab Emirates. If the US are looking for a reliable and powerful ally, the UK is the place to go. But for business deals it is different.

Arab business men are like American or European business men: mostly greedy and prejudices only against the poor.

By doing business with Arab countries, we support their business people. And that is a class that has little problem with Israel (because Jews are great trade partners) and lots of problems with terrorists (because they kill trade partners).

Arab business is our friend, while the Arab third estate might not be.
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