Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 28, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Now Bush wants to consider requiring higher mileage for Cars, SUV’s and Trucks. Five years ago when the experts told Bush that increasing gas mileage was the MOST effective mid term help he refused to consider that option. All Bush wanted to do is hand the Big Oil companies more money and drill in Alaska.

The profits oil companies are making provide ALL the added capital needed to increase exploration and to build new refining facilities. Has this been taking place with these huge profit increases? NO! If Bush had taken effective action in 2001 or 2002, we would be seeing the impact beginning NOW. His inaction is a perfect example of just how ineffective and impotent a leader he has been since January 2001. He has done NOTHING in 5 ½ years to begin solving the energy problems of this country.

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on Apr 28, 2006
a squirrel got run over crossing a dangerous highway and was squashed flat. AND IT'S ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!
on Apr 28, 2006
$ 3.00 gas is not like a squirrel getting run over. If you think it is not a major issue, wait until November. The people who support Bush are JUST like him-- He is responsible for NOTHING. If you recall ENERGY along with educations were HIS BIG issues in 2001. What has he done to help the energy needs of this country? - NOTHING. The high energy prices effects EVERY PERSON and EVERY Business. It holds the potential to cause economic problems the likes of which we have not scene for a LONG TIME. Yes the energy issue is about a billion times bigger then killing a squirrel. Do you know how stupid you look with comments like this?
on Apr 28, 2006
a squirrel got run over crossing a dangerous highway and was squashed flat. AND IT'S ALL BUSHES FAULT!!!

on Apr 28, 2006
$ 3.00 gas is not like a squirrel getting run over. If you think it is not a major issue, wait until November. The people who support Bush are JUST like him-- He is responsible for NOTHING. If you recall ENERGY along with educations were HIS BIG issues in 2001. What has he done to help the energy needs of this country? - NOTHING. The high energy prices effects EVERY PERSON and EVERY Business. It holds the potential to cause economic problems the likes of which we have not scene for a LONG TIME. Yes the energy issue is about a billion times bigger then killing a squirrel. Do you know how stupid you look with comments like this?

Say what you want Col, as far as I'm concerned higher gas prices is actually a good thing to me. people will 1) learn to economize gas, 2) stop buying expensive vehicles like SUV's just for the hell of it, 3) less emissions means a better environment, 4) better chances of alternate fuels, 5) less chances of oil companies making millions by price gauging, 6) less dependency on foreign oil, 7) more independence, 8) screw all those other countries who sell oil to us.

As you can see this will only make it better eventually.
on Apr 28, 2006
2 by COL Gene
Friday, April 28, 2006

Do you know how stupid you look with comments like this?

not as stupid as your constant pounding bush for all the worlds ills gene.
on Apr 28, 2006
If Bush had taken effective action in 2001 or 2002, we would be seeing the impact beginning NOW.

Dems filibustering an Republican energy bill authorizing drilling in ANWAR is Bush's fault!
on Apr 28, 2006
Gene, I've stayed away from your idiotic little rants for awhile now, but hey, what the heck...

Only a totally brainless moron, who has no understanding of breathing in and out regularly would blame a president for the price of anything.

The fact is, there aren't massive shortages of gasoline, nor are there great stockpiles of unsellable crude, which means, whatever the price of gas is right now.. .IT's at Equalibrium!!! Which means, THE MARKET is setting the price.

If you want the president you hate to have so much authority that he can set prices, go live in Cuba you anti American, anti Freedom, Dictator wanting, complete piece of crap!!!

The fact you stole money from our defense department long enough to retire sickens me. The fact you are a veteran cheapens the very concept of serving our country. I know people in Leavenworth that I am more proud to associate with as a vet then scummy vermin like you.

on Apr 28, 2006
you guys are cold as ice... lol!
on Apr 28, 2006

If you want the president you hate to have so much authority that he can set prices, go live in Cuba you anti American, anti Freedom, Dictator wanting, complete piece of crap!!!

But Ted this is "Dictatorship" is what he is against? Wait an apparent contradiction, Gene?


You wanting him to do what the higher gas prices are doing itself. The problem here is lack of education to the people not BUSH. Remember the 80's? I was a wee lad then but I remember the three cylinder pregnant rollerskate that many drove because of the gas price increase. That is something the 'market' will take care of. But I am guessing that was Bush's fault too?

5) less chances of oil companies making millions by price gauging,

Charles, I am not sure how you associate this. I don't understand how Exxon and Chevron both show significance increase in profits in recent quarters. Fear is what drives this scary market. Poor management of resources (Exon rebuying stock rather than investing in production that was damaged?). Katrina and Rita may gone down in history as the biggest oil scape goats.

Here in CO we recently saw a 20 cent increase. WHY? All I found in the news was the requirement by 2008 to have 10% ethenol in gasonline. What throws me is that most of Colorado meets or exceeds that already. Unwarranted increases.

I wouldn't even begin to blame Bush for this though. I would start with my govenor and senators. Just like the 80's I see us seeing a huge rate of inflation for the US unless somethings change that. I work for a corporation and although we experienced 22% growth but our expenses have increased around 40%. But again it's NOT BUSH'S fault. Blame Exon, Chevron, etc. Why don't you for once chase the rabbit back to it's hole rather than just sit on the back porch on your rocker (which I think you fell off of) pointing at the Bush Ranch. JMO.

on Apr 28, 2006
Charles, I am not sure how you associate this. I don't understand how Exxon and Chevron both show significance increase in profits in recent quarters. Fear is what drives this scary market.

I get what you mean. I ment to say these oil companies would not make so much money because we won't use that much oil anymore, if you follow the rest of my points. Either way this was more to annoy Col than anything, lol.
on Apr 28, 2006
Either way this was more to annoy Col than anything, lol.

Understand your application supply and demand. The problem I see is this market doesn't follow this economic graph. Fear is the MAJOR variable which is detrimental in this US Buffalo heard.
on Apr 28, 2006
What a bunch of BS

Bush was the one in 2001 that said we needed to become energy independent. He appointed a Presidential Commission that produced a $50 Billion dollar gift to the energy companies. The problem is he would not do what was needed to achieve that goal. This issue could bring the economy of this country to its knees and Bush and the GOP members of congress know this one could end their control of Congress.

This issue has been around since the early 1970's Every time one of you belittles this issue you show your absolute stupidity

The issue is supply and demand. In those two issues are the solutions. Bush did not address anything except the 2 or 3% that the drilling in Alaska would produce. Rather then using the Fed and our tax system to set both incentives and penalties to stimulate demand he did nothing but bellow about drilling in Alaska.

The demand side he totally ignored - saving a gallon of oil is the same is finding a new gallon. Things like higher gas mileage and alternate fuel cars would help that but it was ignored until yesterday when Bush woke up to what the experts had been advising him for the past 5 1/2 years. He, like many of you, must be a little SLOW. There is a hell of a lot the president should have done to help resolve is issue as fundamental as energy is to this country. He has FAILED to provide ANY solutions. Just like all the other major issues that face our country.
on Apr 28, 2006
Probably, but maybe we just need a scare once in a while to get the herd back in line. After all we, the American People, are staring to act like stray cattle in need of a new dog to herd us.
on Apr 28, 2006

#12 by COL Gene
Friday, April 28, 2006

This is the reason I changed from LP's and CD's to MP3, I was tired of the constant repetition of breaken records and CD's
on Apr 28, 2006
The issue is supply and demand.

Ha ha. Now your funny. Now you sound like my ingnorant coworker. Naive and narrow minded. But I guess since you believe economics is at the hand of one man Bush. So it at least follows your thinking. Does 'ceteris paribus' mean anything to you? Just plain silly.

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