Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 28, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Now Bush wants to consider requiring higher mileage for Cars, SUV’s and Trucks. Five years ago when the experts told Bush that increasing gas mileage was the MOST effective mid term help he refused to consider that option. All Bush wanted to do is hand the Big Oil companies more money and drill in Alaska.

The profits oil companies are making provide ALL the added capital needed to increase exploration and to build new refining facilities. Has this been taking place with these huge profit increases? NO! If Bush had taken effective action in 2001 or 2002, we would be seeing the impact beginning NOW. His inaction is a perfect example of just how ineffective and impotent a leader he has been since January 2001. He has done NOTHING in 5 ½ years to begin solving the energy problems of this country.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 28, 2006
It was Bush that prevented the higher mileage for cars. That is in part responsible for the higher consumption and YES the higher prices. If Bush thought is was so important that he appointed a commission headed by Draft Dodger Dick, WHY DID HE fail to do anything except help his BIG OIL contributors? The price of anything is produced by BOTH Supply and Demand. Bush must have CUT that class at Harvard. His economics professor at Harvard did tell me that Bush was one of his worst students. Looks like he was correct!
on Apr 28, 2006
Does 'ceteris paribus' mean anything to you?

Are you crazy? His head will explode just trying to read the words.
on Apr 28, 2006
It was Bush that prevented the higher mileage for cars.

People buy what people buy. higher mileage cars have been evolving especially since the 80's. Then there was a shift into SUVs. To say that Bush is responsible for these consumer shifts gives way too much credit to one man. Sounds to me you look to him as to be G-D?

That is in part responsible for the higher consumption and YES the higher prices.

The consumer shift to SUVs yes I agree led to higher consumption. But as I said before you can't blame that on Bush. There may be a slight correlation but I guess to you that makes it true?

The price of anything is produced by BOTH Supply and Demand.

And fear can have no effect? You must of been smokin Hasheesh during your economics class. Supply and Demand are the major common factors that determine price but you'd be a fool to say that these are the only variables at play. Remember when 9/11 happened. Just at the 'rumor' of fuel shortage, gas prices jumped to 4 and 5 dollars a gallon. They weren't even based on facts.
on Apr 28, 2006
Are you crazy? His head will explode just trying to read the words.

LOL.... I still can't stop laughing at this.
on Apr 28, 2006
Gene, quit molesting little boys and shut up!
on Apr 28, 2006
Does 'ceteris paribus' mean anything to you?

Are you crazy? His head will explode just trying to read the words.

Actually I think he does believe in ceteris paribus but his definition would be 'with other things [being] the same (pointing blame to Bush).'
on Apr 28, 2006
#21 by Adventure-Dude
Friday, April 28, 2006

on Apr 28, 2006
You all must be out to lunch. I did not say Bush Caused the problem but he did not take the steps that were available to reduce the adverse impact on this country. If he had acted to increase car and SUV mileage, if he had provided direction to stimulate the development of alternate energy sources, neither the GREED (Oil Companies), the added use(demand) by countries like India and China nor fear would be as mush of a problem because WE WOULD HAVE energy that was under OUR control. Most of the issues I have with Bush is NOT that he caused the problem but that he did not use the power of his office to find solutions. In some cases like the annual budget deficit, his policies (Tax and Spend) caused the problem. Bush is totally ineffective as a leader.
on Apr 28, 2006
stimulate the development of alternate energy sources

And what alternate energy sources? They have the 'hybrid' cars. The only problem with them is that the EMT's are deathly afraid of the voltage being carried through the car if the wreck connects the electricity to the vehicle. Please tell me 'alternate energy' sources. Please enlighten me.

I did not say Bush Caused the problem but he did not take the steps that were available to reduce the adverse impact on this country.

You didn't say that he 'caused' it but all of your allegations sure point that he is at fault. It's in YOUR writings. What else are we to conclude? Your economic 'ceteris paribus' where everything else points to the fault of Bush.

You are starting to flip flop more than 'house of pancakes' Kerry.
on Apr 28, 2006
I did not say Bush Caused the problem but he did not take the steps that were available to reduce the adverse impact on this country.

You're saying that your alleged sins of omission and sins of commission are not the same? You are saying that Bush's inaction didn't cause the problem?

Gene, you're saying that not everything you have said since you started this godforsaken blog is Bush's fault, whether through omission or commission?

If there's one thing I expect from you, Gene, it's consistency.
on Apr 28, 2006
Yes, Gene you ARE giving so ownership of fault to Bush (which is not ironic from you).
on Apr 28, 2006

You all must be out to lunch. I did not say Bush Caused the problem but he did not take the steps that were available to reduce the adverse impact on this country.

If this is not a contradiction on to itself I don't know what is. He doesn't blame Bush but it's Bush's fault.
on Apr 28, 2006
I think we are finally breaking him. He is reaching his breaking point and finding himself running in circles with the same answers.
on Apr 28, 2006
But Charles, He didn't say Bush 'caused' it only he is blaming him. Would you care for some butter any Grade A Maple Syrup?
on Apr 28, 2006

Haven't laughed like this in a while. If this were a school Col could be elected as class clown and most likely to annoy you.
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