Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 28, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Now Bush wants to consider requiring higher mileage for Cars, SUV’s and Trucks. Five years ago when the experts told Bush that increasing gas mileage was the MOST effective mid term help he refused to consider that option. All Bush wanted to do is hand the Big Oil companies more money and drill in Alaska.

The profits oil companies are making provide ALL the added capital needed to increase exploration and to build new refining facilities. Has this been taking place with these huge profit increases? NO! If Bush had taken effective action in 2001 or 2002, we would be seeing the impact beginning NOW. His inaction is a perfect example of just how ineffective and impotent a leader he has been since January 2001. He has done NOTHING in 5 ½ years to begin solving the energy problems of this country.

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on Apr 28, 2006
The oil company profits have not been used to develop other sources of energy. They have gone into the pockets of the top management and the stockholders. A few get rich and the majority pay through the nose. That is what Bush and people that support him are allowing
on Apr 28, 2006
If you Bushies do not think the GOP is worried about November 2006, think again!
on Apr 28, 2006
A Democratic win in the House and Senate could send King George and Draft Dodger Dick into early retirement!
on Apr 28, 2006
A Democratic win in the House and Senate could send King George and Draft Dodger Dick into early retirement!

And a pillow strategically placed by your wife would put us all out of our misery you old troll.

I blogged a long time back on Bush proposing changes and demanding improvements in CAFE type standards, but those changes met with opposition in Congress. And btw, it's Congress that sets such standards and passes such laws. Have you tried lobbying your resident idiots in congress to demand that they pass higher standards and make changes that will improve gas mileage in personal vehicles? I'm sure the answer is just like your lame excuse about not being able to buy anything better than a small pick up truck, which is L A M E.

You could be riding a bicycle, driving a Toyota Prius, or for that matter driving something like a Geo Metro to get better gas mileage, but you go riding around in a pick up truck and blame someone else for your not getting off your duff and trading in your guzzler for something that gets many more miles to the gallon.

If you personally haven't traded in your vehicle when you could get something that gets 10 mpg or more over your old vehicle, then you personally forfeit your right to bitch about this subject at all. And I highly doubt that you could meet that test.

Let me guess, Chevy S10 type vehicle, 20 MPG if you are lucky. A Toyota Prius (for your own personal smugness, sniff that you old fart!) would get approximately 40 MPG. Twice the MPG, if not more. A savings of 50% over the course of a year in the amount of fuel you personally consume. More savings in the amount of pollutants you put in the air, leading to the global warming you'll surely be bitching about again soon.

So again, put up or shut up you tired old troll. Either that, or have a great dream about eating marshmallow while chomping on pillow plz.
on Apr 30, 2006
Yes and they are just like Bush Idiots. We have two former oil men in power and have done LESS to solve the energy issue then EVER. So long as the BIG OIL BUSINESS conservatives are in power, there is no solution. We need another 1994 but this time to the GOP!
on Apr 30, 2006
With Bush around there is a never ending stream of screw ups you ass.
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