Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Time to GET OUT!
Published on May 7, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Within the past 24 Hours the following events have been reported:

43 Iraqis were found shot execution style.

Iraq people cheer when a British helicopter is shot down in Basra and stone the British troops attempting to reach the crash site.

Four more explosions were reported killing 17 and injuring 44 more.
We are headed for another record level of deaths in May

The atrocities we saw under Saddam are continuing the only difference is which side is inflicting the killing. The elections that were to bring stability took place four months ago and the violence continues without improvement.

It is time to allow the Iraqi people decide what is to become of Iraq. Our continued presence is NOT solving the conflict among the three factions in Iraq. All we are doing is sustaining more deaths, injuries and spending money that would be far better spent on the needs of Americans.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 12, 2006
Oh and Charles, like the others said our comments were directed at Gene who feels your commets on anything military should not count since you did not serve, contrary to what those of us that did feel. We feel your comments do count. SO I take no offense at what you said, actually just the opposite. It shows Gene his is an idiot. Even more so than those that have posted before me have shown.
on May 12, 2006
Our comments weren't directed at you or any one else who hadn't been in the military Charles. They were made in regards to the col saying that if someone hadn't been in the military they should STFU.

No, I know, I know. I just wanted to make one like you guys but since I'm not in the military I had to do a civilian one.
on May 12, 2006
Oh and Charles, like the others said our comments were directed at Gene who feels your commets on anything military should not count since you did not serve, contrary to what those of us that did feel. We feel your comments do count. SO I take no offense at what you said, actually just the opposite. It shows Gene his is an idiot. Even more so than those that have posted before me have shown.

I'm sorry, that is what I meant I just failed to express that. I did try to edit it to point it to Col buty I couldn't. Thanx.
on May 12, 2006
But stepping aside from all the name calling here, I do think Col Gene has a point.

Sorry, but the "only" point the col has is on top of his head. Hey, I'm on to something here. Maybe we should call him "Poindexter"?
on May 12, 2006
ROFL, we aren't killing them dude. They are killing themselves. I love how you said the only diffence now that Saddam is gone is who is doing the killing. It never was Americans, and it still isn't.

We leave now, shit hits the fan, hard. Our only chance is to make this democracy work. We leave, the rouge countries unite, make rumors and spread lies about us, then attack with more force.

As far as Iran goes, I am really hoping Isreal gets fed up and says time to go bye bye Iran.
on May 12, 2006
I really don't feel the need to mention that I too was in the military. USAR, Military Intelligence. Sorry that I won't go into details and specifics, as I don't really feel the justify my existence in the way that the Clueless One does. I'll say I earned a title of respect, received some commendations and leave it at that.

Like others here, I don't believe you had to have served to be able to speak about military matters. Hell, neither did the majority of the minority that elected Bill Clinton twice and put him in the position of Commander-in-Chief, even though it was widely acknowledged that he had skirted his obligation and had used multiple tacts to avoid military service when his number came up.

For the most part, an individuals military service means NOTHING as far as being able to do any job in this country, or for that matter, any other country. It may help an individual have more empathy for military members, and it may temper decisions and cause one to pause a bit more before commiting troops to tasks in the world, but when the job must be done, we all know that the U.S. military will be there doing the job, regardless of who the President is, and no matter how much they may be despised or loved by the military. (Ask the troops that Clinton sent to Bosnia and other locations).

Again, this all doesn't mean squat when it comes to the Gene bot's ability to formulate an argument that has any basis in reality. That bot doesn't give a rat's rear end that his arguments don't hold water. He'll pull out old talking points, claim that he's absolutely factually correct, all so he can try to drum up a few more sales for books on issues that won't mean a damned thing in a few years when the deficit has been exploded many times over it's current figures so that Democrats can meet Social Security obligations that they promised (and never fixed the system to be able to really afford without ripping off future generations for years to come), or when the trade deficit (mostly thanks to inflation) makes today's numbers pale in comparison as we bring in anything and everything from places like China, Mexico, India and other rapidly industrializing nations that are producing cheap products to sell to us as our jobs disappear.

I'm sure that 10 years from now, the Gene bot will still blame all the worlds ills on G.W. Bush, even as he's long since gone from office and someone else is rapidly running the country into the ground (most like a democrat, but possibly even a republican).
on May 12, 2006
In the end it all boils down to "it takes more than one man to destroy an entire country". No matter how ruthless, how terrible, how abusive and inhumane Saddam, Castro, now Hamas and/or Kim Jong-il can be, they can not do it alone. Everyone from family members to military leaders, to local gangs and even some religious leaders are part of the tirrany of these people and others. The same goes for the President of the US, regardless whether he has had 4 or 8 great years or 4 or 8 bad years, the President is far from being the only one responsible for any good or bad that happens in the US.

This is something Col the ODB needs to learn. I think he needs to read a few more books before he decideds to write a new one.
on May 12, 2006
or when the trade deficit (mostly thanks to inflation) makes today's numbers pale in comparison as we bring in anything and everything from places like China, Mexico, India and other rapidly industrializing nations that are producing cheap products to sell to us as our jobs disappear.

Yeah I just read that on WSJ. You know I was also thinking that with the rise in gas prices it may work similarly to a tariff. It will begin making imported items more expensive and may bring back the outsourced foreign companies. Just a thought.
on May 12, 2006
Yeah I just read that on WSJ. You know I was also thinking that with the rise in gas prices it may work similarly to a tariff. It will begin making imported items more expensive and may bring back the outsourced foreign companies. Just a thought.

So what you are saying is that it just may be a necessary evil? See, not everything is as bad as it looks and sometimes bad things have to happen so that good things can flourish. Just look at forest fires, from the ashes trees will grow again.
on May 12, 2006

I never said things are as bad as it looks. In regard to the price of gas I was trying to understand somethings that I thought didn't make sense. Once I was educated I better understand and can educate others who are not a part of this JU community.

Yes I recognize that somethings are better in the long run than they may appear.

I have a Q about Gene. If Bush is so bad, and GOP is so bad. Why live in the US? That way when you have a heart attack in Canada you can stand in line rather than get in right away? Oh but wait that would be Bush's fault too.
on May 12, 2006
Col Gene is to foreign affairs what Marvin Cooley is to religion. Come to think of it, I'm beginning to think they're one and the same.

(Test Question): Col, what do you think of when I say the words "Charlotte Church"?
on May 12, 2006
You know something col. I have been gone a couple of months. I come back and your post is the first I read. There is absolutely no difference between the bs you posted then and the bs you posted now.

You have managed in a single post to repeat the usual anti-American rhetoric, and managed to bring up Bush's service in the military. What a sad individual.

You need serious mental help.
on May 13, 2006
That is because Iraq is the same mess now as it was two, four, six, twelve and twenty four months ago. We stay the course to no place. Keep supporting Bush, Boys. The anti-American actions are those of Bush allowing our military to be killed and injured day after day.
on May 14, 2006
I see you still don't address the progress and good news out of Iraq. I guess that's just being hypocritical of you.

Why don't you finally just admit you want us to surrender?
on May 15, 2006
I looked at the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning at the following AP story, Iraq marks bloodiest day in months. Unless the security in Iraq is resolved, there is NO way this mess will EVER be resolved. How many times has Bush told us that we are making progress in settling the violence in Iraq?

It is time to leave and the Iraqi People must settle their internal disputes. It is NOT our job to try and stop what amounts top a civil war in Iraq. There is NO end to this situation and every day we remain we are PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!
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