Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING. In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone! Thus what Bush said is another LIE. What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 23, 2006

The article did not say he was a key fed member but a CONSULTANT to the Fed. In any event what he said is correct.
on Jul 23, 2006
The article did not say he was a key fed member but a CONSULTANT to the Fed. In any event what he said is correct.

Col agrees with everybody who hates Bush and America.
on Jul 24, 2006

The article did not say he was a key fed member but a CONSULTANT to the Fed. In any event what he said is correct.

Shown WRONG once again! And not just once but twice. The "only" poor excuse around here is you.

#51 by COL Gene
Sat, July 22, 2006 6:25 PM

. 'U.S. Headed for Bankruptcy': Key Fed Member

London's Daily Telegraph is reporting that the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank's Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, a leading constituent of the U.S. Federal Reserve, has announced that the United States is on the path to bankruptcy - if it is not already there.

"To paraphrase the Oxford English Dictionary, is the United States at the end of its resources, exhausted, stripped bare, destitute, bereft, wanting in property or wrecked in consequence of failure to pay its creditors?" he asks, according to the daily.


the article said he was a leading consutant:

. 'U.S. Headed for Bankruptcy': Key Fed Member

London's Daily Telegraph is reporting that the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank's Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, a LEADING CONSULTANT of the U.S. Federal Reserve, has announced that the United States is on the path to bankruptcy - if it is not already there.
on Jul 24, 2006

Headlines often are not totally correct. What I POSTED is that the ARTICLE said Professor Laurence Kotlikoff. "A LEADING CONSULTANT of the U.S. Federal Reserve” Was correct. He is a consultant and Professor. Again you argue about a headline, ignore the article and refuse to deal with the issue-- The financial problems of the United States. You also ignored my comments that the issues raised by Professor Kotlikoff are the VERY SAME issues raised by the Comptroller General of the United States who said, "The current fiscal policies ( Bush Policy) is unsustainable" He went on to say that the fiscal burden on Americans amounts to $350,000 for EVERY Full-time worker in America!
on Jul 24, 2006

Headlines often are not totally correct. What I POSTED is that the ARTICLE said Professor Laurence Kotlikoff. "A LEADING CONSULTANT of the U.S. Federal Reserve” Was correct. He is a consultant and Professor. Again you argue about a headline, ignore the article and refuse to deal with the issue-- The financial problems of the United States. You also ignored my comments that the issues raised by Professor Kotlikoff are the VERY SAME issues raised by the Comptroller General of the United States who said, "The current fiscal policies ( Bush Policy) is unsustainable" He went on to say that the fiscal burden on Americans amounts to $350,000 for EVERY Full-time worker in America!

NO he isn't a consultant for them! He has from time to time done some work for them but THAT'S all! And since he does "not" work with the required figures from day to day, in my opinion he is not qualified to make judgement using the figures.
on Jul 24, 2006

How do you discount the Comptroller General of the U.S. and the fact he is saying the same thing? Could you please indicate what education or experience do you have that would indicate YOUR OPINION is of any value?

on Jul 24, 2006

How do you discount the Comptroller General of the U.S. and the fact he is saying the same thing? Could you please indicate what education or experience do you have that would indicate YOUR OPINION is of any value?

I didn't say mine did. No more than yours does. Please provide a decent source of the comptroller saying what you think he did. Because I can find none.
on Jul 24, 2006
The Comments from the Comptroller General was in a report he issued in December 2005. This is the note from the preface of my book:

In December 2005, David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States said, “The current fiscal policy is unsustainable.” He went on to say, GAO simulations indicate we could be facing “rising taxes 2.5 times today’s level or spending cuts of 60%.” He said that the fiscal burden that our policies have placed on Americans amounts to $350,000 for every full-time worker.


What did you say was your education and experience in the financial management of large organizations? Please establish YOUR creditability.

I have established my creditability from my education and experience and I am in agreement with most experts. WHY should anyone accept your opinion to be of any value?
on Jul 24, 2006
This is the URL that outlines the GAO (Comptroller General) comments:

on Jul 24, 2006
Could you please indicate what education or experience do you have that would indicate YOUR OPINION is of any value?

The fact that we are Americans and we vote makes our opinions just as valuble if not more than anyones in a Gov't position. You, of all people, spend most of the time proving this everytime you say Bush does not bend over backwards to the will of the American people. Do you ever site back and read what you write before you post it? Have you ever been told that you contradict yourself more than you know? I guess when hating Bush is your mission, you go with what works at the moment.
on Jul 24, 2006
This is the URL that outlines the GAO (Comptroller General) comments:


Typical col BS.....Sighting comments that are well over a year old. In case "you" haven't figured it out yet, the situation has done some "MAJOR" changing since then. And as such his comments no longer mean much.
And fyi....as far as the rest of us are concerned "you" have established no credibility what so ever!
on Jul 24, 2006
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, an opinion from a person with little or no experience is an opinion with little value. I do not contradict myself and my statements are predicated on my own experience, factual changes as well as the expert opinion of some of the most experienced people in our country. It is true that most of the results dealing with the major issues do not reflect well on the Bush administration. The President has always said we should "Judge by results". I agree 100% with Bush and am willing to look at any of the major issues to see the RESULTS since January 2001.

I am not talking about, "bending over backwards". I am talking about a president that IGNORES the majority of Americans and as he said," I am the decided". The majority do not agree with Bush on almost every major issue facing America. What issues that Bush is pushing do you believe the majority support?

For Example:

The Iraq war
The way he has handled the economy
Social Security
Border security
Illegal alien policy
The deficit
Health care
Stem-Cell Research

on Jul 24, 2006
Stop me if you've heard this one before ...

COL, Have you heard of this concept called "Checks and Balances"? It's this nifty little feature, built into the U.S. Constitution, whereby the Executive Branch (aka the LEADERS) run the country on a day to day basis, they EXECUTE the plans of the government. With me so far? This is the branch that you, supposedly, spent many years of your life working for.

The second branch, the LEGISLATURE, is the side that makes the laws. Aka Congress (or those idiots on Capitol Hill). These are the guys (and gals) who make the laws. These laws include appropriating the money that's available to them to spend. If they spend to much ... they make a law saying they can borrow it. That's where your precious deficit comes in. Once they make a law, ANOTHER branch (back to the executive) has to approve it. See, this means that someone who doesn't have a direct hand in MAKING the law, has to approve it. If he doesn't like it (for what ever reason. It could be as little as the paper was white instead of ivory and the ink was black instead of blue-green-tourquoise with a splash of muave for accents), he vetoes it. Then, it goes back to our friends, the Congresscritters. These rascally rodents then get to decide whether enough of them are upset with the non-signature of the President to attempt to override that veto. Nice idea, ain't it?

Now, assuming this law DOES get passed by a simple majority of the Congresscritters and signed into law (or gets vetoed and THEN gets voted up by a supermajority of the Congresscritters), it becomes law. Enforceable by the Executive branch (again, that pesky Executive branch).

If, as has been the case MANY times, there is a problem with the law (naw, this never happens, does it????), the third branch of the government steps in. See, this is where the Judiciary can make THEIR views (okay, it's supposed to be the Constitution's view, but let's not get nitpicky, 'kay? Judges are above all that) known by upholding or overturning the law.

Now, there is more to the fine idea of Checks and Balances, but we'll leave that to next lecture.

Hmmm.... I think I need to go turn the fan on ... the smoke from where his brains melted down during that is starting to get annoying.

on Jul 24, 2006
Col and his cut and paste posts. We have already answered your typical cut and paste posts col, you just want to ignore it.

I am not talking about, "bending over backwards". I am talking about a president that IGNORES the majority of Americans and as he said," I am the decided".

Col, you don't know what the majority of people in this country want. You have NO IDEA. Stop coming here and telling what everybody else wants when we have proven you wrong over and over again.
on Jul 24, 2006

I understand the system. That does not change the fact that both the majority of Americans and a substantial majority of Congress approve federal of funding Stem-cell research. The point of this Blog is that Bush is OUT OF TOUCH which I have just proven by the fact that the majority of Congress and the American People, about 70%, want thus research to be funded and do not agree with Bush.


Poll after poll tell us the same thing, and yes polls are accurate in measuring public positions within the margin of error, and the percent that do not support Bush is overwhelming. We do know that the majority DO NOT SUPPORT Bush on ANY of the issues I listed above. We can also PROVE by the RESULTS that all these issues have gotten worse or did not exist when Bush took office!!!!!!!!

The Iraq war
The way he has handled the economy
Social Security
Border security
Illegal alien policy
The deficit
Health care
Stem-Cell Research
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