Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING. In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone! Thus what Bush said is another LIE. What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Jul 25, 2006
Bush may not set oil prices but he has not done ONE thing to reduce our dependence of Foreign Oil nor has he done ANYTHING to stimulate alternate fuels or improve the gas mileage of the cars. All those things if started in 2001 when he (the former oil man) took over would be providing some help.

on Jul 25, 2006
I love how col completely ignores what was posted to him.


Polls show, only about 1/3 now approve of Bush

You mean biased media polls of 1000 Americans.
on Jul 25, 2006

Since Bush and the GOP control everything WHY would I talk to the Democrats? The Democrats have not been in control since Jan 20, 2001.

As I have said poll after poll show that about 1/3 of Americans support the Bush policies. Polls are accurate within the margin of error and if you want to delude yourself that Bush has the support of the people in this country go ahead and live in your dream world.
on Jul 25, 2006
As I have said poll after poll show that about 1/3 of Americans support the Bush policies. Polls are accurate within the margin of error and if you want to delude yourself that Bush has the support of the people in this country go ahead and live in your dream world.

Col, polls are not accurate at all. The polls show Kerry would beat Bush.

Polls are slanted and usually OVERSAMPLE DEMOCRATS BY MANY POINTS.

Bush was elected by the majority. I will put that over a poll of 1000 Americans anytime col.

In reference to the democrats, you never answered the posts made to you. Which is normal when you are being proved wrong. You blame Bush for oil dependency, but can you tell me why no cleaner, and more efficient refineries have been built?
on Jul 26, 2006

When the polls, even the ones that FOX has taken show that 2/3 do not support Bush, the facts is that Bush is out of touch with what the majority want. Polls that are very close, like the Kerry polls you mention, that fall within the error % can produce the wrong result. That is not the case with the polls about support for the Bush policies!
on Jul 26, 2006
What the voters thought in November 2004 and what they think today is a very different thing. Bush had a 2% majority in November 2004. Today he has support from only about 1/3 of the American People!
on Jul 26, 2006
Notice - no mention of why there aren't any newer/more efficient refineries. No mention of why there aren't any alternative power source providers being built (or already in production). Just more strawman, basis pandering to his blessed polls.

Would it help, COL, if I told you that I've SEEN a poll (helped review/test it after it was designed, as a matter of fact) that said that 85% of the people sampled thought the Sky was Purple and we should invade Mars due to their support of Communists? (Admittedly, this was a while ago.) We sampled over 2000 people on that one. And not a one thought the 30 questions we asked were out of order (on any one question, all 30 taken together should've clued SOMEBODY into what we were looking for). But, no. Not a one got it. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

You trust THAT poll, COL?
on Jul 26, 2006
In 2004 he got 52% of the vote and YES many of that 52% made a BAD CHOICE and as the Polls show, only about 1/3 now approve of Bush

lol, this is the best rsponse yet. Not all, many. So only some of the people that voted for Bush made a bad choice? So not everyone who voted for Bush made a bad choice, only those who are still in that 1/3 who still approve of him?
on Jul 26, 2006
When the polls, even the ones that FOX has taken show that 2/3 do not support Bush, the facts is that Bush is out of touch with what the majority want. Polls that are very close, like the Kerry polls you mention, that fall within the error % can produce the wrong result. That is not the case with the polls about support for the Bush policies!

I ask for the thrid time, what does a Fox News poll have different than any other media poll. Let me guess, it's the typical liberal talking points about Fox News.

1000 Americans take a poll in which the questions are manipulated, and ususally are oversampled by democrats, are not accurate. There is no comparison.

Let's say col that I take a poll here on JU. I will ask the question if the col is mostly wrong, obsessed with Bush, and should leave here. Will you accept the results since the "majority" would vote?

Notice - no mention of why there aren't any newer/more efficient refineries. No mention of why there aren't any alternative power source providers being built (or already in production). Just more strawman, basis pandering to his blessed polls.

As usual. Where is the quote he made that he answers all questions direct. Col, you are the biggest joke here.
on Jul 26, 2006

The only group that made the correct choice in 2004 is the wealthy. They are the only group that has experienced real growth in their new worth. Everyone else made a drastic mistake that we will all pay for in the future.
on Jul 26, 2006

Fox has a bias toward the GOP and Bush. Anyone that looks at Fox can see that. There are a number of different agencies that do polling and EVERY one has produced the same results. You just refuse to accept the facts no matter what they are or who produces the facts if they do support what you want to believe.
on Jul 26, 2006
You just refuse to accept the facts no matter what they are or who produces the facts if they do support what you want to believe

Sorry Col but polls are not facts, they are just to give you an idea what what people might think about particular issues and stuff. If polls were considered to be accurate and factual then we could just have 1000 people take a poll and from their chose the next President of the US.
on Jul 26, 2006
Fox has a bias toward the GOP and Bush. Anyone that looks at Fox can see that.

Col and his liberal talking points. I bet col you will tell us that the rest of the media has no liberal bias either.

There are a number of different agencies that do polling and EVERY one has produced the same results.

Thanks again col for compeltely ignoring what is posted to you. I have showed how democrats are oversampled by as much as 15 points. I have also shown how questions are manipulated to get the answer they want. Only desperate liberals like yourself believe polls.

Regardless of the polls anyway, we don't want a President who bases things off polls.
on Jul 26, 2006
The only group that made the correct choice in 2004 is the wealthy. They are the only group that has experienced real growth in their new worth. Everyone else made a drastic mistake that we will all pay for in the future.

How ridiculous col. You keep claiming everyone is doing so poorly. I notice you haven't commented about how the consumer confidence is up thread. Keep ignoring the good news col.

So you didn't answer the question (as usual). If I take a poll here and ask if you are full of bs and should leave, will you honor the results since polls mean so much to you?
on Jul 26, 2006
The energy issue does not need polls. All we need to do is look at how much oil we are importing and the prices we are paying because Bush refused to require higher mileage from cars and SUV's. He was so bent on drilling in Alaska that we did not have ANY energy policy for 5 years and when Bush and the GOP finally did pass a bill the major provision was a $12 Billion dollar gift to big oil. We are more dependent on Foreign oil, even Bush admits that, and with our two former oil men in power we have done NOTHING to reduce our dependence on that foreign oil.
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