Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 20, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

In an attempt to justify his first veto, Bush surrounded himself with a few children that were born from left-over in-vitro frozen stem-cells to show what he did by his veto was proper. Bush claims if we allowed federally funded research on excess Stem-Cells these children would never have been born. That is another lie that his spin doctors cooked up.

The truth is that donors that have excess stem-cells that remain after they have completed their in-vitro procedures have two options- Allow some one else to use the embryos like the few people Bush used in his photo op or have them destroyed as medical waste. Of the estimated 400,000 embryos that remain after in-vitro procedures in this country, the vast majority will DESTROYED. Passage of the law would have allowed donors to give their embryos to another couple or to allow their use to help find CURES for HUMAN SUFFERING. In no event would the passage of this law have "taken human Life"as Bush suggested since the vast majority of the excess stem-cells will be destroyed now that this bill has been vetoed and they will be destroyed without helping anyone! Thus what Bush said is another LIE. What will happen is that all the excess embryos that are not given to other couples will be destroyed while millions of people that could have been helped by this bill continue to suffer. For those that claim this will not impact life-saving research please look at what Senator Bill Frist, majority Leader of the Senate and Doctor said, "given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing embryonic stem cell research, I think additional lines should be made available". Every major research facility has said the restrictions imposed by Bush will significantly hamper the search for cures that cover a large number of horrible diseases that cause great suffering!

Bush says this is the right moral compass for our country. No, that is HIS MORAL COMPESS that he is forcing on our country despite the fact that the MAJORITY of both the Congress and the people do not agree with Bush. Every day the WILL of the American people is being ignored and we are moving close and closer to a Dictatorship under Bush.

It is time to identify ALL the members of Congress that failed to vote to override the Bush Veto (the vote in the house was 235 to override and 193 to sustain the Bush Veto) and make sure they are NOT REELECTED in November 2006. I bet the Senate will not vote so the Conservative Senators that support Bush and his indefensible position will not be identified as refusing to stand up for what the majority of our people want on this issue.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jul 24, 2006
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, an opinion from a person with little or no experience is an opinion with little value.

Funny, cause not every person in the US with the ability to vote is well educated in the political arena yet their vote, which can technically considered an opinion, is the most valuable in this country. Also, those who represent us in the Gov't, Senators and such, are suppose to represent the will of the American people and our will is based on our opinions, on what we believe in. Again, our opinion is invaluable to them. So you see, the opinion of every American citizen, regardless of education, is valuable.

I do not contradict myself and my statements are predicated on my own experience, factual changes as well as the expert opinion of some of the most experienced people in our country.

Say what you want, I could spend hours cutting and pasting all your contradictions, but I will point to just one and that will be proof enough. Complaining about how the deficit continues to grow while at the same time complaining about how Bush will refuse to federally fund certain projects. If that's not a contradiction, I don't know what is.
on Jul 24, 2006
Copy/paste. Rinse/repeat.

Is that all you can do?

What about the polls that are posted that DON'T support your point-of-view, COL? Are they suddenly irrelevant?

And from where I'm sitting, your claim
I understand the system.
is patently false. You don't understand the system because you wrongly put the blame on the wrong individual(s).

If, as you claim, so many people support it, why wasn't the veto overridden? Oh ... yeah. A lot of the Republicans were too busy pandering to their consituents. They voted for it knowing that it wasn't going to get signed. That way, they could look like they were for (AGAIN - FEDERAL FUNDING of ) stem cell research. When push came to shove, a more realistic vote was shown in the House - with a massive failure to override the veto. Notice what the Senate didn't do? That's right. They didnt' put it to a vote to override. Chickens. They can't be labeled with "I voted for it before I didnt' vote for it" like their House buddies.

Also, take that poll that you were given, rephrase the questions (aka NOT USING LEADING QUESTIONS) and then figure out how many people are in favor of it.

See, COL, I've had a little bit of experience with designing polls (and being used as a test subject on them). If you wanted to show that the majority of Americans supported invading Mercury and thought the sky was maroon, I and a couple of my former coworkers could design you a survey that would get you just that. And the people who took it wouldn't know what they were really saying. So, no, I don't put any stock in your polls. -- Sarcasm mode: ON -- Not counting the fact that only the polls that say what YOU think they should say count. The others aren't worth the paper they're printed on. -- Sarcasm mode: OFF --
on Jul 24, 2006
I understand the system. That does not change the fact that both the majority of Americans and a substantial majority of Congress approve federal of funding Stem-cell research. The point of this Blog is that Bush is OUT OF TOUCH which I have just proven by the fact that the majority of Congress and the American People, about 70%, want thus research to be funded and do not agree with Bush.

How is it that you believe that drmiller is uneducated and so his opinion has no value yet you believe that 70% of the American people are educated enough to have an opinion about stem cells. I'm sorry to say but I believe that these 70% of people, most have no idea what stem cell research is, all they know is that it can be a miracle cure for the future. Something that adult stem cell can also be. I guess opinions are veluable to you only when they are in line with your opinio, wait, you don't have an opinion. You use opinions from other people as your own. What a sad individual you are.

Poll after poll tell us the same thing, and yes polls are accurate in measuring public positions within the margin of error, and the percent that do not support Bush is overwhelming.

Hahaha, this is funny, polls are wrong more often than tehy are right and polls change almsot every week.
on Jul 24, 2006

Yes uninformed voters gave us Bush!
on Jul 24, 2006
Where's the proof that the kids Bush posed with were what he claimed they were?

That said, although I'm a Liberal and I think Bush is an idiot and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, I'm getting tired of this one trick pony.
on Jul 24, 2006
I asked Drmiler to provide his education and experience in dealing with the fiscal management of large organizations. He has an opinion I just want to see what his credibility is on that subject. I see he did not answer!
on Jul 24, 2006
I see he did not answer!

Maybe, he's busy.

Or better yet. Maybe he's learned a lesson from you. Never answer a direct question. That's one you're teaching everyone around here. Including several posed for you on this very thread. Good teacher there, COL.
on Jul 24, 2006
I answer direct questions. Some on this Blog site do not want to accept the facts if they do not reflect well on King George.
on Jul 24, 2006
Poll after poll tell us the same thing, and yes polls are accurate in measuring public positions within the margin of error, and the percent that do not support Bush is overwhelming.

Col, most polls are media driven and they usually oversample democrats by many percentage points. Myself and others here have shown how they manipulate questions to get the answers they want.

And a poll of 1000 Americans does not accurately represent the millions of people living in the U.S. Bush was re-elected by the majority of America.

Let's remember your polls showed Kerry would win with a nice margin.

I answer direct questions. Some on this Blog site do not want to accept the facts if they do not reflect well on King George.

We always answer you col. You are the one who abandons threads when you are getting nailed on real facts, not the hatred you constantly show for Bush. How many times have you been proved wrong and have never admitted it?
on Jul 24, 2006
If the polls were close you might have a point. That is not the case with the way the polls show the American Public feels about the Bush policies. The results are working against Bush. No matter which issue you choose the FACTS show we are not resolving the issues given the policies Bush is following. The facts have not proven me wrong. For example:

The debt when Bush took over was $5.7 Trillion. It is over $8.3 today.
The Bush change to Social Security was shown NOT to enable the system to pay the promised benefits to the Baby Boomers.
The trade deficit has DOUBLED since Bush took office.
The illegal immigration has gotten worse and Bush is not enforcing our laws.
Our ports are not secure almost 5 years after 9/11.
The Iraq War is a disaster. It gets worse EVERY DAY.
Gas prices are up over $1.50 per gallon since Bush took over and we are more dependent of foreign oil then in 2001
The Middle-East is at war and the Bush Road Map to peace has not produced a solution

Every one of the above issues Bush has tried to resolve. I challenge you to show that my data above is incorrect on ANY of those issues!!!!!!!
on Jul 24, 2006
I challenge you to show that my data above is incorrect on ANY of those issues!!!!!!!

Sometimes col I think you actually don't see the posts that respond to your bs. If you did then you would know several of us have shown your cut and paste talking points to be nothing but bs.

Just for comedy sake I will take on a few of your points.

The Iraq War is a disaster. It gets worse EVERY DAY.

Iraq is not a disaster col. The media emphasizes the worst and doesn't tell you the real progress.

Gas prices are up over $1.50 per gallon since Bush took over and we are more dependent of foreign oil then in 2001

Bush does not set oil prices col, and Bush has very little control over our "dependence" as you claim. Can you tell me why liberal groups will not let us build cleaner, more efficient refineries so we can refine our own oil? Maybe you can tell me when the last time a nuclear plant was built? If anybody has held back energy progress, it's the liberal enviromental groups, not Bush.

The Middle-East is at war and the Bush Road Map to peace has not produced a solution

And how is this Bushs fault? Oh wait....it's not. The Middle East is at war because of islam and it's hatred for Israel. Much like your hatred for Bush, islam doesn't care about anything else. At least Bush has tried. What did the last administration do for peace in the Middle East? Oh I remember, they gave the terrorist leader of palestine a regular room at the White House.

The illegal immigration has gotten worse and Bush is not enforcing our laws.

As opposed to what col, the liberal solution? Do you agree with the democratic plan that Mexico and Texas should be united? Do you believe the illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote because they will vote for the party that will offer them entitlements?

Bush hasn't done great things with immigration, but it's far better than what liberals will do.

So as you see col you are just full of bs. Do you ever seriously wonder why people don't buy your books or support what you say? Do you realize you blame Bush for almost everything no matter how stupid it sounds to any other reasonable person?

But go on col, keep writing your anti-Bush articles and keep blaming Bush for everything. I bet you do have a chance of not getting Bush re-elected in '08.
on Jul 25, 2006
As usual you have NOT shown that ANY of the issued I documented is incorrect. You change the issue or tell us Bush can not do anything about the issue. It is true Bush HAS NOT done anything to resolve the issues I sighted and the cut and paste from Dept of the Treasury, Commerce etc or from people like the Comptroller General and GAO show that Bush has failed to improve anything. In fact all the items I sighted have gotten far worse under his leadership.

Go and show how the results I sighted are not correct!!!!!
on Jul 25, 2006
Yes uninformed voters gave us Bush!

So, I see you believe that the majority of the American people are stupid. After all, it was them who voted Bush in didn't they? Twice. And these are the same people, or at least some of them, you claim are in favor of federally funding stem cell research. Tell me exactly how am I to trust their choice when, according to you, they voted the worst president ever in?

This is what we don't understand about you. You will insult all those Americans, including congressmen and senators, who are not in line with what you believe in, but as soon as one of them agrees on something you agree with they all of a sudden become one of your best pals and partners in your battle to make Bush look bad. Not that he needs help in that department.

I asked Drmiler to provide his education and experience in dealing with the fiscal management of large organizations. He has an opinion I just want to see what his credibility is on that subject. I see he did not answer!

And you are who to question anyones education? This is a site for people to express their opinions and you have no right to question their education on what they believe in. You may think they stupid and uneducated but no one here has to lay down proof of education just because you ask for it.

I answer direct questions.

Now this is the biggest bull I have seen from you yet.

Some on this Blog site do not want to accept the facts if they do not reflect well on King George.

So now you insult even those who may actually agree with some of your opinions? Why are you on this site if you feel that your opinion has no value?

The debt when Bush took over was $5.7 Trillion. It is over $8.3 today.

Funny, I keep seeing news reports that the deficit is shrinking, that means Bush is doing something. Maybe not what you want but something. Explain to me how this is not solving the problem again? Or do you want a miracle?

The Bush change to Social Security was shown NOT to enable the system to pay the promised benefits to the Baby Boomers.

Actually, nothing was shown cause his idea was never implemented. How can any say that it didn't work when they never tried. But, did anyone else give any ideas? I mean, Bush stated clearly that he would consider any idea that would fix the problem, yet no one came forward. I would say that even if his idea was refused it was still an attempt which means he tried.

The trade deficit has DOUBLED since Bush took office.

China is parcially responsible for this and unless you want every American not get their "made in China" goodies and start another war with China, I don't see how this can be solved properly. Unless someone is willing to bend over and take it from China so that they can buy more from us as well.

The illegal immigration has gotten worse and Bush is not enforcing our laws.

This has been getting worse for decades, how this is Bush's fault is beyond me. Apart from having the National Guard lend a hand and add a few more officers, this still means he has been trying.

Our ports are not secure almost 5 years after 9/11.

You couldn't solve this problem unless you checked every container that enters this country. That would take massive technology and a massive work force to get it done which means the deficit will grow like never before seen. I though you didn't want to see the deficit grow. I'll admit not much is being done here and that is wrong so you can have this one.

The Iraq War is a disaster. It gets worse EVERY DAY.

This is a metter of opinion. If you only watch the bad things that happen then sure, it's a disaster. Ofcourse you would never make it your job to look for all the good that comes out of this and I will not bother pointing it out cause it has been done before but you just ignore it like you do everything else that would make King George look good.

Gas prices are up over $1.50 per gallon since Bush took over and we are more dependent of foreign oil then in 2001

I thought that trying to get more refineries and to drill in our own back yard could solve this problem and it's what Bush wants so how exactly is it that he is not solving this problem? It's not his fault the democrats won't let him. I believe you are blaming the wrong person here. besides, most of the oil coming into this contry is controlled by people who dislike us, what did you think would happen? Oh, BTW, if you wanna be less dependent on gas, hows about you let go of that v6 or v8 truck you got and drive a hybrid or an electric car. then you can bitch and cry about the rest of us being dependent on gas.

The Middle-East is at war and the Bush Road Map to peace has not produced a solution

And you actually believed that Bush could single handedly bring peace to the Middle East? You definitely are crazy. I do have to say that there are less taliban fighters, less Al-qaeda fighters and leaders, less Hamas fighters and less Hezbollah fighters. And if Syria and Iran keep it up, their will be less of them as well. This to me is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

Every one of the above issues Bush has tried to resolve. I challenge you to show that my data above is incorrect on ANY of those issues!!!!!!!

I just did. Hahahahahahahahaha.
on Jul 25, 2006
As usual you have NOT shown that ANY of the issued I documented is incorrect.

Keep holding your hands over your ears and singing the national anthem of Hezbellah. It's amazing how you completely ignore everything everybody here tells you and still maintaining that you are correct.

Go seek help for your addiction to Bush.
on Jul 25, 2006

In 2000 the majority did not vote for Bush

In 2004 he got 52% of the vote and YES many of that 52% made a BAD CHOICE and as the Polls show, only about 1/3 now approve of Bush

Since my opinions are in agreement with the most experience experts in America and are supported by the facts provided by various Federal agencies, I believe my conclusions are accurate. As to Demiler I stated that he is entitled to his opinion but it may not be worth very much! When you refuse to accept my opinions you likewise rejecting the exert opinions that are in agreement with my positions.

The total debt is NOT shrinking. What is shrinking is the RATE at which we are still adding new debt. No one said the national debt is being reduced. It grows every second.

Bush may not set oil prices but he has not done ONE thing to reduce our dependence of Foreign Oil nor has he done ANYTHING to stimulate alternate fuels or improve the gas mileage of the cars. All those things if started in 2001 when he (the former oil man) took over would be providing some help.

Yes China is the major reason and it was Bush that provided final approval for China. Bush also allows China to manipulate there currency and violate property rights without doing a thing.

The rate of illegal immigration and enforcement under Bush is worse then ever. The few National Guard on the border are not allowed to stop one illegal person from entering our country. After 9/11 you think a responsible president would have acted to protect our country. NOT Bush!
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