Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The drive of North Korea and Iraq to acquire nuclear weapons is not to attack the United States but to prevent the United States or any other country from attacking them. It is true that both North Korea and Iran were trying to acquire nuclear weapons long before Bush invaded Iraq. However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons. There is no question, if Iran or North Korea are successful in acquiring these weapons, they are far safer from attack by the United States. Now we have North Korea conducting a nuclear test. What Next?

When we look at the direction our foreign policy is taking it is clear we are moving into a MORE not LESS dangerous time in history. It does not matter where you look. Relations with our traditional friends have been strained by our policy. The Middle-east is a disaster and the problems in the Americas is clearly evident.

To give Bush and his Foreign Policy team a grade of a D- would be kind!

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on Oct 09, 2006
“North Korea cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb.” — Bill Clinton, Nov. 7, 1993
A recent ad on the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee website opened with the words, “Security Under Bush and GOP?” It claimed “North Korea has quadrupled its nuclear arsenal,” and included footage of a tank and North Korea President Kim Jong Il. The ad ended, “Feel safer? Vote for change.” Democrats have been hoping we’ll all completely forget history. Yes, North Korea is an incredibly dangerous nuclear member of the axis of evil, and for that we can thank Bill Clinton:

In the spring of 1992 brutal North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung allowed International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] inspectors, led by none other than Hans Blix, into his country. Kim claimed they had “a tiny quantity [of plutonium] … far from the amount you need for a weapon,” reported Blix, according to The Washington Post. But covert tests showed that the North Koreans had actually reprocessed massive amounts of plutonium — enough for several bombs, reports Jasper Becker in the definitive Rogue Regime (Oxford University Press). When the IAEA asked for access to nuclear waste sites to investigate further, the North Koreans balked.

In 1993, North Korea declared it would withdraw from the Non- Proliferation Treaty [NPT] unless certain demands were met: “U.S. diplomatic recognition, the end of economic sanctions, one million tons in grain, half a million tons of fuel oil per year … and the delivery of two light-water reactors worth over $4.5 billion. The Koreans were quite specific about the sort of reactors they wanted and only these would do.” notes Becker. Absurd.

By 1994, tensions between North Korea, South Korea, the IAEA, the UN, and the U.S. were mounting; actual military conflict loomed. But then, a savior appeared. Yes, the Clinton Administration sent in none other than Jimmy Carter, who Kim Il Sung once referred to as “a man of justice,” to take a swing at peace — but only as a private citizen. (Clinton was worried about looking “weak” with the ex-presidential help.)

From June 16 to 19, 1994, Carter rubbed elbows with Kim for a few days and then “dropped American demands that UN inspections resume and that North Korea surrender its spent fuel rods … [Carter] even said that the U.S. was dropping its support for sanctions at the UN, which wasn’t true,” writes Stephen Hayward in The Real Jimmy Carter (Regnery). Without the Clinton Administration’s knowledge, Carter then popped up on CNN declaring he sweettalked Kim into going back to the negotiating table in Geneva.

It was at the Geneva talks that the Clinton Administration bent over and grabbed the ankles, despite the death of Kim Il Sung on July 8, 1994 (at which time his wacko son Kim Jong Il inherited “supreme power”). The “Agreed Framework” was signed by the United States and North Korea on Oct. 21, 1994 in Geneva. The Framework promised, as Becker put it, “to reward Pyongyang’s breaches of international nuclear safeguards by giving it more nuclear power stations.” Yes, the Clinton Administration gave in to the demands of a deceiving, nefarious, nuclear-hungry, gulag-building, peoplestarving, Communist regime.

Not only were the nuclear reactors pledged; Clinton also agreed to supply the North with 500,000 metric tons of fuel oil annually, as well as tons of grain — all in return for a promise to “freeze” all nuclear-weaponry ambitions. Clinton even provided the North Koreans, writes Becker, “with a written assurance that the United States was not contemplating launching an attack [or] seeking the destruction of North Korea.” Kim was home free.

How could North Korea experience one of history’s deadliest famines during the 90s while receiving tons of grain/aid from America? The U.S., as Newsweek reports, “did not know where most of the food was going after military trucks hauled it away.” Turns out, most of the food went to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [DPRK] army, and Clinton happily looked the other way, eager to shore up his reputation for “diplomacy” and “engagement” with adversaries.

The Clinton Administration’s 1995 National Intelligence Estimate flatly stated that “no country, other than the major declared nuclear powers, will develop or otherwise acquire a ballistic missile in the next 15 years that could threaten the contiguous 48 states and Canada.”

By Feb. 1997, Madeleine Albright had officially shrugged off any concerns about North Korean deception, bragging: “The Framework Agreement is one of the best things the [Clinton] Administration has done because it stopped a nuclear weapons program in North Korea.” On Aug. 31, 1998, North Korea launched a three-stage Taepo Dong-1 rocket, with a range of 1,500-2,000 kilometers, over Japan, landing off the Alaska coast.

During a 1999 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing, Albright made a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it admission that things weren’t rosy in Agreed-Framework-land: “We are also engaged in direct talks with North Korea on ways to resolve concerns regarding suspicious underground construction activities and long-range missile programs.”

In 2000, mounting evidence at the underground Kumchang-ri site forced the Clinton Administration to actually confront the possibility that their Agreed Framework was, well, a load of poppycock. They asked Kim Jong Il to allow inspections. Kim refused. So Clinton sent him 600,000 tons of grain.

In June 2000, the Japanese and Chinese were able to confirm reports of another underground uranium processing plant in Choma, about 17 miles away from Kumchang-ri.

The final Clintonian gesture was to send Albright herself over to Pyongyang in Oct. 2000 on a first-ever official U.S. visit (granting Kim Jong Il his long-sought-after legitimacy). Nothing was actually accomplished, but Kim and Maddy clinked wine glasses and exchanged starry eyes. As Albright told PBS’s Jim Leher: “Basically, you know, we’ve had such weird stories about him, but it turns out that we had very good discussions…. And he seems pragmatic … not hostile.”

Guess what the North Koreans admitted to in 2002? “[P]ursuing a secret nuclear weapons program using enriched uranium in violation of its 1994 pledge to freeze its nuclear program,” reported The Los Angeles Times. “A senior official later acknowledged that the Communist nation was pursuing the nuclear weapons program ‘and more.’”

But don’t expect the Clinton crowd to take responsibility for nuking up one of the world’s most evil regimes. Here’s a Sept. 12, 2004 exchange between Albright and Tim Russert on NBC’s “Meet the Press”:

Russert: But didn’t North Korea develop a nuclear bomb on Bill Clinton’s watch?

Albright: No, what they were doing, as it turns out, they were cheating … The worst part that has happened under the Agreed Framework, there was [sic] these fuel rods, and the nuclear program was frozen. Those fuel rods have now been reprocessed, as far as we know, and North Korea has a [nuclear] capability.”

Cheating? The North Koreans? Who’da thunk?

on Oct 09, 2006
COL Gene

Island Dog Lies ALL THE TIME

he has been to Ann Coulter school of pulling meaningless bull crap out of His Right Wing Butt to try and throw you off

on Oct 09, 2006
The 30 year expert on North Korea I sighted above is NOT SELLING A BOOK.

Seeing as they didn't identify this "expert" how do you know this? For that matter, how do you know that he is in fact an expert at all? Or knows anything about N Korea? Or even exists?

You are too quick to accept something that is far from provable just because it happens to agree with your own opinion. No anonymous source should be taken at face value. Any intelligent person should see this readily.

These are in fact what N Korea is claiming as current justification for a program that has been going on since well before Bush was elected as you well know. Don't you find it even slightly suspicious that they would not reveal the identity of their "expert"? And are you willing to accept the word of someone who's identity you do not even know just because it happens to coincide with your own opinion?

Please Gene, do some research, set aside your bias, and come to a truly objective conclusion if you can. I know you are not a stupid person, so put your brain to use for something besides political bias and look at the situation for what it truly is.

There really are evil people in the world, they just aren't where you are happening to look.
on Oct 10, 2006
Please read:

CNN just had an analyst state that one of the most knowledgeable experts on North Korea, a man with 30 years studying North Korea, has concluded that North Korea has decided that the beat way to prevent Bush from attempting regime change in North Korea, the way we did in Iraq, was to make it clear they were in possession of Nuclear weapons. He went on to say that North Korea has concluded they could not deal with the Bush Administration. The identity of the analyst was not revealed for security reasons.

I acknowledge that BOTH Iran and North Korea had been trying to obtain nuclear weapons long before we invaded Ireq. READ:

It is true that both North Korea and Iran were trying to acquire nuclear weapons long before Bush invaded Iraq. However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons.
on Oct 10, 2006
I do my research as you could see from my books. I sight the sources in the text. Your problem is that ANY research, ANY Experts, ANY Data that does not support what Bush is doing is rejected. That is JUST WAHT BUSH DOES!!!!!
on Oct 10, 2006
The identity of the analyst was not revealed for security reasons.

Col, only you would trust the media. YOU KNOW NOTHING about this "analyst", so stop acting like you do.

However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons.

And that is just your speculation. They would still be at this stage if a democrat was President. I notice as usual you offer no solutions, just more "blame Bush".

I do my research as you could see from my books. I sight the sources in the text. Your problem is that ANY research, ANY Experts, ANY Data that does not support what Bush is doing is rejected. That is JUST WAHT BUSH DOES!!!!!

And we have constantly debunked your claims, showed your sources are biased, and proved your wrong so many times. I'm still waiting for that poll 200 million you keep citing.

Are you going to sit there and serious tell us we reject something? Have you totally lost your mind? Are you saying YOU don't do that? How many times have you rejected real facts that show the good things that are happening? Go seek help for your obsession.
on Oct 10, 2006
Ah Hah! I didn't know you were an author selling books. It all makes sense now.

You come here and spam about bush being bad no matter what is happening and who's fault it really is in order to gather fans to buy your "presumably" anti-bush books right?

Do all of your books say the same thing over and over like your blogs? Are you able to think objectively? Or are you just so determined and narrow minded that you can't see through your own facade?
on Oct 10, 2006

It is far more then speculation. The very last thing a dictator of a Rogue State wants is to have the U.S. invade their country and cause them to loose control. The natural reaction of any rogue state dictator is to protect him from such an action. The very best way is to make the cost of an invasion TOO costly. Nuclear weapons are the VERY BEST option to up the stakes should Bush or a future president like Bush decide it was time for regime change. Bush would NEVER have invaded Iraq if he knew Saddam had nuclear weapons that he could have used against American Troops if we invaded Iraq. You do not need ICBM's to use tactical nuclear weapons within a country the dictator controls
on Oct 10, 2006

Yes it does. For example there is a detailed explanation of the impact of the proposed change of Bush to Social Security. There are tables that show just how it would impact workers.

There are many other issues that are very well explained and documented by some of the most knowledgeable experts on the various subjects included in my book. People who have read my book were very complementary including Midwest Book Review.

I have shown what has taken place over the past 5 years and made suggestions of possible changes in our policies to help solve the issues facing our country. You do not write a self-published book to make money but to document issues which is what I have done.
on Oct 10, 2006
I notice col jihad once again avoided the questions.
on Oct 10, 2006

Just what questions did I not answer?

I told you where the report came from and provided with the rational as to why it make sense. You just do not want to listen because it shows that what Bush is doing is not working. If his policy toward North Korea or Iran was working they would have abandoned their nuclear weapons programs.
on Oct 10, 2006
I told you where the report came from and provided with the rational as to why it make sense. You just do not want to listen because it shows that what Bush is doing is not working.

Col, an anonymous analyst on CNN is not a "report", nor is it credible. Do you understand that news companies make up things and are biased?

If his policy toward North Korea or Iran was working they would have abandoned their nuclear weapons programs.

But the policy during the 90's was a success? The best policy is to bomb the s**t out of their plants. But if that was done then you would blame Bush for being too aggressive and part of the Halliburton War Machine. You guys have no plan of your own other than criticize Bush. North Korea would have developed a weapons regardless or not of Bush. They have been trying for years.

Once again you take something so stupid and turn it into "blame Bush".
on Oct 10, 2006
The very last thing a dictator of a Rogue State wants is to have the U.S. invade their country and cause them to loose control.

Oh for Christ sake, how the hell did you make it this far in life without getting your ass kicked over and over? Are you stupid or something? You make it sound like as if we go about invading countries for the fun of it. You ignorant bastard. You have insulted the very country you live in, you have made us look like some kind of evil terrorist country destroying every country we can to take over the world.

Listen to yourself:

The very last thing a dictator of a Rogue State wants is to have the U.S. invade their country and cause them to loose control.

Shouldn't that be the first thing YOU would want? Why do you care why they do it? You should agree that they need to have control over the country taken away from them. The world sees as as World Police, we might as well police the world then. If we do nothing they complain, if we take action they complain. I would rather they complain about us taking action while we actually prevent these sons of b_tches from killing more innocent people. If you think this is all bad, why don't you run for President and fix everything, otherwise STFU already. You know nothing, you only repeat what others have said. You have no opinion of your own, you have no ideas of your own, you have no solutions to any of the problems. YOU HAVE NOTHING EXCEPT A PURPOSE OF MAKING MONEY BY GETTING PEOPLE TO BUY YOUR BOOKS. GOD, HOW CAN THERE BE SUCH STUPID PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET. I WOULD RATHER GO TO HELL THAN BE IN HEAVEN WITH COL.
on Oct 10, 2006
A report that cites a agent with 30 years experience with North Korea has a HELL of a lot more credibility then your statements. I am sure that person knows a lot more then GWB about North Korea.

The policy in the 90's was not effective. What we are talking about is the current policy and how effective our current President has been in dealing with this important issue. The simple answer is NOTHING Bush has done with our foreign policy and overall relations with other countries have worked. In fact under Bush EVERYTHING is MUCH WORSE!

Charles. C

I will match my experience and knowledge with you any day. I have not insulted our country. What I have said and documented is that our President and his policies are NOT WORKING. If you believe that we are better off in our relations thought the world or that Bush has made us safer with his policies you belong in the Belleview mental hospital.

You are too stupid and biased to learn anything from my book or the many others books that DOCUMENT how big a failure GWB has proven to be. Anyone that supports GWBis either stupid or a mindless zombie!

on Oct 10, 2006
You are too stupid and biased to learn anything from my book or the many others books that DOCUMENT how big a failure GWB has proven to be. Anyone that supports GWBis either stupid or a mindless zombie!

Col, your book is a failure. If you can't sell an anti-Bush book, then I wouldn't be proud of it. Any idiot can write a book criticizing Bush. You still ignore how everyone refutes your book and the bs you post. Even the liberals here don't defend you. That should tell you something.

A report that cites a agent with 30 years experience with North Korea has a HELL of a lot more credibility then your statements. I am sure that person knows a lot more then GWB about North Korea.

Col, for all you know this expert could have been fact. It's not like media hasn't done it before.

I will match my experience and knowledge with you any day. I have not insulted our country. What I have said and documented is that our President and his policies are NOT WORKING. If you believe that we are better off in our relations thought the world or that Bush has made us safer with his policies you belong in the Belleview mental hospital.

Ah yes. The typical Bush has made the world hate us liberal bs.

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