Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The drive of North Korea and Iraq to acquire nuclear weapons is not to attack the United States but to prevent the United States or any other country from attacking them. It is true that both North Korea and Iran were trying to acquire nuclear weapons long before Bush invaded Iraq. However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons. There is no question, if Iran or North Korea are successful in acquiring these weapons, they are far safer from attack by the United States. Now we have North Korea conducting a nuclear test. What Next?

When we look at the direction our foreign policy is taking it is clear we are moving into a MORE not LESS dangerous time in history. It does not matter where you look. Relations with our traditional friends have been strained by our policy. The Middle-east is a disaster and the problems in the Americas is clearly evident.

To give Bush and his Foreign Policy team a grade of a D- would be kind!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 10, 2006

I doubt you have read my book so your comments are baseless. My book is grounded on the analysis and statements from some of the most well qualified people in this country. So what you are saying is not that I am wrong but that collectively the experts and the date from numerous federal agencies are incorrect and ill informed.

That just shows how stupid you are. Setting your uninformed opinions up in opposition to the caliber of resources I used in my book shows how far from reality you and some of the others on this Blog site are with your mindless statements. These are the more important experts I used in my book:

George W. Bush – Robin Hood for the Rich by Colonel Gene P. Abel


Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

Alan Greenspan, Chairmen Federal Reserve

Bill Gates

Boston Globe-Bush National Guard Service

Brookings Institute

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Charles Lewis

Congressional Budget Office - CBO

Dan Rather

David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States

Dept. of Labor, Division of Labor Force Statistics

Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt

Face The Nation Interview with VP Cheney 2001

Federal Reserve

General Accounting Office –GAO

General Barry McCaffrey

General Eric Shinseki, Former Army CoS

General Wesley Clark

Hoover Institute

Imperial Hubris by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer)

Journal of Foreign Affairs

Lt. General John Riggs

Lt. George W. Bush’s National Guard records

Office of Management and Budget – OMB

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul O’Neil, Former Secretary of the Treasury 2001-2003

Paul R. Pillar retired CIA Top Counterterrorism Coordinator

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Popular Science -- Airborne Laser

Presidential Commission on Social Security

Professor Jeffrey Record -- United States Army War College visiting professor

Professor Paul Krugman, Princeton University

Professor Rogan Kersh

Senator Ted Kennedy comments on Medicare January 2005

Sierra Club

Social Security and Medicare Trustees

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

Toshi Tsurumi, Harvard Professor of GWB

United States Army War College

U S Conference of Mayors

Warren Buffet

Washington Post

60 minutes

60 Minutes II
on Oct 10, 2006
How many times are you going to post the same bs over and over again? Dan Rather? I can't stop laughing.

Your poor excuse for a book is nothing but a collection quotes from other people. You still can't admit the times you have been proved wrong here col. You are like a little kid in elementary school who covers his ears and cries when someone tells him something he doesn't like.

Bush is here to stay his entire term col, and nothing you will ever do will change that.

Oh col, where is that poll of 200 millions Americans again?
on Oct 10, 2006

The conclusion of Bob Woodward in his 600 pages with almost 76 pages of references is that, "With all Bush's upbeat talk and optimism, he had not told the American public the truth about what Iraq had become"

Bush must GO and I hope the Democrats win both houses of Congress and Correct the catastrophic mistake of electing George W. Bush President of the United States. To allow Bush to complete his term will only allow him to do more harm to our country.

You sir and many others on this Blog site are part of what is wrong with this country. Take George W. Bush to some other country and set him up as Dictator and you can all kiss his A*s each and every day!
on Oct 10, 2006
There is such an interesting insanity about you Col. I think I will buy your book, but I won't read it. I will, however, wipe my ass with the pages.

You and your supposed sources are not credible. To be credible you would have to be somewhat objective. You are not.

I would really like to know when you and Bill Gates had a sit down (or any of your other sources). Your data likely came from the same confidential sources which published the data for your latest tirade.

A slanted view is a slanted view. Just admit it.
on Oct 10, 2006
What do you have to say about the Woodward Book and his conclusion that Bush lied? You will be able to wipe your ass a lot more times with his book. Sounds like you are ALL ASS!
on Oct 10, 2006
Just John

I did have the opportunity to have direct contact with the economics professor Bush had at Harvard. His comments and recollections of GWB are anything but positive. Unlike Woodward who had direct access to the sources he used I had to rely on published comments of my sources with the exception of the Economics Professor. Bush is a Failure is almost EVERY aspect. He was a man that was handed everything through the contacts of his father and his father's contacts. Bush accomplished NOTHING on his own!

What I accomplished were by my efforts without someone handing it to me. I became a Colonel in 19 years in the Army. Gained entrance to Penn State and Lehigh University predicated on my own work. I revived promotions up to that of the COO of a $120 Million dollar school system by my own efforts. I was not arrested for driving drunk and NEVER used Drugs. I obeyed the orders I was given in my 30 years in the military even though some times they did not fit what I wanted. Bush accomplished NOTHING on his own and is the product of privilege ALL HIS LIFE! That shows in how he is failing to help our country and its people!!! He is an arrogant man that would be a GREAT Dictator but has proven to be the WORST President we EVER HAD! The totality of the damage GWB has done to America will come to light in the years ahead!
on Oct 11, 2006
What do you have to say about the Woodward Book and his conclusion that Bush lied?

Bob Woodward is a so-called "journalist" who is selling an anti-Bush book. What other conclusion do you think he would come up with? Get your head out of the sand.

What I accomplished were by my efforts without someone handing it to me. I became a Colonel in 19 years in the Army. Gained entrance to Penn State and Lehigh University predicated on my own work. I revived promotions up to that of the COO of a $120 Million dollar school system by my own efforts. I was not arrested for driving drunk and NEVER used Drugs. I obeyed the orders I was given in my 30 years in the military even though some times they did not fit what I wanted. Bush accomplished NOTHING on his own and is the product of privilege ALL HIS LIFE! That shows in how he is failing to help our country and its people!!! He is an arrogant man that would be a GREAT Dictator but has proven to be the WORST President we EVER HAD! The totality of the damage GWB has done to America will come to light in the years ahead!

And Bush is still more successful than you. I think it's a bit of jealously that you are so obsessed with him.

Bush is not the worst President, there are too many democrats in line for that. You sound like some mental patient who constantly says the same thing over and over so that you can convince yourself. Nobody here listens to you or cares what you write col. It's all worthless, including your non-selling book.
on Oct 11, 2006
I did have the opportunity to have direct contact with the economics professor Bush had at Harvard.

You spoke with one source. The really interesting thing about communication is that the receiver is left to interpret the message. So often the message gets lost by many factors acting on it. (bias being a factor) You have to admit that you are biased. You are anything but objective. I know I am wasting my time trying to convince the inconvincible but you lack credibility simply because you refuse to see that there are two sides to every story.

You speak of accomplishments... I was amazingly bright as a child. I took my first course in computer programming at 6 (that was almost 30 years ago). I could see things and build them. I could perform two step math problems in my head. All of this at six! Pretty impressive huh? I couldn't write my own name. Your accomplishments mean nothing. It is how you handle failure that matters most in this life.

What I accomplish in my life is by my own efforts. Make no mistake though, if someone extends a helping hand, I reach out and grab it.

I was not arrested for driving drunk

When I read that I see. I got behind the wheel of a car after I had alcohol but I didn't get caught. I took a single piece of a quote from your own statement and made it fit my objective. I find it highly likely you did the same with your research.
on Oct 11, 2006
Well duh Col. Bush is making the world safer by throwing sticks at wasps nests (with oil) and making the nest nervous. Isn't that logical?!
on Oct 11, 2006
Here is the review of my book by Midwest Book Review who rated it Highly Recommended Amazon.com has given it a Five Star rating predicated on this review.

Book Reviews, Book Lover Resources, Advice for Writers and Publishers
Home / Reviewer's Bookwatch
Reviewer's Bookwatch
Volume 6, Number 10 October 2006

Burroughs' Bookshelf
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich
Gene P. Abel
1663 Liberty Drive Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403
1425929427 $13.99 www.authorhouse.com 1-800-839-8640

George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich by Gene P. Abel, Colonel, USAR Ret. (over 30 years of service as a commissioned officer, and two-time recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal) severely questions the immediate and long-term effects to America that the Bush administration is responsible for. Sharply critical, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich decries the administration's narrow-minded attempts to partially privatize Social Security without providing any transition fund for the interim monies that would be lost; the administration's alienation of its foreign allies in the years after the September 11 attacks due its blind press for war in Iraq; and the administration's utter failure to balance the budget or prevent an explosion of the national deficit. At the same time, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich is not universally negative; it notes the wise actions that President Bush has taken, but laments that the harmful actions may well outweigh the good in the president's legacy for the 21st century. Drawing information from more than 40 renowned sources, and including humorous blogs to convey points with a twist, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich not only identifies potential current and future problems stemming from the Bush administration but also offers recommendations for alternatives to cope with their personal impact on individual lives. Highly recommended.
on Oct 11, 2006
Bush accomplished NOTHING on his own!

Hmmm, didnt he quit drinking? Didn't he propose to his wife laura? Oh, wait...karl rove was there for him, right Colon boy?

on Oct 11, 2006
Just John

No I do not drive on the few occasions when I drink. Bush was arrested twice for DWI and was most likely using drugs when he refused to take the required physical while in the National Guard. However as Barbara Bush said when questioned about the DWI citations for little George—NO BIG DEAL was her answer. That was only because GWB did not injure or kill someone when he was driving drunk. I wonder how many other times he was driving drunk and was not caught?
on Oct 11, 2006
Here is the review of my book by Midwest Book Review who rated it Highly Recommended Amazon.com has given it a Five Star rating predicated on this review.

Nobody really cares "what" some review company says about your book. What was given was a "personal" view of your book. If you don't like him criticizing your book, then don't keep throwing it in their face. Face it....nobody that has commented here actually give a rat's butt about your book.
on Oct 11, 2006

Nobody really cares "what" some review company says about your book. What was given was a "personal" view of your book. If you don't like him criticizing your book, then don't keep throwing it in their face. Face it....nobody that has commented here actually give a rat's butt about your book.

Funny thing is, I've ran into sites that will review your book positively for a fee, and if memory serves me right, that very one was one i remember seeing. That doesn't bode to well for ol' colon boy, eh?
on Oct 11, 2006
There was NO FEE or any other benefit. Others who have read my book have expressed a similar opinion. No matter what is presented there are idiots on this Blog site that reject anything that documents how their president has screwed up at EVERYTHING!
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