The drive of North Korea and Iraq to acquire nuclear weapons is not to attack the United States but to prevent the United States or any other country from attacking them. It is true that both North Korea and Iran were trying to acquire nuclear weapons long before Bush invaded Iraq. However the preemptive invasion and willingness to affect regime change by force has increased the desire of these two countries to obtain a small supply of these weapons. There is no question, if Iran or North Korea are successful in acquiring these weapons, they are far safer from attack by the United States. Now we have North Korea conducting a nuclear test. What Next?
When we look at the direction our foreign policy is taking it is clear we are moving into a MORE not LESS dangerous time in history. It does not matter where you look. Relations with our traditional friends have been strained by our policy. The Middle-east is a disaster and the problems in the Americas is clearly evident.
To give Bush and his Foreign Policy team a grade of a D- would be kind!