He Wants NATO to Send More Troops.
As the Congress debates the Bush war policy in Iraq Bush himself provides a strong argument to withdraw troops from the areas in Iraq that are engulfed in a Civil War and move them to Afghanistan. The quest for another 25-30,000 troops in Afghanistan from NATO is falling on deaf ears. The European members of NATO like Germany and France refuse to send more troops and will not allow any of their forces into the areas where the fighting is taking place with al Qaeda and the Taliban. The drug crops continue to flourish and are funding the activities of the Taliban and al Qaeda. Areas in southern Afghanistan are being recaptured by the Taliban and the current troop levels can not control the country.
The central government is loosing the support of the population because the promised improvements in everyday life have not taken place. The people and tribal leaders are turning back to the Taliban. Over 300 schools that were opened after the Taliban were removed from power in 2002 have been closed because of the expanding Taliban operations. Ben Laden and his deputy remain at large and operations along the border with Pakistan remain a problem. We have our military tied up in Iraq with no end in sight and if many more troops are not committed to Afghanistan, the situation will continue to get worse.
It is time Bush opens his eyes and turns the fight between the factions in Iraq to the Iraqi military and police. Then we will have the forces needed to deal with a growing problem in the country where 9/11 was planned. If you support our troops we must bring an end to continuing the failed policy of becoming involved in the Iraq Civil War. No one fought our civil war for us and we should not be fighting the civil war for the Iraqi’s.