Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country.

That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into combat believing that their sacrifice was to:

Protect us from what they were told was a danger to our homeland from Iraq.

They were told their service in fighting the Iraq War would make America safer.

We told them we would take care of them if they were injured.

The horrible truth is we LIED. Anyone that supports Bush and Cheney has lied to them just like our two top leaders have done. Saddam was no danger to America and Bush had the intelligence and Pentagon estimate that showed he WAS NO DANGER to our country in 2002. The bottom line is that after over four years of fighting the efforts of our military has not made America safer but less safe. That is not because they did not perform admirably but because the mission they were sent on by Bush was one that was WRONG from the beginning and Bush was warned that attacking Iraq would create the horrible situation we see today. Bush failed to listen to the military planners as to the troop levels needed to secure Iraq and most of our dead and wounded are because Bush did not send the required manpower to secure Iraq and prevent the needless bloodshed we see every day in that Hell Hole! When our wounded return we fail to provide decent medical facilities like we say at Walter Reed and a VA system that is NOT capable of providing the long term services needed by our veterans.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot on nerve appearing before the brave members of our military after the way they LIED to them as to WHY we attacked Iraq. They should be ashamed after the way they BOTH failed to serve their country during Vietnam.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Apr 29, 2007
LOL, Daniel and COL are like two peas in a pod. What a delightful debate.   
on Apr 30, 2007

"then why didn't he do what ever other president has done before him including Clinton and deny it "

ASK Bush. That does not change what the NIE said. It said the Iraq War has made the DANGER GREATER!!!!!

Posted: Sunday, April 29, 2007
, Daniel and COL are like two peas in a pod. What a delightful debate.

YOUR PROBLEM IS YOU DO NOT LIKE THE TRUTH. Bush and Cheney LIED about the danger from Saddam and misused the intelligence that was available. These lies have resulted in the death and injury of our troops and have destabilized Iraq. The Inspector General has again updated the almost TOTAL failure of the rebuilding effort which according to his report has cost Americans $30 Billion. EVERYTHING Bush and his administration have done is INEPT. It goes FAR beyond just Iraq.
on Apr 30, 2007
The Inspector General has again updated the almost TOTAL failure of the rebuilding effort which according to his report has cost Americans $30 Billion. EVERYTHING Bush and his administration have done is INEPT. It goes FAR beyond just Iraq.

And I say both him AND you are lying. This document backs me up:

on Apr 30, 2007

YOUR Post is the White House Spin. What I said is from the Inspector General looking at the impact of the rebuilding. What I posted are not LIES but the conclusions of the Inspector General! I suggest you look at the report. It does NOT show that our tax dollars have been effectively spent in Iraq! YOU AREV THE ONE THAT TELLS LIES when you claim I am not telling the truth. I post my sources and yoiu ignore them. In that you are JUST LIKE BUSH and CHENEY!
on Apr 30, 2007
YOUR Post is the White House Spin

according to you it is! But with your hatred for President Bush "and" his administration, I would not expect anything less from you than calling it spin. And can you in ALL "honesty" say that "you" pay ANY attention at all to sources anyone else uses? The answer is a FLAT NO! So I still say you are a liar "and" a political hack!BTW... here's the word you used:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
con·clu·sion /kənˈkluʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-kloo-zhuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the end or close; final part.
2. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached.
3. a result, issue, or outcome; settlement or arrangement: The restitution payment was one of the conclusions of the negotiations.
4. final decision: The judge has reached his conclusion.
5. a reasoned deduction or inference.
6. Logic. a proposition concluded or inferred from the premises of an argument.
7. Law. a. the effect of an act by which the person performing the act is bound not to do anything inconsistent therewith; an estoppel.
b. the end of a pleading or conveyance.

8. Grammar. apodosis.
—Idioms9. in conclusion, finally: In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your attention.
10. try conclusions with, to engage oneself in a struggle for victory or mastery over, as a person or an impediment

Pay special attention to line #6. Because that's the meaning you're looking for. In otherwords the IG's "conclusion" is nothing more than his OPINION!
on Apr 30, 2007

Logic has nothing to do with the findings of the Inspector General. LOOK AT HIS REPORT! As usual you do not know what you are talking about!!!!

I guess you will also tell us that the Former CIA Chief, Gen Zinni and the five CIA Section chiefs are not telling the truth when they said the Intelligence did not agree with what Bush and Cheney told us about Saddam and the danger he posed to this country!
on Apr 30, 2007
Former CIA Chief

is a democrat and backing the democrats

and it was reported to do that he did indeed say slamdunk which the president may or may not have misinturrepted
on Apr 30, 2007
Inspector General

which inspector general the treasury the navy the army the homeland security

which inspector general
on Apr 30, 2007

which inspector general

The Inspector General for Iraq.
on Apr 30, 2007
Tenet was the Director of CIA. His five section Chiefs and Gen Zinni have all said the very same thing-- The intelligence and what Bush and Cheney said about the danger Saddam presented to this country do not agree. Tenet also said the decision to invade Iraq was not made because of the intelligence but long before Bush had the Intelligence. The day after 9/11 Pearl from DOD told Tenet that Iraq would have to be punished for 9/11. The problem was that Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11. This war was what Bush wanted to do and it had nothing to do with any danger that Saddam presented to our country. O'Neil said the very same thing when he said deposing Saddam was a topic at the first cabinet meeting LONG before 9/11. Bush and Cheney LIED and there is no doubt about that. In addition after Bush fabricated the threat he did not listen to his military and invaded Iraq with a force level far too small to control Iraq when Saddam was no longer in power. Nothing about this war was either justified or conduced properly and that is 100% Bush.
on Apr 30, 2007
ok here is what he said and since his job is dependent on the democrats in washington

Report to Congress says problems exacerbated by lack of cooperation between State Department, Pentagon.

By Tom Regan | csmonitor.com

In a report that paints a grim picture of the "violence, corruption and mismangement" that has beset the reconstruction effort in Iraq, The Wall Street Journal reports Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, says that "the ambitious US reconstruction effort in Iraq is likely to fall far short of its goals because soaring security costs and poor management have slashed the amount of American money available for rebuilding projects."
The Journal also reports that although the US has allocated $50 billion for the project, the money available for actual reconstruction projects has been significantly reduced by "mounting security expenses, rising costs for materials and delays, and repeated bureaucratic reshuffling." Mr. Bowen says that while steady progress had been made, the "reconstruction gap" presents a "significant and growing threat" to American efforts to rebuild Iraq.

Bowen's report, which was released to Congress on Sunday, when many in the media were preoccupied with the resignation of Lewis Libby and the anticipated announcement of a new Supreme Court justice, also said that the US had "no comprehensive policy or regulatory guidelines." Bloomberg News reports that this lack of guidelines was exacerbated by a " general lack of coordination" between US government agencies charged with rebuilding Iraq, in particular the State Department and the Pentagon.


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What is this?

When planning began in mid-2002, Pentagon officials "were either unaware or chose to ignore" State Department assessments, and drew up a plan on their own, which wasn't finished until late January 2003, less than two months before the war began, US Inspector-General Stuart Bowen said.
"The lack of co-operation" in identifying qualified personnel well before the invasion "significantly hampered the early management of Iraq reconstruction", Mr Bowen wrote in his quarterly accounting to Congress of the reconstruction effort. Mr Bowen's assessment marks the first time a sitting inspector-general - in this case a former White House deputy assistant to President George Bush - has formally criticized the prewar planning process.

Bloomberg reports that this lack of planning process has hindered what has been "a generally positive effort by the State Department and Army officials in Iraq to put in place the management systems necessary to minimize waste in the $30 billion allocated for rebuilding the Mideast nation."
Corruption has also been a major problem in Iraq, according to Bowen. The Daily Times of Pakistan reports that corruption is costing Iraq billions of dollars each year, and that "Washington and Iraq" should be doing more to stop it. More than $2 billion a year is lost to stolen gasoline and fuel supplies, and Iraq's Bureau of Supreme Audit says that up to $1.27 billion from 90 contracts was lost from June 2004 to February 2005 because deals were given to "favoured suppliers" and cash was given to third-party firms to work out contracts.

"Creating an effective anti-corruption structure within Iraq's government is essential to the long-term success of Iraq's fledgling democracy," Bowen wrote in his seventh quarterly report to Congress. It was released days after the United Nations concluded that 2,200 companies including DaimlerChrysler, Siemens and Volvo made illicit payments totaling $1.8 billion to Saddam Hussein's government under the UN oil-for-food program.
Reuters reports that Bowen's office, which has 20 auditors and 10 investigators in Iraq, has made "significant progress" on cases involving US citizens and allegations of " bribery, fraud, and kickbacks." The report said investigators had gathered "an enormous amount of evidence" but contained no details on any possible indictments.
The New Zealand website Stuff.co.nz, a Fairfax media site, reports that Bowen has referred several cases from the south-central region of Iraq to the Justice Department. Bowen's spokeswoman Kristine Belisle said the Justice Department was looking at possible indictments linked to Iraqi reconstruction. She gave no details and declined to confirm if they were linked to cases in southern Iraq.

Bloomberg reports that Bowen also criticized former Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul Bremer for his decision to disband Iraq's army and defense ministry, and to pursue an "absolutist" policy of de-Baathification. Bowen said these decisions "exacerbated" reconstruction problems
on Apr 30, 2007
In the bleak report, declassified and released Tuesday on Bush’s orders, the nation’s most veteran analysts conclude that despite serious damage to the leadership of al-Qaida, the threat from Islamic extremists has spread both in numbers and in geographic reach.
This from the NIE I referenced.

Since NIE’s are done at most quarterly and usually semiannually could you provide a date for this report or are they basing it off of the NIE released 4 years ago? The reason I ask this is because it takes about 4 months to get the facts and another two to write. If it is a rush job it can be done in 3 months but it is not as acurate as the 6 month one and we all saw how accurate that can be.
on Apr 30, 2007
In the bleak report, declassified and released Tuesday on Bush’s orders, the nation’s most veteran analysts conclude that despite serious damage to the leadership of al-Qaida, the threat from Islamic extremists has spread both in numbers and in geographic reach.
This from the NIE I referenced.

Since NIE’s are done at most quarterly and usually semiannually could you provide a date for this report or are they basing it off of the NIE released 4 years ago? The reason I ask this is because it takes about 4 months to get the facts and another two to write. If it is a rush job it can be done in 3 months but it is not as acurate as the 6 month one and we all saw how accurate that can be.

one thing this report was released in october
on May 03, 2007
No matter what aspect of Iraq we examine the answer is the same-- A Disaster

Lack of progress of the reconstruction- water, electric, oil production

Lack of Security

Inability to Control Foreign Terrorists in Iraq and their spread to other countries

Lack of Political progress of the Iraqi Government.

Loss of over 2 Million Iraqi people to other countries due to the violence

HOW could anyone say that is progress in over 4 years after the fall of Saddam!
on May 03, 2007
i believe the numbers were 10 million displaced, 6 million jews murdered

half of it was under soviet control

we were fighting nazas for 5 years after the war ended

i don't know how long reconstruction was
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