Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country.

That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into combat believing that their sacrifice was to:

Protect us from what they were told was a danger to our homeland from Iraq.

They were told their service in fighting the Iraq War would make America safer.

We told them we would take care of them if they were injured.

The horrible truth is we LIED. Anyone that supports Bush and Cheney has lied to them just like our two top leaders have done. Saddam was no danger to America and Bush had the intelligence and Pentagon estimate that showed he WAS NO DANGER to our country in 2002. The bottom line is that after over four years of fighting the efforts of our military has not made America safer but less safe. That is not because they did not perform admirably but because the mission they were sent on by Bush was one that was WRONG from the beginning and Bush was warned that attacking Iraq would create the horrible situation we see today. Bush failed to listen to the military planners as to the troop levels needed to secure Iraq and most of our dead and wounded are because Bush did not send the required manpower to secure Iraq and prevent the needless bloodshed we see every day in that Hell Hole! When our wounded return we fail to provide decent medical facilities like we say at Walter Reed and a VA system that is NOT capable of providing the long term services needed by our veterans.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot on nerve appearing before the brave members of our military after the way they LIED to them as to WHY we attacked Iraq. They should be ashamed after the way they BOTH failed to serve their country during Vietnam.

Comments (Page 8)
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on May 05, 2007
The Congress DID fund the troops. It is the Commander-in-Chief that prevented those funds from being available!

No, they put in the poison pill of a withdrawal date, that the president said he would not allow. It was also unconstitutional so your guys were breaking the law, should we remove them from office?

and once again you failed to answer my questions.
on May 05, 2007
If you believe placing our military into harms way when there was NO valid reason is OK because they volunteered to serve in the military, you are pathetic!!!!!

i never said it was ok or not ok with that post

they are there so you can call them baby killers as the rest of the demos and liberals are doing or haven't you been hearing this

and no i am not really saying you said that but then i don't know what everything you have said is
on May 06, 2007
No, they put in the poison pill of a withdrawal date, that the president said he would not allow. It was also unconstitutional so your guys were breaking the law, should we remove them from office?

SHOW me the Supreme court Ruling that says what Congress included in the Iraq funding bill is unconstitutional?
on May 06, 2007
Bush is responsible for over 3,300 dead American Troops and 25,000 injuries. They would not be dead or injured if Bush had not started this war!
on May 06, 2007
Bush is responsible for over 3,300 dead American Troops and 25,000 injuries. They would not be dead or injured if Bush had not started this war!

how do you know what would have happened if
on May 06, 2007
SHOW me the Supreme court Ruling that says what Congress included in the Iraq funding bill is unconstitutional?

it has to get by the president before it goes to the supreme court. what an idiot
on May 06, 2007
congress pays

president commands
on May 06, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, May 06, 2007
Bush is responsible for over 3,300 dead American Troops and 25,000 injuries. They would not be dead or injured if Bush had not started this war!

How do you know what would have happened if
If we had not invaded Iraq we would not have had the dead and injured in a war that did not take place. YES Bush is responsible for the dead and injured. Congress did not insist we invade Iraq that was BUSH!
on May 06, 2007
congress pays

president commands

Bush could NOT command his way out of a paper bag!
on May 06, 2007
If we had not invaded Iraq we would not have had the dead and injured in a war that did not take place. YES Bush is responsible for the dead and injured. Congress did not insist we invade Iraq that was BUSH!

if we had not invaded iraq then al quida would have attacked the usa again

if we had not invaded iraq nothing would have happened

if we had not invaded iraq the whole world which has hated us for at least 30 years would now love us

if al gore had been elected president we would now be a muslim nation

if this then that

if that then this

and i didn't say anything about bush's ability to command

i said that the congress pays

and the president commands

ie congress cannot set a date for the withdraw of the troops from anywhere

but they can cut funding for a war

oh and the military on it's own is lowering the wages of non-combatants not in iraq to pay those in iraq
on May 06, 2007
"If we had not invaded Iraq then al Qaeda would have attacked the us again" al Qaeda and the attack on 9/11 had NOTHING to do with Iraq. We had invaded Afghanistan but we NEVER committed the troop level needed to deal with ALL the al Qaeda in Afghanistan because Bush sent then into Iraq. The only reason al Qaeda is operating in IRAQ TODAY IS BECAUSE WE INVEDED Iraq AND COULD NOT PREVENT THEM FROM SETTING UO SHOP ON Iraq!

"If we had not invaded Iraq the whole world which has hated us for at least 30 years would now love us" Our invasion and occupation of Iraq had made the Hate that existed before our invasion much worse. That is what our own intelligence agencies have said in the NIE.

If al gore had been elected president we would now be a Muslim nation YOU do not know what you are talking. YOU ARE AN a*s.

oh and the military on it's own is lowering the wages of non-combatants not in Iraq to pay those in Iraq"

With the leadership, or lack of it, from Bush they were sent into a war that was not justified, without the needed equipment and without the numbers needed to accomplish the mission. When they come home injured Bush has not requested enough funding to properly deal with the number that needs care. Both facilities like Walter Reed and the VA are very much under funded by the Commander-in-Chief. Bush is the militaries WORST enemy. Bush has all but destroyed the Army, Marines, Army National Guard and Army Reserve.
on May 06, 2007
Walter Reed

is a 50 year old hosiptal and your going to blame the whole thing on bush

when did bush have any direct control of walter reed

it was clinton that cut funding to the military every year he was in office

and it was clinton that sent the troops on missions unarmed

and it was clinton that used missiles and didn't replace them

and i heard one of the lead democrats say last week that if the president vetoed that bill. he would not vote for any replacement equipment for the military in iraq
on May 06, 2007
SHOW me the Supreme court Ruling that says what Congress included in the Iraq funding bill is unconstitutional?

Nice try, and it would work if I was as ignorant of the constitution as you seem to be. Wars are the responsibility of the President. Only the President can send troops to war, and only the President can order them into battle or bring them home. Congress can cut funding, impeach the President, and make recommendations but that is it, unless they make an amendment to the constitution changing the laws we use to govern. Show me in the constitution where the congress fights a war.
on May 06, 2007

You don't lie well enough to pull this one off. First, AQ was in Iraq before we invaded Afghanistan and they tried to set up a base of operations when we invaded Afghanistan. One of the reasons given for the invasion Iraq, I and others have told you this for months in your blogs but you refuse to even acknowledge those statements and once again you lie to give you the cover to ignore the facts and push your lies.

on May 06, 2007
col gene and sean are just following the democrat book keep saying the same lies until everyone believes you

and col gene what about that redistribution of wealth you know the 300,000
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