Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country.

That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into combat believing that their sacrifice was to:

Protect us from what they were told was a danger to our homeland from Iraq.

They were told their service in fighting the Iraq War would make America safer.

We told them we would take care of them if they were injured.

The horrible truth is we LIED. Anyone that supports Bush and Cheney has lied to them just like our two top leaders have done. Saddam was no danger to America and Bush had the intelligence and Pentagon estimate that showed he WAS NO DANGER to our country in 2002. The bottom line is that after over four years of fighting the efforts of our military has not made America safer but less safe. That is not because they did not perform admirably but because the mission they were sent on by Bush was one that was WRONG from the beginning and Bush was warned that attacking Iraq would create the horrible situation we see today. Bush failed to listen to the military planners as to the troop levels needed to secure Iraq and most of our dead and wounded are because Bush did not send the required manpower to secure Iraq and prevent the needless bloodshed we see every day in that Hell Hole! When our wounded return we fail to provide decent medical facilities like we say at Walter Reed and a VA system that is NOT capable of providing the long term services needed by our veterans.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot on nerve appearing before the brave members of our military after the way they LIED to them as to WHY we attacked Iraq. They should be ashamed after the way they BOTH failed to serve their country during Vietnam.

Comments (Page 7)
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on May 04, 2007
Posted: Thursday, May 03, 2007
I believe the numbers were 10 million displaced, 6 million Jews murdered. What does that have to do with Iraq?

The security situation in Germany was NOTHING like Iraq. The reality is that Iraq is in Civil War Germany was not is that type of a situation. You did not have factions within Germany that attacked each other like in Iraq. However you attempt to shift this focus from the problem TODAY which is Iraq is not going to work. What took place in Germany is history. What is going on in Iraq today will be tomorrow’s history. We are in the middle of a Civil War in Iraq that WE ALLOWED TO DEVELOP! WE see foreign terrorists TO TAKE HOLD. All this is because of GWB and his invasion of Iraq and His failure to provide the force levels needed to prevent the Civil war and influx of foreign terrorisms. Look as the comments of McCain last night if you believe what is taking place today is not because of Bush!
on May 04, 2007
We are in the middle of a Civil War in Iraq that WE ALLOWED TO DEVELOP! WE see foreign terrorists TO TAKE HOLD.

again you said that they have been fighting for 1300 years

so which is it did we allow this to start or has it been going on for 1300 years

and please don't tell me that saddam had it under control

becouse the golden mosque was attacked several times when he was in power

you know no matter how many times you tell a lie it is still a lie

dispite the democrat credo that if you tell a lie enough times people will start to believe it

again from history if the british and the french and stopped hitler in 1933 then the 2nd ww wouldn't have started

saddam was working on weapons even his top general said so and said that he give it to syria and iran just before the war started
on May 04, 2007

Again you said that they have been fighting for 1300 years

So which is it did we allow this to start or has it been going on for 1300 years

Before we invaded Iraq Saddam prevented the sectarian violence from getting to the point of being a Civil War. Before Saddam the British did the same thing. What I said is the dispute between the factions goes back 1,300 and deals with the successor of Mohamed as I understand it. The difference NOW is that when we invaded Iraq we removed the CONTROL imposed by Saddam that did not allow either internal factions or foreign factions from organizing and arming themselves. We simply did not have the troop levels to continue the control and prevent either the internal factions or the foreign factions from beginning to operate.

Bush made two MAJOR ERRORS:Invading a Moslem country and causing the hate toward America to get worse.Not providing the troop levels that our military said were required to maintain control of the factions in Iraq and to prevent foreign terrorists from entering the country and setting up operations similar to what was taking place in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.
on May 04, 2007
so we were supposed to leave a hitler want to be in power a man who was paying the families of murder bombers 50,000 us dollars

oh wait i know you forgot about that little detail didn't you

or is it that just becouse the bombers were targeting isreal YOU didn't care

the muslims thought 10 years before 9/11 that we had led the crusades

i get this from talking to a muslim in my cab

another one told me that the palis. consider every man woman and child in isreal to be in the military

and the taliban were foreign fighters and so too were al quida
on May 04, 2007

so we were supposed to leave a Hitler want to be in power a man who was paying the families of murder bombers 50,000 us dollars

Oh wait I know you forgot about that little detail didn't you

Or is it that just because the bombers were targeting Israel YOU didn't care

The Muslims thought 10 years before 9/11 that we had led the crusades

NONE of this has anything to do with Saddam and Iraq as a danger to the U.S. We sent our military into harms way for WHAT? Israel has one of the most powerful military
forces in the world. Saddam did not have the military force to threaten anyone including Israel. If Bush had been president in 1941 after Dec 7th he would have attacked China or Poland. We used our military against a NON danger and have stirred up even more Moslems that would be willing to attack us and have enabled both a Civil war and Al Qaeda to operate in Iraq. We have helped establish a government in Iraq like the one in Iran which we consider our mortal enemy. HOW again has what we have accomplished by invading Iraq made America safer?
on May 04, 2007
COL Gene

ok your right your a clown
on May 04, 2007

Just Like Bush. When someone puts forth facts you choose to ignore or do not like you attack them or use derogatory terms that only reflect your ignorance!
on May 04, 2007

Just Like Bush. When someone puts forth facts you choose to ignore or do not like you attack them or use derogatory terms that only reflect your ignorance!

Big problem here is over 3/4 of the time, you don't use facts. You use dem/libs/left talking points. And like I've told you before....trying to have rational conversation with you is lke trying to talk to a 5 year old.
on May 04, 2007

WRONG!!! I sight facts you do not like so you make believe they are not facts! That just makes you look foolish!
on May 04, 2007
COL Gene

ok your right your a clown

on May 04, 2007
you know those troops are in harms way voluntarily so that you can condemn them and so i can misspell

on May 04, 2007
Congress has the right to impose restrictions on how money is spent. They have EVERY Right to say after a date no more money can be spent to support combat operations in Iraq.

On this point you are correct, where you miss it is the silly thing called the constitution. Congress can pass any law they want, the President is the one that approves or disapproves the law. If the Congress and the President both agree on the law and the people don’t like the law they have one last course of action which is the court system. If the law is unconstitutional it can be struck down. If the law is constitutional then the only way to get rid of the law is for congress to repeal the law. That is the way it works. You don’t like the way it works because you did not get your way. How about respecting the majority as you have said on many occasions after the corrupt democrats re-took power. Now that your side is proven to be impotent by just a few people standing in their way you try to make excuses for their failure.
The democrats have always said that they will fund the troops and that the date certain idea that you supported was a political ploy to hurt the President and the republicans. All this crap YOU supported has now been exposed as a ploy and they had no desire to advance a date to withdraw from Iraq. Don’t you feel the least bit used? Humiliated? Duped? You were used by your party, they had no intention of following through on the bill you supported and now you scream that it is the presidents fault even though they freely admit that wanted the President to veto the bill.
on May 05, 2007
“you know those troops are in harms way voluntarily so that you can condemn them and so i can misspell”

If you believe placing our military into harms way when there was NO valid reason is OK because they volunteered to serve in the military, you are pathetic!!!!!

Now the senior British diplomat at the UN during the period leading up to the Iraq war has come forward saying the British like the Bush Administration lied about the danger presented by Saddam. So much for the foreign intelligence was wrong.
on May 05, 2007

"The democrats have always said that they will fund the troops" The Congress DID fund the troops. It is the Commander-in-Chief that prevented those funds from being available!
on May 05, 2007

WRONG!!! I sight facts you do not like so you make believe they are not facts! That just makes you look foolish!

THE VERY SAME THING IS SAID ABOUT YOU! We site facts that disprove what you're saying and most of the time you just ignore them. That makes you a "CLOWN".
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