Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The price of gas is not something that can be ignored. The explanation from Big Oil is just not acceptable. They claim the spring maintenance is the reason for the highest gas prices ever in this Country. At the same time oil company profits continue to set new records.

With the obscene profits oil companies have received they have not built ANY new refineries in 20 years to deal with the supply issue they claim is why prices are high. It is time to simply tax away the increasing profits and use that tax revenue to build refineries, seek alternate energy and begin forcing solutions that BIG OIL will not resolve. All they want is to pay huge salaries to their top executives and make the stockholders happy while destroying every person and business in this country. The increase in gas prices is FAR worse then any tax increase because it is harms ALL Americans and ALL American Business. For any of the conservatives that wail against tax increases, it is time to stop the rape by Big Oil!

Comments (Page 8)
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on May 22, 2007
I didn't chop any statement.

this is the statement i made...

the industry cries that they need looser regulation to build refineries. they are simply "holding out for a better deal while the american people are held hostage.

you chopped it down to this...

they are simply "holding out for a better deal"

pretty damn clear as far as i can tell.

I am no apologist for it. If I started attacking the Big Mac you'd be right here to defend it because you wouldn't want your source of income to dry up. Right?

son, i do quite a bit better than that. but thank you for exposing yourself here.

I care about my little piece

that's not news.

on May 22, 2007
son, i do quite a bit better than that. but thank you for exposing yourself here.

  I thought it was kinda funny. As for the vague reference to exposing myself, I admit it ... I worked for MickeyD's when I was 15 and 16. Oh, you got me.  

that's not news.

You can't honestly say that you care more about the greater good than your own self preservation. If that were actually true you'd be handing over your entire check to the government.

If there was a situation where the only outcome was me or you, there is no way you'd stand around waiting for someone to rush in with a way for both of us to walk away. You'd drop the hammer. So would I.
on May 22, 2007
You can't honestly say that you care more about the greater good than your own self preservation. If that were actually true you'd be handing over your entire check to the government.

don't tell me how i think or what i would or have done.

If there was a situation where the only outcome was me or you, there is no way you'd stand around waiting for someone to rush in with a way for both of us to walk away. You'd drop the hammer. So would I.

again, you don't know that. you can certainly speak for yourself, as you have. i've sacrificed plenty in my life for the good of others. now, a "life or death" emergency might produce more survivalist results. but this is hardly that. this is just pure greed. equating a desire to get rich with a life and death situation is a really poor comparison.

but don't let me stop ya from grasping at those elusive straws.
on May 22, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Tuesday, May 22, 2007
We have NOT tried an Excess Profits Tax to help develop alternate energy. Doing NOTHING is harming EVERY person and Business in this country!

Oh please, stop being so dramatic. You could care less about developing alternative energy, you just want to tax "big oil" because it's part of the far lefts hate-filled obsessions.

YOU are full of BS. I want us to END our dependence on foreign oil and this would help pay for that conversion with profits the OIL companies do not deserve!
on May 22, 2007
YOU are full of BS. I want us to END our dependence on foreign oil and this would help pay for that conversion with profits the OIL companies do not deserve!


A tax on profits will not lessen our depence on foreign oil one bit and you know it.  I love how you decide who deserves what....I bet Castro and Chavez would be so proud of you.

on May 22, 2007
"A tax on profits will not lessen our dependence on foreign oil one bit and you know it."

If that tax revenue from an Excess Profits Tax on Big Oil were used to build solar, wind and Bio Fuel plants it would do just that.
on May 22, 2007
I want us to END our dependence on foreign oil

you want to end our dependence on foreign oil then tell the democrats and tree huggers to stop not letting us use our own

with profits the OIL companies do not deserve!

i have asked this before who are you to decide who deserves what. oh that's right your a dictator

If that tax revenue from an Excess Profits Tax on Big Oil were used to build solar, wind and Bio Fuel plants it would do just that.

this energy sources are only good in areas and then their not that good

on May 22, 2007
If that tax revenue from an Excess Profits Tax on Big Oil were used to build solar, wind and Bio Fuel plants it would do just that.

And you know that would never happen.  There is just too much bureaucracy.  As usual you are just looking for an excuse to raise taxes.

on May 22, 2007
And you know that would never happen. There is just too much bureaucracy. As usual you are just looking for an excuse to raise taxes.

The law that creates the Excess Profits tax could mandate that money be used ONLY to provide Wind, Solar or Bio Fuel facilities. Under the current policies we have the WORST of everything. We all pay more for Gas, We do not move toward energy independence. The Oil Company get richer and richer and the wealthy pay less tax on that added oil profit thanks to George and the GOP! The poor and middle income pay higher prices for gas so the wealthy can have even MORE money!
on May 22, 2007
The poor and middle income pay higher prices for gas so the wealthy can have even MORE money!

the last time i went to the gas station they didn't ask me if i was poor or middle class before i filled up

so i am assuming that anyone who fills up at these gas stations pay the same price no matter what social class they are in

The law that creates the Excess Profits tax could mandate that money be used ONLY to provide Wind, Solar or Bio Fuel facilities.

you mean just like the law that mandated that all of the social security was to be used only for approved social scurity programs

and then the democrats and republicans started boworring from it to pay for pork

on May 23, 2007
"the last time i went to the gas station they didn't ask me if i was poor or middle class before i filled up "

No they did not. However the higher prices you paid will end up in the pocket of the wealthy who receive the higher dividends because of the HIGHER prices you and all of us paid!!!

you mean just like the law that mandated that all of the social security was to be used only for approved social security programs

All the social security Benefits PAID were paid as the law states. What you are talking about is the Surplus that HAS NOT been paid to retirees. That is what the Fed spent and has issued Treasury Bonds that will have to be repaid when Social Security needs the money! The law could require that this Excess Profits tax be spent ONLY on new energy sources that we control. They could also require the equipment and Labor to construct these facilities is American. The path we are on is doing NOTHING except allowing BIG OIL to get Fatter and Fatter and line the pockets of the wealthy who own the VAST MAJORITY of the OIL Company stock!
on May 23, 2007
The poor and middle income pay higher prices for gas so the wealthy can have even MORE money!


on May 23, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The poor and middle income pay higher prices for gas so the wealthy can have even MORE money!


Is that your response when you have no answer? Since the top 10% OWN 90% of all securities and the OIL Companies Profits are growing more and more, WHO do you think is benefiting from those higher profits? It is NOT the VAST MAJORITY of us.
on May 23, 2007
Is that your response when you have no answer? Since the top 10% OWN 90% of all securities and the OIL Companies Profits are growing more and more, WHO do you think is benefiting from those higher profits? It is NOT the VAST MAJORITY of us.

There is no answer except that this is ridiculous, and just another excuse to tax people who make more than you do.  Socialism is not your friend col.

on May 23, 2007

"There is no answer except that this is ridiculous, and just another excuse to tax people who make more than you do. Socialism is not your friend col"

If you think the Gas prices are not ridiculous you are NUTS! Prove the added Oil Company Profits are not going into the pockets of the wealthy that own the Oil Stock! This proof I want to see.
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