Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The price of gas is not something that can be ignored. The explanation from Big Oil is just not acceptable. They claim the spring maintenance is the reason for the highest gas prices ever in this Country. At the same time oil company profits continue to set new records.

With the obscene profits oil companies have received they have not built ANY new refineries in 20 years to deal with the supply issue they claim is why prices are high. It is time to simply tax away the increasing profits and use that tax revenue to build refineries, seek alternate energy and begin forcing solutions that BIG OIL will not resolve. All they want is to pay huge salaries to their top executives and make the stockholders happy while destroying every person and business in this country. The increase in gas prices is FAR worse then any tax increase because it is harms ALL Americans and ALL American Business. For any of the conservatives that wail against tax increases, it is time to stop the rape by Big Oil!

Comments (Page 9)
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on May 23, 2007
Socialism is not your friend col.

then why are we selling a socialist plan for iraq? (the shared oil revenues amongst all iraqis)
on May 23, 2007
Prove the added Oil Company Profits are not going into the pockets of the wealthy that own the Oil Stock!


that oil company exxion is had a profit of 32 billion dollars.

of that

20 billion is going to find more resources and bring it to market
the stock holders will get about 2 dollars per share

and i think the rest is going to upgrade the refineries so they can produce more gas

on May 23, 2007
If you think the Gas prices are not ridiculous you are NUTS! Prove the added Oil Company Profits are not going into the pockets of the wealthy that own the Oil Stock! This proof I want to see.

What price should gas be col?  Since you think you can control peoples incomes, taxes, and everything else, maybe then you should set the gas prices. 

LOL.  Are you jealous of rich people col?  Because all you do is complain about how much money they make and how you can think up schemes to somehow take it away from them.
on May 23, 2007
Most people are too stupid to understand even basic economics. They think because gas was 80 cents a gallon 15 years ago, it should be now, regardless of the fact of inflation. Those same people would level the price and never change it as the times change, until the industry is runing in the red and fails.

Much like our socialist friends in South America, the Col is simply so intent on his fascistic quest to make the way the world has he wants it to be that he has lost sight of reality. When he starts railing at Microsoft for raising the cost of, well, about everything in our society for selling their OS at an uncontrolled price, then I'll believe he has something other than Bush on his mind.
on May 23, 2007
Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Most people are too stupid to understand even basic economics. They think because gas was 80 cents a gallon 15 years ago, it should be now, regardless of the fact of inflation.

At $3.20 per gallon average it is higher after inflation then ever. Crude oil would have to be at $100 per barrel to justify the current gas price. It is all the Oil companies controlling the supply that is driving up the price and driving up the Oil company Profits!
on May 23, 2007
"Crude oil would have to be at $100 per barrel to justify the current gas price"

And Microsoft controlling the supply of Windows causes it to be FAR more expensive than it costs to make. Welcome to ecomonics 101. Your books sell for far more than they would if I could print them and sell them myself. Is that unfair?

Are you a bolivarian? Your ideology here smells like cigars and death. I hear Castro is willing to lend out his "security" people to train nations like Venezuala, who decide to impose the kind of standards of fairness that you are talking about. That is the only way they work, and then only long enough for the nation to go to hell.

You aren't bolivarian, though. You don't give a damn whether the price that Brad, or Microsoft, or even YOU set for your products is "fair". Because this is oil, it has the taint of Bush on it, so your neurosis kicks in. Almost everything you own is effected by the price of computer software. Don't you care?

Is the price point for a gallon of gas over $3,00? We'll see whether Americans keep their ass at home this summer and refuse to pay. If not, then you, if you are honest, will have to admit that the market will bear it.

on May 23, 2007

What is unfair is that price of an essential commodity is being manipulated by several very large oil companies who control the supply and thus the price. They can create mini shortages by slowing down refining or by refining less of one product and more of another. If gas and heating oil were something that consumers could simply not purchase when the price got higher it would be different. However, people need to get to work. Goods must be transported regardless of the price. The Free market simply does not function with petroleum and since it is so essential increasing the price because the oil giants have created a supply problem causes great harm to both individuals and companies. Everyone is harmed except the Big Oil Companies. They reap the added profits their manipulation of the supply causes. Those increased profits are not being used to build new refining capacity which is the reason we are given for the high prices. Despite the fact that demand has been and will continue to increase, NO NEW refineries have been completed in at least 20 Years. There is every reason for BIG OIL to continue with the current practice so they may continue to payout dividends to the wealthy that own the oil stock and insure the supply relative to demand enables them to continue manipulating the price and their future profits! Free enterprise and competition is NOT operating in the oil industry!

To add insult to injury, Bush and the GOP gave Big Oil $12 Billion in tax credits. WHY? They have more then sufficient profits without the tax credits to build refineries or drill for oil. The Tax Credits is like sending Food Stamps to Bill Gates! Because we are operating at an annual budget deficit that $12 Billion in tax credits to Big Oil was BORROWED and we are paying interest on that tax credit! Then we cut the tax rates for the wealthy investors that own the oil company stock and we also borrowed the tax cuts to the wealthy in our country. EVERYTHING is WRONG with this picture!!!!!
on May 23, 2007
dictator col. gene i see you completely ignored what i wrote again

no new refineries have been finished in 20 years becouse the tree huggers won't let them be built

as for gas being used in the usa 33% of refined gas is imported becouse WE CANNOT REFINE ANY MORE BECOUSE WE ARE AT CAPACITY

as for shutting done for maintaince when do you think they should shut down when it is freezeing out so as to cut back on the amount of heating oil for the winter

or just wait until it breaks. then it will be shut down even longer. BUT LETS FACE IT THE ONLY THING YOU WOULD BE HAPPY WITH IS PAYING MORE FOR GAS IN THE FORM OF TAXES
on May 23, 2007
“No new refineries have been finished in 20 years because the tree huggers won't let them be built” THAT IS BULL S**t!!!

The power of Big Oil could have overcome that lobby especially with the GOP in control of Congress and the White House!

“as for gas being used in the usa 33% of refined gas is imported because WE CANNOT REFINE ANY MORE BECOUSE WE ARE AT CAPACITY .”

That is why BIG OIL should have built more refineries!

How about this:

Reply By: COL Gene Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007

To add insult to injury, Bush and the GOP gave Big Oil $12 Billion in tax credits. WHY? They have more then sufficient profits without the tax credits to build refineries or drill for oil. The Tax Credits is like sending Food Stamps to Bill Gates! Because we are operating at an annual budget deficit that $12 Billion in tax credits to Big Oil was BORROWED and we are paying interest on that tax credit! Then we cut the tax rates for the wealthy investors that own the oil company stock and we also borrowed the tax cuts to the wealthy in our country. EVERYTHING is WRONG with this picture!!!!!

on May 23, 2007
That is why BIG OIL should have built more refineries!

You moron....you NEVER read what is given as information. Not unless it fits into your fantasy world. First the refineries are running at 98% of capacity. You want them to build more refineries tell CONGRESS to loosen the restrictions so they can build more!
on May 23, 2007
here is a quote from a liberal who is quoting a liberal newspaper in the oil industry but if you read carefully he/she first names one paper and then says he/she is quoting another mag which is a liberal paper

Why No New US Oil Refineries in 29 Years?
By toppa | bio
Congress is already gearing up to loosen environmental regulations and "streamline" the approval process (i.e. block objections from local communities) for the construction of new refineries:

"Congress got an earful from industry officials who argued for tax breaks to bolster capacity and complained that environmental regulations and 'not in my backyard' citizen movements had blocked efforts to build new refineries...Both parties are weighing measures to loosen environmental and permitting constraints for refineries."

As the saying goes, don't believe the hype. It turns out that environmental regulations and NIMBY-ism never came into play, because until now the industry hasn't been particularly interested in building new refineries:

"'Oil companies want to make money with refineries, and they did not want to get excess capacity by over-investing,' says Lehi German, president of Fundamental Petroleum Trends, a weekly newsletter. Oil companies felt that if America suddenly needed more gasoline or diesel fuel, 'then import it.'"

So the industry has placed profits ahead of investing in refining capacity, and - with the exception of this Christian Science Monitor article I quoted - the media seems content to go along with them pining the whole thing on environmentalists.

so the guy/gal in one paragraph forgot who he was quoting

on May 23, 2007
Sure, I can buy a mac. And you can buy a bicycle. You realize the difficulty in creating a mainstream operating system right now without infringing on an MS intellectual property?

Oddly... you aren't concerned with that, though. You realize that every business you come into contact with in some way or another absorbs the cost of a Microsoft "monopoly", right? How about your cable company, or your electric company?

My natural gas bill is outrageous. I can move to 100% electric, but then I am just moving from one non-choice to another. Where do you get this idea that we live in a world that REQUIRES competition?

If you don't like how they do business, buy a bike, or admit that the price point of your pet peeve product is actually low enough that you will tolerate their status as gatekeepers.
on May 23, 2007

the democrats have yelling for higher gas prices since the 70's

but they wanted to hit 5.00 a gallon on taxes

so the only reason they are throwing a fit is that they are not the ones controlling the money

and this goes for dictator col. gene

on May 24, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the democrats have yelling for higher gas prices since the 70's

but they wanted to hit 5.00 a gallon on taxes

so the only reason they are throwing a fit is that they are not the ones controlling the money

and this goes for dictator col. gene

THAT IS BS. The Democrats do not want $5 gas. Now Congress wants to act and Bush has again threatened his Veto. Keep it up Republicans. November 2008 is coming and the American People will vote. It is clear that the Democrats can not make the changes that people want because of Bush and the GOP members of Congress. That will change in January 2009.
Yesterday the registration numbers were released. The independents are 43 % of registered voters. Democrats about 33% and the GOP 24%. This adds more poof to my statement that the VAST majority of Americans are NOT CONSERVATIVES and there is NO reason we should have Congress, The White House or the Courts dominated by Conservatives!
on May 24, 2007
This adds more poof to my statement that the VAST majority of Americans are NOT CONSERVATIVES and there is NO reason we should have Congress, The White House or the Courts dominated by Conservatives!

Do you even understand politics at all, seriously?

Congress and the White House are "dominated" by conservatives because they were voted there.  I see you don't have this problem with liberals, because what you are hoping is full control by the democrats.  Once again contradicting yourself that government should be "balanced". 

Democrats want to act.....what a joke.

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