Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
No need to wait for September.
Published on July 9, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics
The Iraq Government has not met a single benchmark to resolve the many issues essential to ending the violence in Iraq. It is now time to bring our troops home and allow the Iraqi people to deal with the future of Iraq. We can not continue to sacrifice our military for a country that refuses to do its part. This together with an increase in the violence can not be ignored. The time is up and Congress MUST force an end to our involvement in this misguided war!

Official: Iraq Gov't Missed All Targets
By ANNE FLAHERTY and ANNE GEARAN (Associated Press Writers)
From Associated Press
July 09, 2007 8:45 PM EDT
WASHINGTON - A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration's reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.

One likely result of the report will be a vastly accelerated debate among President Bush's top aides on withdrawing troops and scaling back the U.S. presence in Iraq.

The "pivot point" for addressing the matter will no longer be Sept. 15, as initially envisioned, when a full report on Bush's so-called "surge" plan is due, but instead will come this week when the interim mid-July assessment is released, the official said.

"The facts are not in question," the official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because the draft is still under discussion. "The real question is how the White House proceeds with a post-surge strategy in light of the report."

So no one forgets here is what I posted May 3, 2007. I was one month off in my prediction:
August 2007 Will Show Bush was WRONG!<BR>
By COL Gene Posted Thursday, May 03, 2007 on Bush Truth Discussion: Politics

Bush again got his way and I think it is clear Congress will again give Bush his way in Iraq. The next funding bill may contain some non binding language about what the Iraqi Government should do but will have no impact on the outcome of the Iraq war. In August we will have the final input as to the impact of the Surge. I believe that evaluation will show that the Civil War and the operations of al Qaeda will be at a level that will clearly show the added U.S. Troops has not brought an acceptable level of stability to Iraq. We will see a political atmosphere in Iraq similar to today with no resolve to end the Civil war that has taken hold in Iraq. All the speculation will be behind us and it will be time to remove our forces from Iraq. If I am correct, Republicans who refuse to acknowledge the failure of the Bush Policy in Iraq will be in real trouble. I believe the funding for FY 2008 will be the time that Congress including enough GOP members will be in place to provide a veto proof bill. If the GOP continues to support Bush even with the clear failure of his policy, the day of change will be November 2008. I pray it will not take until January 2009 when the next President takes office to remove our brave military from a mission they should NEVER have been sent to by their Commander-in-Chief!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 10, 2007
I see no one can refute this Blog or the fact that I predicted this is just what would happen. It feels GOOD to be proven Correct!
on Jul 10, 2007

I see no one can refute this Blog or the fact that I predicted this is just what would happen. It feels GOOD to be proven Correct!

LOL.  I guess all those posts about the economy being in great shape, and good news from Iraq must be true since you never posted there either.  It's pretty pathetic that you make posts like this cheering failure. That is why people don't post to your blogs anymore, not because you are correct, but because you are obsessive with Bush.

on Jul 10, 2007
“That is why people don't post to your Blogs anymore, not because you are correct, but because you are obsessive with Bush.”

You can make excuses all you want. What I said in May about Iraq have come true and Bush is the reason we are in this devastating war in Iraq. Anyone that makes excuses for Bush is JUST as bad as he is and as responsible for the failure of just about everything he has none over the past 6 1/2 years!

There have been a lot of articles about the economy and how it has done nothing for the low and most of the middle income working families. The only group that has done well under the Bush policies are the wealthy and a few at the top of the middle income group.
on Jul 10, 2007
"There have been a lot of articles about the economy and how it has done nothing for the low and most of the middle income working families. The only group that has done well under the Bush policies are the wealthy and a few at the top of the middle income group."

People who do well historically will continue to do well in the future regardless of who is President. Also, maybe they are doing well because they have more money. I'm guessing your definition of 'done well' is 'has money'. By DEFINITION, the people who have money have money.

But, you did say that in May. But you were a month off. And how many times have you predicted this before only to have it not happen? Bush has gone far. Bush has gone too far. This time, Bush has gone too far. Bush has gone too TOO far. Etc. Tell you what. Post an article citing one good thing Bush has done. Then, perhaps people will take your side more seriously.

When I'm investigating a $50 million claim, I want to be able to document $1 million of it. Because, then they at least know we worked on it, thought it through, and documented what we could. There's still $49 million they're not getting. But at least they can't say we didn't take them seriously. If we can't verify a dollar of it, they're going to claim bad faith. Which is what you, Gene, seem to have for Bush. So show some good faith, that you at least tried to find something good about Bush.
on Jul 10, 2007
its terribly annoying to hear stuff like "anyone who makes excuses for him is just as bad."
how could anyone come to a different conclusion than i have? we all think we are right, but some of us really listen and have respect for the other side.
on Jul 10, 2007
“So show some good faith, that you at least tried to find something good about Bush."

I believe the new Ambassador to Iraq and the new Sec Def are people that are well qualified for their positions.
on Jul 10, 2007
“We all think we are right, but some of us really listen and have respect for the other side. Respect should be predicated on some basis.”

Looking at the situation in Iraq, there is so little of worth that for someone to respect what we have done is hard to understand. The ONLY thing we accomplished is remove Saddam. EVERYTHING else has gotten worse. The lives of people are intolerable. We have not restored the most basic services. We have foreign elements helping tear the country apart. We enabled an ineffective government to come into power and over 2 million people have fled Iraq including many of the professional so badly needed to help rebuild Iraq. This after 5 years! How can anyone respect a policy that has produced such a dismal set of outcomes?
on Jul 10, 2007
its too hard we cannt do anything so lets all run home and hide under the bed maybe the billy won't find us
on Jul 10, 2007
not only that, but its crap. lots of things are going well over there. they have also found wmd.

no-one wants to listen to anything positive.
i was talking to a soldier just a couple of months ago who was home on his two weeks, and while i was talking to him, he got a call from one of his friends who was in iraq. his friend told him that they had found more chemical weapons stashed that day. you know, no big deal.

i asked him what that was all about, and he told me that they really do find stuff all the time. and that nobody cares.

when it comes to war and setting up governments, who's to say that 5 or 6 years is any time at all? just because you have the attention span of a two year old, doesn't mean that i can't wait. rome, its been rumored, wasn't built in a day. neither will iraq be. the statement about rome is actually pretty deep. rome wasn't built in a day. it means that sometimes you have to be patient. i know its hard, but the outcome will be worth it.

nothing will ever go good enough for people who think like you. this is the most succsessful war in history if you look at it honestly. nothing happens overnight. everybody knows that war sucks. i truly believe that its because of people like you that this war is so hard. instead of trying to explain everything to us and make us all happy, those guys should just be able to kick that ass and get home. but you wanna cry about every little thing that you don't like. and only focus on the bad.

america is not evil. neither is bush. we really were attacked. here. at home. i didn't like it. that is the bad that i focus on. a lot of people said that it was no reason to go into iraq. it was the obvious thing to do.

when you get bit in the ass, you turn around and see all the things breathing down your neck that you were trying to ignore. it was (or should have been) a wake up call. if you believe that we should just nice these terrorists until they see our way, then i really believe you are slow. we have to fight. we have to win.

on Jul 11, 2007
If you read his last post all he does is bash america. Not the corrupt iraqi government. not al quida. not iran. not syria.

yes dictator gene i know if we hadn't have invaded iraq non of this would have happened.

would a, could a, should a,

on Jul 11, 2007
it's real telling to see the apologists come out with the usual bs...the insistance that they and the horses they backed were wrong and continue to be wrong, but anyone who questions that is out of line. keep givin em hell col!
on Jul 11, 2007
the insistance that they and the horses they backed were wrong and continue to be wrong,

nope as i said on another thread. if it was only the Iraqi government. it is time to come home. but the Iraqi people are starting to stand up to al quida. we cannot abandon the people.

but dictator gene only says one thing
on Jul 11, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It’s too hard we can’t do anything so let’s all run home and hide under the bed maybe the bully won't find us

That is ridiculous. What Bush wants is to continue to have our troops killed and injured in a Civil war we are not able to win. THE GOVERNMENT IN IRAQ CAN NOT OR WILL NOT MAKE THE CHANGES TO END THE FIGHTING!
on Jul 11, 2007
It’s too hard we can’t do anything so let’s all run home and hide under the bed maybe the bully won't find us

on Jul 11, 2007
Reply By: toothache's revenge Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2007
not only that, but its crap. lots of things are going well over there. they have also found wmd.

That is BS. The MOST basis issue SECURITY is preventing reconstruction as well as any normal like in Iraq. Large numbers of the Doctors have fled Iraq. Over 2 Million others have left. Schools are not operating. You can not go out in many locations for fear of your life. There is not enough water, electric, gasoline. The oil revenue is not even close to what is should be. Yesterday 23 were killed in the Green Zone the most secure area in Iraq. Over the weekend 240 were killed. The situation in the north is very dangerous with Turkey moving 140,000 of its troops to the Iraq Border. Hezbollah is now operating in Iraq along with al Qaeda. The civilian government we helped establish is useless. Yes things are GREAT in Iraq!
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