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Bush Truth
Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bridge Collapse is Example of Crumbling Infastructure!
Published on August 2, 2007 By
COL Gene
We have wasted $44 Billion in Iraq to rebuild their infrastructure and do nothing to deal with identical problems in America. We spend $12 Billion each month on a lost cause in Iraq. Last month it was the steam line in New York.
Let’s keep burying our heads in the sand!
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Comments (Page 9)
13 Pages
Island Dog
on Aug 05, 2007
YOUR NUMBERS are not in agreement with the costs where I live in PA or in Florida. DREAM ON-- You may be able to live at you’re location but in many areas a family CAN NOT EXIST on 25-30K and that is what many of the great new jobs Bush brags about are paying.
That is a pure lie right there, and you know it.
How many people here in Central Florida, a service industry leader live just fine making that and less? I can tell you from experience it's many. It doesn't matter regardless, if what you are making isn't enough, then take it upon yourself to better your situation instead of complaining about Bush or the federal government.
You are alleging that families are dying en masse in these locations, COL. SHOW ME WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still waiting......
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: Zydor Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
This quite simply is a disgrace; you should be ashamed of yourself Abel. I am staggered that any ex officer - even though it was only four years in the regular Army - can lower themselves to the gutter with conduct that is beyond contempt. To then put to shame the excellent people currently serving in the Reserve Forces, just about tops it all.
- "Try" to wrap your mind around this klink
- First of all you flaming A**.
- and is an arrogant ill-informed perm Dona that got to where is his because of the influence of his family and idiots like you.
- All you do is spew meaningless dribble
- I will not waste any more of my time on idiots like you!
And that is just from one page. We all get heated from time to time, but this - its on a different Planet. It’s hardly surprising the Publishing Majors wouldn’t touch it, and you had to use a Self Publisher - and sure as hell this abysmal conduct will not be doing it any good. You maybe beyond Military Discipline now, but you are not beyond the Contempt of your Peers in the Services - People who still know how to conduct themselves as members of the Human Race, and not live in the Gutter.
Abel, you are a disgrace to the Uniform you once wore.
I do not know who you think you are but I do not need nor desire your acceptance of me or my military service. My service stands for itself. As to the descriptions I used for the BS that spews out of some on this Blog site, they accurately describe them and their statements.
My book has received many positive comments including the following review:
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Home / Reviewer's Bookwatch
Reviewer's Bookwatch
Volume 6, Number 10 October 2006
Burroughs' Bookshelf
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich
Gene P. Abel
1663 Liberty Drive Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403
1425929427 $13.99 www.authorhouse.com 1-800-839-8640
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich by Gene P. Abel, Colonel, USAR Ret. (over 30 years of service as a commissioned officer, and two-time recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal) severely questions the immediate and long-term effects to America that the Bush administration is responsible for. Sharply critical, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich decries the administration's narrow-minded attempts to partially privatize Social Security without providing any transition fund for the interim monies that would be lost; the administration's alienation of its foreign allies in the years after the September 11 attacks due its blind press for war in Iraq; and the administration's utter failure to balance the budget or prevent an explosion of the national deficit. At the same time, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich is not universally negative; it notes the wise actions that President Bush has taken, but laments that the harmful actions may well outweigh the good in the president's legacy for the 21st century. Drawing information from more than 40 renowned sources, and including humorous Blogs to convey points with a twist, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich not only identifies potential current and future problems stemming from the Bush administration but also offers recommendations for alternatives to cope with their personal impact on individual lives.
Highly recommended.
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
I suggest you direct your condemnation of me and my military services to the Commander-in-Chief. Let’s review a few things.
First How Bush got his commission- Did he earn it or was it handed to him by the powerful contacts of his father.
Second- Why did Mr. Bush seek a commission in the National Guard? To stay out of Vietnam.
Third how did Mr. Bush fulfill the obligations he swore to uphold—Follow Orders and regulations and serve where assigned? He did not fulfill those obligations when he failed to attend drills in Texas as he was ordered. He did not fulfill those obligations when he refused to obey Air Force Regulations to take a REQUIRED Flight Physical which resulted in him being grounded and unable to perform the function for which he was trained. What member of the military picks and chooses the orders and regulations they will obey. That is just what Lt. Bush did.
Fourth when an officer does not obey regulations and orders they are nor rewarded with an early HONORABLE discharge, they are punished. Not Lt. Bush. Daddy’s contacts took care of that for him. That I have directly from a conversation GWB had with his economics Professor at Harvard when he was asked how he got out of the National Guard early.
Now let’s move forward and see how President Bush acted as Commander-in-Chief. He cherry picked and mislead this country into a preemptive war against an enemy that posed no danger to the U.S. He sent young men and women to their death without justification in Iraq. He has overcommitted the American Military and has all but destroyed the National Guard, Army Reserve, Marines and Active Army by over committing the force. He sent them into a situation of HIS making and now they are bogged down in a Civil War with no end in sight. He disregarded the senior military leadership and did not send the troop levels NEEDED to establish and maintain control in Iraq after Saddam was removed from power. That has resulted in MOST of the dead and injured in Iraq and is responsible for foreign terrorists being able to operate in Iraq where that had not operated in Iraq before our invasion. He allowed 1,300 years of hate and ill will among the factions in Iraq to boil over while our troops, because of a lack of manpower, become embroiled in a Civil War.
If you want to express some justified distain put it where it belongs with George W. Bush. My use of some colorful languages in response to some outrageous comments made by people on this Blog site does not detract from my 30 yeas of service during which I obeyed my orders and fulfilled the responsibilities I accepted when I was Commissioned. Your outrage is misplaces and totally unjustified. Although you are entitled to your opinion the one you expressed about me and my military service is inaccurate, in ill-informed and unjustified.
Go rant about what George W. Bush
has and is doing to our brave military
on Aug 05, 2007
Dont bother Abel, you know perfectly well what I am referring to, or you should after an alledged 30 years in uniform, 26 years of that in the Reserve Forces. That you can sit there and justify this abysmal conduct and still even remotely try to call yourself an Officer beggars belief. No, nothing can justify it, of that you are well aware.
"As to the descriptions I used for the BS that spews out of some on this Blog site, they accurately describe them and their statements"
I dont intend to play ping-pong with comments, the facts speak for themselves. You've disgraced yourself enough in Public, and your credibility has disappeared amongst the Vitriol you are handing out to those who dare disagree. An Officer? No, you know perfectly well that conduct is wholey unacceptable - and with that fact you lost the right to be called an Officer, or even an ex Officer.
Fill your boots in response, because it will be the only direct opportunity you get. The facts speak for themselves, there will be no further responses from me, so help yourself. I hope one day you remember the standards you signed up to at one time, but I am not holding my breath.
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: Zydor Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
Don’t bother Abel, you know perfectly well what I am referring to, or you should after an alleged 30 years in uniform, 26 years of that in the Reserve Forces. That you can sit there and justify this abysmal conduct and still even remotely try to call yourself and Officer beggars belief. No, nothing can justify it, of that you are well aware.
"As to the descriptions I used for the BS that spews out of some on this Blog site, they accurately describe them and their statements"
I don’t intend to play ping-pong with comments, the facts speak for themselves. You've disgraced yourself enough in Public, and your credibility has disappeared amongst the Vitriol you are handing out to those who dare disagree. An Officer? No, you know perfectly well that conduct is whole unacceptable - and with that fact you lost the right to be called an Officer, or even an ex Officer.
Fill your boots in response, because it will be the only direct opportunity you get. The facts speak for themselves; there will be no further responses from me, so help yourself. I hope one day you remember the standards you signed up to at one time, but I am not holding my breath.
You know NOTHING of what you speak. As to the language I used I suggest you look at history and see the language used by officers through our history. I suppose you also condemn Patton for his colorful language and many other military officers. As I said if you want to place your indignation at a place where it belongs, direct it toward the President. No one died because of what I did or failed to do. I earned my promotions and numerous awards. You like so many on this Blog site do not know what they are talking about!
If you served in the military, I would guess you may have been an E-3 if that.
on Aug 05, 2007
If you served in the military, I would guess you may have been an E-3 if that.
being an E-3 is a lot better than a pretend col or any other rank.
on Aug 05, 2007
and yes you can be in the military and of that rank and still be pretending.
i feel sorry any troops you may have led into battle. because you would have abandon them on the battlefield if the battle was too hard.
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
If you served in the military, I would guess you may have been an E-3 if that.
“being an E-3 is a lot better than a pretend col or any other rank.”
Spoken as a true IDIOT! You are consistent.
Gideon MacLeish
on Aug 05, 2007
I see from your bio you spent 25 of your 30 years in the reserves, Col. While the reserves are respectable, that hardly makes you the General Patton you would have us believe you were.
Your comments show a lack of discipline, decorum, and consistency that I would normally expect from a career officer, Col. You fly off the handle way too easily for someone who allegedly had responsibility. I'm guessing your main responsibility as Col was setting up tents for the poker run!
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
“I see from your bio you spent 25 of your 30 years in the reserves, Col. While the reserves are respectable, that hardly makes you the General Patton”
I never claimed to be. The issue was the use of colorful language making prior military service null and void.
“Your comments show a lack of discipline, decorum, and consistency that I would normally expect from a career officer, Col. You fly off the handle way too easily for someone who allegedly had responsibility. I'm guessing your main responsibility as Col was setting up tents for the poker run!”
Nuclear Weapons Officer, three commands, nomination for a flag and selection to attend the Army war College does not square with your opinion of what I did. Promotion to COLONEL in 19 Years and the Meritorious Service Medal on two occasions and the Army Commendation medal also do not comport with your opinion of my service. Sorry if I think of your opinion what I said to ZYDOR:
“Although you are entitled to your opinion the one you expressed about me and my military service is inaccurate, in ill-informed and unjustified.”
on Aug 05, 2007
i feel sorry any troops you may have led into battle. because you would have abandon them on the battlefield if the battle was too hard.
COL Gene
on Aug 05, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 05, 2007
i feel sorry any troops you may have led into battle. because you would have abandon them on the battlefield if the battle was too hard.
You are pathetic!
on Aug 05, 2007
You are pathetic!
no you are.
all you have stated is that you will leave iraq because it is too hard to win. and at the moment the iraq army is depending on us to train them and have their back.
on Aug 06, 2007
BS! I can and DO exist on 30k AND I live in PA. AND I own a home.
Good you you. I do not know where in Pa you live but that would not work where I live!
Try Pittsburgh!
on Aug 06, 2007
GET YOUR SMALL MIND ARROUND THIS- When these systems fail and people have no alternatives, guess who will be forced to pay the bills. The magnitude of the needed repairs is so great that the States alone simply do not have the tax revenue to do the repairs. The repairs are not being done. That will not stop these things from failing.
What "you" say don't mean squat! Like I said the US government DID NOT step in to help CA When they were having electrical problems! I know that for a fact! Because at the time I was living in San Diego! So try your BS somewhere else, because it ain't flying here!
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