Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 28, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

On August 24th I posted this Blog which elicited many truly asinine comments that demonstrate the hypocrisy of many who Blog on Joe User-

Bush & Rice Should be Impeached for NOT Protecting America!

The United States spends Billions of dollars each year to collect and process intelligence for one propose—To provide the President and National Security Advisor information to help defend this country from attack.

In my Blog I documented scores of such warnings provided Bush and Rice by the CIA in the six months before the 9/11 attack on our country. When I pointed out that these warnings were ignored by both Bush and Rice, many on this site defended the inaction of the President and National Security Advisor. Statements such as there was no actionable intelligence were presented. In fact the CIA warnings identified the group that was planning the attacks, they said they were near term and in some cases even identified the use of air planes as missiles that they planned to use in their attack. The only thing they did not contain was the exact date and place. Others claimed the information George Tenet presented about all the warnings was just fluff for his book. This despite those warnings were the end result of thousands of people we employed to do just want they did - providing warnings that Bush and Rice ignored. We should have saved the money and effort because the intended use of the intelligence gathered and presented to the President and his principal security advisor was IGNORED.

In addition, this intelligence and the warnings were NOT presented to the appropriate intelligence committees in Congress at the time for any needed legislative action to help protect our country. In fact the most important warning was kept secret for over 5 years. That warning was provided by the CIA Director on July 11, 2001 that said the danger was so great that the United States needed to be placed on a WAR FOOTING in order to try and prevent Bin Laden from carrying out his intended attacks on our country.

Bottom line the President and National Security Advisor failed to act on the CIA warnings and, as we all know, Bin Laden was successful in attacking our country on Sept 11, 2001. Thus all the warnings that Bush and Rice ignored and failed to provide to Congress were CORRECT! When I document this many on this Blog Site either attack me or attempt to discredit the warnings provided by the multi billion dollar intelligence agency that exists for the express purpose of providing the very information that Bush and Rice IGNORED! WHAT HYPOCRACY on the part of anyone that would defend the failure of Bush and Rice to fulfill their NUMBER ONE responsibility - the security of America!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 28, 2007
Your sole experience in intelligence has been avoiding any and all intelligence.

i deny that gene is avoiding intelligence.

you have to have enough to avoid it.
on Aug 28, 2007
That prevented the exchange of certain information between the FBI and CIA. However Bush could have ordered the FBI and local Law enforcement to be looking for people that were engaged in actions that were suspicious. He could have increased the activities of immigration and increased cooperation with foreign governments. Bush could have allowed the use of the armed Predator to be used in Afghanistan but did not act even though Tenet requested that action many times between Jan 2001 and Sept 10 2001. The facts are that Bush did not act. When the Director of the CIA says we are in such danger that we need to go a WAR FOOTING and the President does nothing, there is a disconnect in doing what should have been done to protect this country.

Again why produce the intelligence if the President for whom this information is produced fails to act on that Intelligence. Bush and Rice FAILED to protect the U.S. and the consequences were over 3,000 dead and as much as a Trillion dollars of harm to this country.
on Aug 28, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"Your sole experience in intelligence has been avoiding any and all intelligence.

i deny that gene is avoiding intelligence.

you have to have enough to avoid it. ,"

What you are saying is that the CIA did not know what they were doing when they provided all the warnings to Bush and Rice that we were about to be attacked. Please explain then what took place on 9/11/2001?This has NOTHING to do with MY experience but the collective experience of the CIA compared with what you offer!
on Aug 28, 2007
What you are saying is that the CIA did not know what they were doing when they provided all the warnings to Bush and Rice that we were about to be attacked.

see what i mean he is so stupid he thinks i am talking about the CIA and not him
on Aug 28, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2007
What you are saying is that the CIA did not know what they were doing when they provided all the warnings to Bush and Rice that we were about to be attacked.

see what i mean he is so stupid he thinks i am talking about the CIA and not him

You are the stupid one . I have said it is not my knowledge of intelligence. I did not have any first hand knowledge. My knowledge is what I read from the CIA. What I did is list are the warnings from the CIA which Bush and Rice Ignored.
on Aug 28, 2007
i say that he has no intelligence and he thinks i am talking about the CIA.

then i point out that i was talking about him and he calls me stupid because he still thinks i am talking about the CIA

think he will get it this time
on Aug 28, 2007
How does the use of caps change the fact we spend $14 billion dollars every year to produce intelligence that Bush ignored?

You seem to think using caps makes a difference, why can't I?
i deny that gene is avoiding intelligence.

you have to have enough to avoid it.

What you really mean is you would need to have intelligence in order to recognize it in order to avoid it. Col wouldn't know intelligence if it bit him in his militarized behind.

However Bush could have ordered the FBI and local Law enforcement to be looking for people that were engaged in actions that were suspicious.

God forbid Col would ever concede even when he seems to be conceding.

What you are saying is that the CIA did not know what they were doing when they provided all the warnings to Bush and Rice that we were about to be attacked. Please explain then what took place on 9/11/2001?This has NOTHING to do with MY experience but the collective experience of the CIA compared with what you offer!

No, he is actually saying you have no intelligence, none what so ever.
on Aug 28, 2007
see what i mean he is so stupid he thinks i am talking about the CIA and not him

on Aug 28, 2007
You are the stupid one . I have said it is not my knowledge of intelligence. I did not have any first hand knowledge. My knowledge is what I read from the CIA. What I did is list are the warnings from the CIA which Bush and Rice Ignored.

Stupid is as stupid does. Looking at the quote above, need I say more?
on Aug 28, 2007
Among many things he conveniently forgets, intentionally or otherwise, is what a liberal hot button "racial profiling" was at the time (still is, sadly). Before 9/11, attempting to do so would have produced a firestorm of protest even louder than the protest over domestic surveillance of possible terrorist contacts after 9/11.*

*I happen to know exactly what would have happened in every circumstance in history had that circumstance not occurred, provided it didn't actually happen. If pretending to know hypothetical outcomes is good enough for Gene, it's good enough for me.
on Aug 28, 2007
What you are saying is that the CIA did not know what they were doing when they provided all the warnings to Bush and Rice that we were about to be attacked.

This is what I mean when I say you have no idea what you are talking about.

We just finished dealing with the Chinese and the attack on our recon aircraft. Iraq was making noise and North Korea was making noise as well. The terrorist had been planning the attack on America for five years so what do you focus on? China, North Korea, Iraq, and Iran were all testing the new president with only eight months in office.

The biggest threat at the time was China followed by North Korea and Iran with Iraq bringing up a distant rear and AQ way behind Iraq.

You col. gene say that with all of that going on our president should have known that AQ was going to attack us at home when they have only been only been able to set off two car bombs in the US and that was during Mr. Clinton’s watch.

AQ in the Philippines came up with a plan to hijack airplanes and then refined that to blowing them up over the ocean so no one would be able to pin it on AQ. This was discovered after a plane was bombed but was able to land with only a few deaths meaning that the plan was not perfect. The plan was later refined to hijack planes and crash them into buildings in America. This part was not in the computer that was captured by the Philippine police. So yes, there were plans to attack America but the last credible intel we had was blowing up planes over the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. We had hints that they might use the planes as missiles but all the information pointed to just blowing them up.

Since all of the above is public knowledge it means that you are a political hack not interested in the truth but in attacking the president for doing more than the last president did. You forget I was a democrat for decades before I realized that the liberals are more interested in power than serving the American people. I have never seen you write anything critical of Mr. Clinton who cut programs that kept us safe. It was Mr. Clinton who refused to kill ben Laden, capture him or take him when offered by two governments. During this time AQ was planning and training for the 9/11 attack. Mr. Bush was only running the country for 8 months and by the time Mr. Bush took over, the planning was done, the troops were in place, and they just waited for the date to attack. Once they are within our borders it is ten times harder to find and stop them. The chance to stop the attack was lost because Mr. Clinton did not want to get into a war on terror.
on Aug 28, 2007
Mr. Clinton did not want to get into a war on terror.

we have been in a war on terror for at least thirty years.

mr clinton just didn't want to protect the usa.
on Aug 28, 2007
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...if you get my gist.
on Aug 28, 2007
Gene, you ignorant slut.

on Aug 29, 2007
TW: Glad somebody got it.
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