Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 28, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

On August 24th I posted this Blog which elicited many truly asinine comments that demonstrate the hypocrisy of many who Blog on Joe User-

Bush & Rice Should be Impeached for NOT Protecting America!

The United States spends Billions of dollars each year to collect and process intelligence for one propose—To provide the President and National Security Advisor information to help defend this country from attack.

In my Blog I documented scores of such warnings provided Bush and Rice by the CIA in the six months before the 9/11 attack on our country. When I pointed out that these warnings were ignored by both Bush and Rice, many on this site defended the inaction of the President and National Security Advisor. Statements such as there was no actionable intelligence were presented. In fact the CIA warnings identified the group that was planning the attacks, they said they were near term and in some cases even identified the use of air planes as missiles that they planned to use in their attack. The only thing they did not contain was the exact date and place. Others claimed the information George Tenet presented about all the warnings was just fluff for his book. This despite those warnings were the end result of thousands of people we employed to do just want they did - providing warnings that Bush and Rice ignored. We should have saved the money and effort because the intended use of the intelligence gathered and presented to the President and his principal security advisor was IGNORED.

In addition, this intelligence and the warnings were NOT presented to the appropriate intelligence committees in Congress at the time for any needed legislative action to help protect our country. In fact the most important warning was kept secret for over 5 years. That warning was provided by the CIA Director on July 11, 2001 that said the danger was so great that the United States needed to be placed on a WAR FOOTING in order to try and prevent Bin Laden from carrying out his intended attacks on our country.

Bottom line the President and National Security Advisor failed to act on the CIA warnings and, as we all know, Bin Laden was successful in attacking our country on Sept 11, 2001. Thus all the warnings that Bush and Rice ignored and failed to provide to Congress were CORRECT! When I document this many on this Blog Site either attack me or attempt to discredit the warnings provided by the multi billion dollar intelligence agency that exists for the express purpose of providing the very information that Bush and Rice IGNORED! WHAT HYPOCRACY on the part of anyone that would defend the failure of Bush and Rice to fulfill their NUMBER ONE responsibility - the security of America!

Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 29, 2007
Isn't it great how you can take a few selective, vague quotes from a book and somehow have all the inside knowledge of the workings of the CIA and White House. 

LOL.  These posts should start going under the comedy section because they have absolutely no credibility otherwise.
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2007
i say that he has no intelligence and he thinks i am talking about the CIA.

then i point out that i was talking about him and he calls me stupid because he still thinks i am talking about the CIA

Since what I said is what the CIA said, you are saying the CIA does not know what they are talking about. I posted verbatim the warnings from the CIA to Bush which Bush Ignored and which were proven accurate on 9/11.
on Aug 29, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Isn't it great how you can take a few selective, vague quotes from a book and somehow have all the inside knowledge of the workings of the CIA and White House.

These quotes are not vague and any President that would receive them from the Director of the CIA and IGNORE then is criminally negligent given the attack on 9/11:

Let’s take a look at some of the warnings Bush and Rice ignored and failed to act upon to protect our country.

All this is from At the CENTER of the STORM by George Tenet. I sight to page for each warning. The material in Quotes is the exact text and anything in parentheses is what I have added.

P 136.

“On Jan 13, 2000 (7 days before Bush took office) John McLaughlin, Jim Pavill and Tenet briefed Pres Elect Bush, Cheney and Andy Card. “We told them that out biggest concerns were Terrorism, Proliferation and China. I don’t recall Iraq coming up at all.”

P 138

“ The Vice President’s presence may also have had an unintended chilling effect on the free flow of views as important policy matters were debated.”

P 139

“The Pakistanis always knew more then they were telling us and they had been singularly uncooperative in helping us run these guys (al-Qaeda) down.”

p. 143

“On January 25, 2001 Dick Clark sent a memo to Condi Rice saying there was an urgent need for an NSC Principals Meeting to review his strategy against al-Qaeda”. ( This meeting was never held)


“If we were going to switch from defense to an offensive posture against the Terrorists, we need new covert action authority.” (One of the issued was permission to use the new Predator equipped with the hell Fire Missile from President Bush. Tenet tried over and over again to get Bush to enable the CIA to use this new system).

P 144

“Feb 2001 Usama Bin Ladin and his global network of Lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat, Tenet told Rice.”

P 145

“During the spring of 2001, at one of the innumerable Deputies meetings John McLaughlin expressed frustration at the lack of action.”


“May 30, 2001 meeting with Condi Rice Rich (would not further identify) ran through the mounting signs f a coming attack. They were truly frightening.”

P. 149

“On June 28, 2001 we had more then ten specific pieces of intelligence about impending attacks… the intelligence was both unprecedented and virtually 100% reliable. Over the last three to five months we had been witness to never-before seen efforts by Ayman al-Zawahiri to prepare terrorists operations.”

P 149

“All around the Moslem world important operatives were disappearing while others were preparing for martyrdom.”

P. 150-152

“July10, 2001 a meeting with Rice. There will be a significant terrorist attack in the coming weeks or months! The signs were unmistakable. The attack will be spectacular Rich told Condi and the others and it will be designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. Facilities.”


“At the conclusion of the July 10th meeting Condi looked at Cofer and asked, what should we do? Cofer responded this country needs to go on a war footing now!” ( Nothing changed after this meeting In addition the Bush administration kept the very existence of this meeting secret even from the 9/11 Commission The commission and the public did not learn of this July 10th meeting until the Fall of 2006 when the Press learned of the meeting and the dire warning that was ignored by Bush and Rice).

P 156

“On July 24, 2001 King Abdullah of Jordan sent word (to Bush) in his view Bin Laden and his command structure must be dealt with in a decisive and military fashion. He offered to send two battalions of Jordanian Special Forces to go door-to-door in Afghanistan” (Bush took no action).

Page 158-159

“August 6, 2001 the Presidential daily Brief (PDB) entitled, Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S.” (No action resulted from this PDB)

P 160

“September 4, 2001 (7 days before 9/11) meeting with Rice and Rumsfeld and others was dominated by the same subject and the issue of Bush approving the use of the weaponized Predator Drone” (Bush did not act on this request until a week AFTER 9/11)
on Aug 29, 2007
If every reference is vague (and every one you cite is just that) and none of the references are corroborated by anything other than the author's opinion or recollection, you have nothing. You believe because you want to believe, because you have no capacity for objective assessment which considers more than factoids which tickle your fancy or suit your preconceived prejudices. You have the most selectively blind notion of "truth" I've ever run across. You make the NYT look like Fox News.

Now muster up your best debating skills and call me an idiot again.
on Aug 29, 2007
Paladin, You get a well deserved rare AD cookie!

on Aug 29, 2007
Let’s take a look at some of the warnings Bush and Rice ignored and failed to act upon to protect our country.

Gene, you fail to understand what you are reading. Even if all that Mr. Tenant wrote in his self serving book was accurate and correct neither you nor Mr. Tenant explained how all the terrorist were in place inside our country before the 2000 election. What stopped Mr. Tenant from rounding up these people since he was so worried?

Even if we had killed bin Laden in July of 2001 it would not have stopped the attack since all the money and killers were already in the US they were just waiting for the go signal which could be given by any member of the leadership. The smart move would be to take out the troops in the country then get the leadership. At least that was what I was taught from the military and the CIA classes I took years ago. Maybe that has changed but it still makes sense today.

What do you say to this or will you ignore it as you have everything else I have written?
on Aug 29, 2007
TW: Glad somebody got it.

Glad you could get AWAY with it.

I tried that line back when dabe was here and got blasted for calling her a slut.

(sigh) people need to get out more. They don't get SNL jokes, they don't get "Rain Man" jokes....I give up.

on Aug 30, 2007
“On July 24, 2001 King Abdullah of Jordan sent word (to Bush) in his view Bin Laden and his command structure must be dealt with in a decisive and military fashion. He offered to send two battalions of Jordanian Special Forces to go door-to-door in Afghanistan” (Bush took no action).

i thought you were against attacking countries that posed no threat to the USA. at that time Afghanistan didn't pose a threat to the USA.
on Aug 30, 2007
Let’s take a look at some of the warnings Bush and Rice ignored and failed to act upon to protect our country.

LOL.  Everyone of those quotes are vague, and tell nothing exact.

Isn't it interesting that one of those quotes is before Bush took office, but I don't you see  you criticizing that administration for not doing anything either.  You are just sad.
on Aug 30, 2007

Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007
“If every reference is vague (and every one you cite is just that) and none of the references are corroborated by anything other than the author's opinion or recollection, you have nothing. You believe because you want to believe, because you have no capacity for objective assessment which considers more than factoids which tickle your fancy or suit your preconceived prejudices. You have the most selectively blind notion of "truth" I've ever run across. You make the NYT look like Fox News.

Now muster up your best debating skills and call me an idiot again.”

You are an IDIOT. For anyone to defend a President who take no action after the Director of the CIA presented a series of warnings like these over a six months period from a group that had attacked our country three times in the past shows the stupidity of both you and the criminal neglect of the President. The attacks on 9/11 PROVED these warnings were correct and Bush DID NOTHING to defend our country!
on Aug 30, 2007
For anyone to defend a President who take no action after the Director of the CIA presented a series of warnings like these over a six months period from a group that had attacked our country three times in the past shows the stupidity of both you and the criminal neglect of the President.

again what action should you take non of those warnings even stated for a fact that these attacks were going to in the USA.
on Aug 30, 2007
The attacks on 9/11 PROVED these warnings were correct and Bush DID NOTHING to defend our country!

LOL.  This is the most ridiculous thing I have read today.

You are a sad individual.  As we have said, there was no actionable intelligence, there was the "wall" (that you haven't addressed), and there was the general incompetence from the CIA.  It's amazing how  you can ignore everything just to blame Bush. 
on Aug 30, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2007
For anyone to defend a President who takes no action after the Director of the CIA presented a series of warnings like these over a six months period from a group that had attacked our country three times in the past shows the stupidity of both you and the criminal neglect of the President.

Again what action should you take non of those warnings even stated for a fact that these attacks were going to in the USA.

I have answered that question. What you do NOT do is IGNORE warnings from the CIA to go on a WAR FOOTING!
on Aug 30, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2007
The attacks on 9/11 PROVED these warnings were correct and Bush DID NOTHING to defend our country!

. This is the most ridiculous thing I have read today.

You are a sad individual. As we have said, there was no actionable intelligence, there was the "wall" (that you haven't addressed), and there was the general incompetence from the CIA. It's amazing how you can ignore everything just to blame Bush.

Bush and Congress could have taken down that "wall" if they had acted on the warnings from the CIA that lead up to us being attacked on 9/11 JUST as the CIA Warned!
on Aug 30, 2007

what is a war footing.

and how does that help in the country.

us troops are not allowed to do anything inside the country. police connected. so again we go on red alert for what, when, where,

by the way it is the job of the police to be looking for the strange things people do. the president shouldn't have to tell them to do their job.
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