Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 28, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

On August 24th I posted this Blog which elicited many truly asinine comments that demonstrate the hypocrisy of many who Blog on Joe User-

Bush & Rice Should be Impeached for NOT Protecting America!

The United States spends Billions of dollars each year to collect and process intelligence for one propose—To provide the President and National Security Advisor information to help defend this country from attack.

In my Blog I documented scores of such warnings provided Bush and Rice by the CIA in the six months before the 9/11 attack on our country. When I pointed out that these warnings were ignored by both Bush and Rice, many on this site defended the inaction of the President and National Security Advisor. Statements such as there was no actionable intelligence were presented. In fact the CIA warnings identified the group that was planning the attacks, they said they were near term and in some cases even identified the use of air planes as missiles that they planned to use in their attack. The only thing they did not contain was the exact date and place. Others claimed the information George Tenet presented about all the warnings was just fluff for his book. This despite those warnings were the end result of thousands of people we employed to do just want they did - providing warnings that Bush and Rice ignored. We should have saved the money and effort because the intended use of the intelligence gathered and presented to the President and his principal security advisor was IGNORED.

In addition, this intelligence and the warnings were NOT presented to the appropriate intelligence committees in Congress at the time for any needed legislative action to help protect our country. In fact the most important warning was kept secret for over 5 years. That warning was provided by the CIA Director on July 11, 2001 that said the danger was so great that the United States needed to be placed on a WAR FOOTING in order to try and prevent Bin Laden from carrying out his intended attacks on our country.

Bottom line the President and National Security Advisor failed to act on the CIA warnings and, as we all know, Bin Laden was successful in attacking our country on Sept 11, 2001. Thus all the warnings that Bush and Rice ignored and failed to provide to Congress were CORRECT! When I document this many on this Blog Site either attack me or attempt to discredit the warnings provided by the multi billion dollar intelligence agency that exists for the express purpose of providing the very information that Bush and Rice IGNORED! WHAT HYPOCRACY on the part of anyone that would defend the failure of Bush and Rice to fulfill their NUMBER ONE responsibility - the security of America!

Comments (Page 8)
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on Sep 02, 2007
No one can say that if Bush and Rice had acted on the warnings that 9/11 would not have happened.


Make up you're freakin' mind. Oh, wait... that presupposes the presence of one.

Never mind.  
on Sep 02, 2007
Another tasty tidbit from Eco that seems to just "fit" everything Gene writes:

"Counterfactual conditionals are always true, because the premise is false."
on Sep 02, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007
black out curtains were used in homes on the both coasts.

so black out curtains would have stopped 9/11 NO that was just an example. If the public and local law enforcement agencies had been informed of the warnings, suspicious action like the student pilots in Florida that did not want to learn how to land might have been brought to the attention of people that would have linked that to other information. By ignoring the warnings as Bush ands Rice Did there was NO possible benefit from the 14 Billion we were spending to collect and analyze the Intelligence.

Further, the warnings that Bush ignored were about attacks from a terrorist organization that has attacked us three times in the past and be had identified them as our attacker

This would be the group that Clinton ignored and or said he was sorry that we were in their way.

I believe Clinton launched Cruse Missiles on one occasion. The fact remains that Bush was warned for 6 months and those warnings according to the CIA were unprecedented and many with 100% confidence. It is also true that a week before Bush took office, Clinton told him that one of the greatest dangers was from al-Qaeda and Ben laden. Bush also ignored the advice from Clinton.Bush also did not allow Tenet to employ the Predator Drone armed with the Hell Fire Missile. Tenet tried to get Bush to allow him to employ that new weapon that was not available during the Clinton Years but Bush failed to act! Bush approved the use of this new system one week AFTER 9/11!!!!!!
on Sep 02, 2007
Gene is JU's Herman, as in Hermits - "Second verse, Same as the first!"
on Sep 02, 2007
I believe Clinton launched Cruse Missiles on one occasion.

yes he did after he gave ben ladon three hours notice.

oh and he was offered him two times after that and refused stateing that he didn't know for sure that he had been behind those attacks. everyone else in the world including the two year olds knew bennie baby was behind those attacks in the 90s but clinton wasn't sure.
on Sep 02, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007
I believe Clinton launched Cruse Missiles on one occasion.

yes he did after he gave ben laden three hours notice. We did not notify Bin Laden of anything. It took time to authorize and fly to the target.

oh and he was offered him two times after that and refused stating that he didn't know for sure that he had been behind those attacks. everyone else in the world including the two year olds knew bennie baby was behind those attacks in the 90s but clinton wasn't sure.

That delay is WHY Tenet tried to get Bush to approve the use of the Hell FIRE ARMED PREDATOR. THAT ENABLED US TO ATTACK A TARGET AS SOON AS WE REALIZED IT WAS WORTH ATTACKING. Bush failed to act from when he took office on that issue until a week after 9/11. If Bush ad approved the use of that system, we could have been flying missions with the armed Predator and WHO knows what we would have discovered and been able to do!
on Sep 02, 2007

your going to blame bush for clinton warning the targets that they were targets.

tell me something stupid what in the world did bush have to do with it.

on Sep 02, 2007
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Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007
Gene is JU's Herman, as in Hermits - "Second verse, Same as the first!"

on Sep 02, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007

your going to blame bush for clinton warning the targets that they were targets.

tell me something stupid what in the world did bush have to do with it.

WHAT I SAID YOU IDIOT IS that Bush IGNORED the Warnings of Clinton as well as the warnings from the CIA and we were attacked! Bush Fiddled as New York and Washington BURNED!
on Sep 02, 2007
WHAT I SAID YOU IDIOT IS that Bush IGNORED the Warnings of Clinton as well as the warnings from the CIA and we were attacked! Bush Fiddled as New York and Washington BURNED!

And if he had declared martial law and interviewed every suspect at the airport, you would be screaming even louder, if possible. The only difference is that I would have been screaming right along with you.

Bush has made many crucial mistakes. But failing to stop 9/11 and Katrina are two that do not make that list.
on Sep 02, 2007
the Warnings of Clinton

you mean the same warning that clinton ignored. i mean if he was able to warn bush about the problem this means that clinton knew about the problem and did nothing.
on Sep 02, 2007
Bush Fiddled as New York and Washington BURNED!

1 i didn't know that bush could play the fiddle.

2 i didn't know that reading a book to kids was fiddleing.

however sitting in a stun position for an hour is fiddleing and the ones who did that were the democrats.
on Sep 02, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Sunday, September 02, 2007
“WHAT I SAID YOU IDIOT IS that Bush IGNORED the Warnings of Clinton as well as the warnings from the CIA and we were attacked! Bush Fiddled as New York and Washington BURNED!

And if he had declared martial law and interviewed every suspect at the airport, you would be screaming even louder, if possible. The only difference is that I would have been screaming right along with you.” There are many things other then Martial Law that could have been done. The things we do today AFTER we were attacked for the 4th time by al-Qaeda!

"Bush has made many crucial mistakes. But failing to stop 9/11 and Katrina are two that do not make that list."

The Truth is we will never know if 9/11 could have been prevented. What we do know is our President Ignored the very agency that exists to provide the types of warnings that they gave Bush and he IGNORED! You can not say if Bush had acted on the warnings that 9/11 could not have been prevented. Just making the threats public could have spooked the terrorists and they could have decided not to attack the Twin Towers on 9/11. What we do know is Bush IGNORED the dramatic warnings he received from the CIA!
on Sep 02, 2007
If intelligence is to be taken so literally and was so good before 9/11 how do you explain the intelligence fuck ups in Iraq.


A. Lack of WMD
B. Lack of WMD program
C. Lack of firm and accurate proof of [AQ + Saddam] effectively working together against the US?
D. Removal of Saddam but henceforth no reduction in violence/volatility in Israel between Hamas and Israel
E. Full blown insurgency that has not "greeted us as liberators"

Before you go saying there was WMD found in Iraq, show me the quantities though to have been produced and stockpiled, or the mechanisms which formed the ability to deploy it.

What I saw after the invasion were chemical trailers which were just semi trailers housing what was it hay or something? The supporters of this war could have confirmed those trailers to be nothing more than hay carriers or cargo carriers whatever that cargo was, it certainly wasn't a chemical weapons lab, by dropping in a SEAL team, searching the truck and pulling them back out. For a hell of a lot cheaper a cost in lives and dollars than this war has turned out to cost.

I think intelligence has been weak at best, pre 9/11 and certainly pre invasion in Iraq. Even today it's difficult to get an accurate picture of what is going on in Iraq.

The PDB, "Bin Ladin determined to strike in US" is very troubling but so was the lack of effective communication between agencies of the US government, a lack of communication Bill Clinton saw for 8 years and did nothing to enhance. His focus was on crime but after Waco Texas, WTC 93, and the Oklahoma City bombing in 95 you think that there would have been additional emphases on learning more about external terrorist affairs after the bombing in 98 by the administration.

Considering what severe damage and the near impossibility of preventing an attack, coincides with terrorism, it is my belief more funding at that time should have been provided to both the department of defense as well as intelligence services.

on Sep 02, 2007
Clinton did not receive the kinds of dire warnings about al-Qaeda attacking our country that Bush did from Mar to Sept 4, 2001.
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