Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 11, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Last Wednesday, circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull III, handed some of Rush Limbaugh’s medical records to Palm Beach prosecutors, ending his 19 month battle to keep his medical records from being used to determine if he illegally obtained prescription drugs. Limbaugh, obtained four prescriptions from four different doctors during the same period of time for prescription narcotics. He is an admitted drug addict and the delivery of some of his medical records to the Palm Beach prosecutor by the court should provide the information needed to charge him with, “doctor shopping”.

Rush had a banner week after he repeated the idiotic statements of the Mayor of London who said the attack on London 7/7 /2005 “didn’t succeed in doing anything”. The reason Rush Limbaugh repeated that ridiculous statement is to make light about the concern that the war on terrorism is not going well. The Islamic terrorist group claiming responsibility made it clear it was in retaliation for the British actions in Iraq. This whole concept that the war in Iraq is helping fight in the war on terrorism has been shown to be a farce with the London attack of 7/7. What is true is that the Iraq war has made the war on terrorism more intense and has provided yet another location for Islamic militants, who hate us, a place to train for future attacks. For Rush Limbaugh to repeat that an attack which brought the transportation system in London to a stop and either killed or injured a thousand people accomplished nothing shows the extent to which this ideologue will go to make it look as if the policies of the right are succeeding.

Last week was also a big week for another right wing conservative giant, Karl Rove who was finally identified as the person in the White House that revealed that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. This was after her husband, Ambassador Wilson debunked the Bush claim that Saddam Hussein had attempted to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa. At the time Mrs Plame’s name was revealed in the Bob Novak article, President Bush pledged the full support of his administration to find out who perpetrated the illegal act of identifying a CIA agent’s name. He directed his staff to fully cooperate with the FBI to determine the name of this person. Evidently Karl Rove must not have gotten that instruction of the president.

It is now time for both Rove and Limbaugh to face the music. They should both be charged and tried in court. To ignore Limbaugh’s obtaining illegal drugs through doctor shopping or Karl Rove’s illegal act of outing the name of a CIA agent, would be 100% WRONG. We cannot allow these right wing ideologues who either help make policy or influence people with their radio program to not face the same consequences as other Americans who break our laws. Please do not tell me neither Rove or Limbaugh have been convicted. The issue is to bring them to trial and determine their GUILT or INNOCENCE!

It will be very telling of George W. Bush as to what he will do now that Karl Rove has been identified by one of the reporters as the person who released the name of our CIA agent. Although Bush cannot cover it up like Nixon in Watergate, the question is will the Bush administration support Rove being charged and brought to court or if he’s found guilty will Bush pardon him for breaking the law that Bush himself said was a serious offense. As for Rush Limbaugh, his 20 million listeners every day need to understand that their right-wing guru is subject to the same laws and penalties for breaking the laws as everyone else. Last week very definitely documented the values of these two influential right wingers in America. They have shown total disdain for our laws and for the values that has made this country great. It is time for Rove and Limbaugh to face the music.

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on Jul 12, 2005
The JoeUser Bushies all learn well from the Bush administration. When you can not defent something you attack someone or something else. Wilson, Berger et al have NOTHING to do with Rove and Limbaugh. Nothing anyone else may have done is justification for what these two right wing a*ses did. I think Robert Novak should also be the subject of a grand jury investigation for possible action if he refuses to make known to the GJ his source. He is the reporter that broke the story.

If you want to talk about Berger or Wilson, write your own Blog.
on Jul 12, 2005
The JoeUser Bushies all learn well from the Bush administration. When you can not defent something you attack someone or something else.

And when will the JU liberals learn that accusations without proof or evidence is not "facts".

Wilson, Berger et al have NOTHING to do with Rove and Limbaugh.

And Rush has nothing to do with Rove. You keep avoiding the question col, and I am calling you out on it. Where was your posts and outrage about Sandy Berger? Will you finally admit you are just a partisan liberal that has no agenda other than bashing Bush?

I think Robert Novak should also be the subject of a grand jury investigation for possible action if he refuses to make known to the GJ his source. He is the reporter that broke the story.

Look how obessesive you are getting. A reporter should be investigated by a grand jury just to further your hatred for Rove? How pathetic.

If you want to talk about Berger or Wilson, write your own Blog.

We have, but people like you don't respond to them. Why? Because we show facts that doesn't follow your DNC talking points.
on Jul 12, 2005
"Wilson, Berger et al have NOTHING to do with Rove and Limbaugh."

On the contrary, Wilson was an ex-ambassador and very visible in Washington. The question here is whether Rove "outed" Wilson's wife, and I think it is fairly obvious from his behavior that there was nothing secret IN Wilson's life...

"If you want to talk about Berger or Wilson, write your own Blog."

Berger I agree with you. You are dodging Wilson because you most certainly don't want to bring all the facts at hand into play. You can't deal with Rove's charges without dealing with Wilson, who said publicly that he wanted to see Rove in handcuffs.

If you are going to be a conspiracy nut, don't half-ass it.
on Jul 12, 2005
My recollection is that Wilson was asked to report on the WMD, in particular nuclear weapons. The report was not look favorably on by the White House. Soon after that Wilson's wife was identified as a CIA agent by a senior staff member in the White House according to Bob Novak who wrote the article identifying Valerie Plame as a CIA Agent. No matter what Wilson wrote in his report, it does not justify breaking the law by identifying his wife as a CIA agent.

Your whole argument is a farce with the replay today on CNN of the president's own statement on camera soon after the name of Wilson's wife was released. The president said at that time he wanted to find out if someone on the White House was responsible for leaking that identified Mrs. Plame. Bush said, if it was in the White House staff member that would be dealt with.

This is not a statement by the press secretary for the vice president were some other administration official. It was the President of the United States speaking on this subject at the time on camera. It is now time for George W. Bush step up to the plate and do what he said he was going to do at the time. The fact that it's his brain, Karl Rowe, who outed the name of Wilson's wife does not change anything. If Bush does not "deal with Rove" it will be like Watergate and Nixon. It is time for the American public to DEMAND that Bush properly deal with this problem or remove himself from offic, like Nixon. Karl Rove should be dismissed and should no longer be paid by taxpayer money. The case should be turned over to the grand jury and if indicted tried in court by a jury.
on Jul 12, 2005
My recollection is that Wilson was asked to report on the WMD, in particular nuclear weapons. The report was not look favorably on by the White House. Soon after that Wilson's wife was identified as a CIA agent by a senior staff member in the White House according to Bob Novak who wrote the article identifying Valerie Plame as a CIA Agent. No matter what Wilson wrote in his report, it does not justify breaking the law by identifying his wife as a CIA agent.

Col, do you understand that she was not a CIA agent? And Wilson was asked to report on the WMD by his wife. Wilson was has already been caught in lies and Rove seemed to do the right thing by warning that Wilson was not to be trusted.

It is now time for George W. Bush step up to the plate and do what he said he was going to do at the time. The fact that it's his brain, Karl Rowe, who outed the name of Wilson's wife does not change anything. If Bush does not "deal with Rove" it will be like Watergate and Nixon. It is time for the American public to DEMAND that Bush properly deal with this problem or remove himself from offic, like Nixon. Karl Rove should be dismissed and should no longer be paid by taxpayer money. The case should be turned over to the grand jury and if indicted tried in court by a jury.

There is still no proof that Rove gave a name. That's the fact that matters here. You keep saying he did, well as usual there is no proof to back up your statement.

This is the third time I will ask col. Where was your outrage and posts about Sandy Berger? Will you finally admit you are a left wing lunatic with nothing on your minnd but hate for Bush and his administration?

Answer the question col.
on Jul 12, 2005
" My recollection is that Wilson was asked to report on the WMD, in particular nuclear weapons. The report was not look favorably on by the White House. Soon after that Wilson's wife was identified as a CIA agent by a senior staff member in the White House according to Bob Novak who wrote the article identifying Valerie Plame as a CIA Agent. No matter what Wilson wrote in his report, it does not justify breaking the law by identifying his wife as a CIA agent."

Wrong. The Congressional Committee found that Wilson's report did not debunk the claims about Niger, and that he lied to make that case to the press. Even more, his report bolstered the case in the mind of the CIA.

The point you are clumsily overlooking is that Wilson had been running all over Washington talking about the case with the press. This man was an ex-ambassador in Washington social circles. It's silly to think that people didn't know his wife worked for the CIA, and it is sillier to overlook the fact that he was talking anonymously to the press about his work with the CIA and shortly thereafter becomes an important part of the Kerry campaign.

Rove didn't "break" the idea that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, Rove's news was Wilson's WIFE GOT HIM THE JOB, which the Congressional committee found to be plausible, and that Wilson himself lied about it.

It amazes me you have SUCH an imagination for conspiracy in terms of Republicans, but when an ex-CIA agent turns on the administration he worked for, lies to the press as an "anonymous source" during an election to smear the President, and ends up a Kerry staffer, it seems natural to you...
on Jul 12, 2005
It amazes me you have SUCH an imagination for conspiracy in terms of Republicans, but when an ex-CIA agent turns on the administration he worked for, lies to the press as an "anonymous source" during an election to smear the President, and ends up a Kerry staffer, it seems natural to you...

That's called hypocrisy, and is the trademark for anyone who hates Bush.
on Jul 12, 2005
Island Dog & Baker Street

I have addressed the issue of Sandy Berger the past. As I recall he appeared in court admit his guilt. What would I be outraged about? What I am saying is that both Rove and Limbaugh need to be dealt with the same way as Berger - tried in court. They can either plead guilty and accept their punishment or plead not- guilty and be tried by a jury.

Rove was identified by the Times reporter as the source. It is all over EVERY news papers and TV news shows. You failed to answer my question about the president's statement that if a White House staff member was involved in the outing of the name of Wilson's wife, they would be dealt with. There's no ambiguity in the Bush statement and it's time for George W. Bush to deal with Karl Rove.

on Jul 12, 2005
Col makes statement.
I address statement.
Col ignores my response, makes statement again...

I'm not ignoring what Bush said, I agree with what Bush said. The White House should cooperate with the investigation. That isn't what you are proposing, though. You are assuming a crime was committed before the investigation has even determined it to be so.

You know how the justice system works, you're just trying to convict Rove and Limbaugh in the court of public opinion, because you know once they are shuffled off to court most people's minds will be made up. Something you DON'T do with Democrats.

Why not let the investigation decide whether they need to go to court? That's their job, right?

P.S. You're article is still persisting in the lie that Wilson debunked anything. The Congressional commission tasked to investigate Niger found THAT HE DEBUNKED NOTHING.

YOU brought up Wilson, and YOU are perpetuating Wilson's lie that he somehow debunked claims about Iraqi attempts to buy uranium.
Therefore, I don't think you have the right to tell us not to discuss Wilson here. Perhaps if you want to take the LIES out of your article, it might not seem relevant.
on Jul 12, 2005
I have addressed the issue of Sandy Berger the past. As I recall he appeared in court admit his guilt. What would I be outraged about? What I am saying is that both Rove and Limbaugh need to be dealt with the same way as Berger - tried in court. They can either plead guilty and accept their punishment or plead not- guilty and be tried by a jury.

But Rove was not caught "red handed". Berger was. There is still an investigation going, but people like you think Rove is guilty and should be brought up on charges. This is interesting coming from people who demand terrorists get "fair" treatment.

As far as Berger is concerned, you have once again avoided the question. Where were your posts about Berger being guilty before charged? Why don't you make the same accusations against democrats as you do against Republicans?

Rove was identified by the Times reporter as the source. It is all over EVERY news papers and TV news shows. You failed to answer my question about the president's statement that if a White House staff member was involved in the outing of the name of Wilson's wife, they would be dealt with. There's no ambiguity in the Bush statement and it's time for George W. Bush to deal with Karl Rove.

False. Rove was identified as speaking to the reporter. Rove has not been identified as the person who leaked the name. Like I said before, Rove was doing his job warning this reporter that Wilson was not to be trusted.
on Jul 12, 2005
It is time to turn this over to the Grad Jury to see if Rove should be indicted. We knew Rove spoke with the reporter. It was the New York Times reporter that identified Rove as the source. Bush not only said that he wanted his staff to cooperate with the FBI investigation he said if a White House staff member was involved they would be dealt with. It is time for the president to keep his promises and do what he said in that news conference soon after the CIA his name was revealed.

I don't know what you're referring to in Wilson report but Bush in his statement before Congress in the state of the Union said Saddam had tried to purchase yellowcake was found to be a false statement. The president had been advised by the CIA and in fact that same information had been removed from an earlier Bush speech. However, NOTHING Wilson did or did not do justify identifying his wife as a CIA Agent!
on Jul 12, 2005
" It is time to turn this over to the Grad Jury to see if Rove should be indicted."

*boggle* It is already being investigated by a grand jury. That's what they are trying to decide. Did the blurg you copied your opinion from fail to mention that?

Who do you think the reporters were called to testify in front of? What you want is to jump OVER the grand jury, evidently, and skip stright to a trial.

Here's Bush's quote:

"I want to know the truth," the president said. "If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of."

That is exactly what is happening. What the grand jury is tasked with is deciding if "the person has broken the law". Why not let them do it?

"I don't know what you're referring to in Wilson report but Bush in his statement before Congress in the state of the Union said Saddam had tried to purchase yellowcake was found to be a false statement."

Because you say so? In reality the commission found that there was ample reason to believe it to be true when Bush made the speech, and Wilson's report did nothing to disprove it. I don't expect you to read the final report of the Iraq commission, though.

Wilson did not debunk anything, and when you assert it in your article you aren't telling the truth. Wilson was found to have lied, and those lies you continue to spread. You can take whatever side of an issue you want, but when someone points out falshood in your article and you choose not to remove it, you don't deserve the blog.
on Jul 12, 2005
However, NOTHING Wilson did or did not do justify identifying his wife as a CIA Agent!

She was not a CIA agent col. Do you listen?
on Jul 12, 2005
What I think is becoming more apparent is that the Col doesn't know much about either of these cases, but that doesn't stop him from attacking " right wing ideologues".

-Rush's drugs weren't "illegal". He had prescriptions, and the question is whether he got those prescriptions illegally by "doctor shopping." I personally think it is an asinine law, but hey, it's their state. Regardless, the continual accusation by the Col. jumps the gun and assumes Rush did something wrong.

-Rove made a statement about Joseph Wilson to a reporter, wherein he mentioned that he felt Wilson's wife got him the job because she works at the CIA. Whether he actually used her name isn't known. Whether she is actually a covert agent isn't known. Again, like Rush, whether Rove broke the law or not isn't known.

That's what these grand juries are meant to do, find if there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime. The Col would like us to assume that these people are guilty and that they should already be in front of a judge.

Either the Col is ignorant of the situation, which is possible, ignorant of the system, which isn't, or doesn't care either way and just wants to smear a couple of "right wing ideologues". You guess which.
on Jul 12, 2005
The Islamic terrorist group claiming responsibility made it clear it was in retaliation for the British actions in Iraq.

Please change this to....

The Islamic terrorist group once again used their rhetoric about Iraq as justification for their terror, and justification for the left to continue their attack on the war. After ever terrorist attack the terrorist use scapegoats and propaganda to justify themselves, the problem is the left falls for it everytime.
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