Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 11, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

Last Wednesday, circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull III, handed some of Rush Limbaugh’s medical records to Palm Beach prosecutors, ending his 19 month battle to keep his medical records from being used to determine if he illegally obtained prescription drugs. Limbaugh, obtained four prescriptions from four different doctors during the same period of time for prescription narcotics. He is an admitted drug addict and the delivery of some of his medical records to the Palm Beach prosecutor by the court should provide the information needed to charge him with, “doctor shopping”.

Rush had a banner week after he repeated the idiotic statements of the Mayor of London who said the attack on London 7/7 /2005 “didn’t succeed in doing anything”. The reason Rush Limbaugh repeated that ridiculous statement is to make light about the concern that the war on terrorism is not going well. The Islamic terrorist group claiming responsibility made it clear it was in retaliation for the British actions in Iraq. This whole concept that the war in Iraq is helping fight in the war on terrorism has been shown to be a farce with the London attack of 7/7. What is true is that the Iraq war has made the war on terrorism more intense and has provided yet another location for Islamic militants, who hate us, a place to train for future attacks. For Rush Limbaugh to repeat that an attack which brought the transportation system in London to a stop and either killed or injured a thousand people accomplished nothing shows the extent to which this ideologue will go to make it look as if the policies of the right are succeeding.

Last week was also a big week for another right wing conservative giant, Karl Rove who was finally identified as the person in the White House that revealed that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent. This was after her husband, Ambassador Wilson debunked the Bush claim that Saddam Hussein had attempted to buy yellow cake uranium in Africa. At the time Mrs Plame’s name was revealed in the Bob Novak article, President Bush pledged the full support of his administration to find out who perpetrated the illegal act of identifying a CIA agent’s name. He directed his staff to fully cooperate with the FBI to determine the name of this person. Evidently Karl Rove must not have gotten that instruction of the president.

It is now time for both Rove and Limbaugh to face the music. They should both be charged and tried in court. To ignore Limbaugh’s obtaining illegal drugs through doctor shopping or Karl Rove’s illegal act of outing the name of a CIA agent, would be 100% WRONG. We cannot allow these right wing ideologues who either help make policy or influence people with their radio program to not face the same consequences as other Americans who break our laws. Please do not tell me neither Rove or Limbaugh have been convicted. The issue is to bring them to trial and determine their GUILT or INNOCENCE!

It will be very telling of George W. Bush as to what he will do now that Karl Rove has been identified by one of the reporters as the person who released the name of our CIA agent. Although Bush cannot cover it up like Nixon in Watergate, the question is will the Bush administration support Rove being charged and brought to court or if he’s found guilty will Bush pardon him for breaking the law that Bush himself said was a serious offense. As for Rush Limbaugh, his 20 million listeners every day need to understand that their right-wing guru is subject to the same laws and penalties for breaking the laws as everyone else. Last week very definitely documented the values of these two influential right wingers in America. They have shown total disdain for our laws and for the values that has made this country great. It is time for Rove and Limbaugh to face the music.

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on Jul 12, 2005
If the war in Iraq was to make us safe from terrorism it has failed. I pray we do not experience another 9/11 or worse in America. With the lack of Border control, that is a real possibility. Another Bush failure-- Border security.

Ok Baker Street lets follow the quotation of Bush you provided with Karl Rove. The Issue with Rush is that he had Four Perscriptions, at the same time from four different doctors. The drugs were narcotic pain killers. That is "Doctor Shopping" and it is illegel.
on Jul 12, 2005
"The Issue with Rush is that he had Four Perscriptions, at the same time from four different doctors. The drugs were narcotic pain killers. That is "Doctor Shopping" and it is illegel"

in that state, yes. It is a new law that very few people even knew about before Rush was called on it. That's not to say that it is illegal for two doctors to write you a prescription for the same narcotic. They have to show that you did so with the intent of subverting the pharmacutical guidelines.

And that is what they are trying to determine. You have to understand that if you have a prescription with one doctor that has one refill out of 5 left, and you switch doctors and you get a new prescription, those two prescriptions overlap. Whether you intended to do it to get an extra bottle or not is up to the grand jury to decide.
on Jul 12, 2005
identified by the Times reporter as the source. It is all over EVERY news papers and TV news shows. You failed to answer my question about the president's statement that if a White House staff member was involved in the outing of the name of Wilson's wife, they would be dealt with. There's no ambiguity in the Bush statement and it's time for George W. Bush to deal with Karl Rove

And once again you've been proven WRONG Klink!

There is still no proof that Rove gave a name. That's the fact that matters here. You keep saying he did, well as usual there is no proof to back up your statement.

So why don't you knock it off and let the grand jury do it's job? Hmmmmmmmm?

"I want to know the truth," the president said. "If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of."

That is exactly what is happening. What the grand jury is tasked with is deciding if "the person has broken the law". Why not let them do it?

And what are yo going to do if they find your 2 whipping boys innocent?
on Jul 12, 2005
Although Bush cannot cover it up like Nixon in Watergate

I was only three years old at the time, so I'm no expert, but I thought Nixon resigned in shame and has been one of the most villified persons in the history of American politics. What exactly did he cover up Col??
on Jul 12, 2005
Watergate and the obstruction of Justice.

For the past two days every news program and the White News concerence has been nothing by Karl Rove as the source of the CIA agent. Bush has a real problem given his earlier statements about dealing with any White House Staff member involved in the release of a CIA agent's name. Now that it's karl Rove it's a whole different tune. I hope the press, the Democrats and the moderates pound on Bush until he does what he says he would and fire Rove. To maintain that man on the payroll of the United States government is absolutely unacceptable. If Bush retains Rove, we need to elect members of the Senate and the House in 2006 that will remove Bush from office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jul 12, 2005
" Bush has a real problem given his earlier statements about dealing with any White House Staff member involved in the release of a CIA agent's name. Now that it's karl Rove it's a whole different tune. I hope the press, the Democrats and the moderates pound on Bush until he does what he says he would and fire Rove. "

I bet you'd gladly post a link to where Bush said he would fire whoever it was before they are even charged with a crime, wouldn't you? Even more, feel free to explain what makes you think because its Rove it is a "different tune". Has the investigation been dropped? Evidently everyone in the last few weeks in Washington has been pretty sure it was Rove. Did the grand jury suddenly back off? Did they tell the reporters not to worry about it?

"To maintain that man on the payroll of the United States government is absolutely unacceptable. If Bush retains Rove, we need to elect members of the Senate and the House in 2006 that will remove Bush from office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It's funny how if you push these little robots hard enough they stop trying to hide their silliness. You don't give a damn about the "courts" or juries, or anything. You just want Rove gone, and you don't give a hang about 'justice' or any of the rest.

You'd think after all this time here at JU you'd be able to swell up from your two dimensional self into something with some depth, but no matter how hard we try, we simply can't bait anything out of you beyond this agenda.

You're a persona, not a person, Col. A person could claw their way out from behind the rhetoric every now and then and show some reason and humanity, especially when there's no answer beyond "the party line". Instead, you just revert back to your original statement over and over and over and over...
on Jul 12, 2005
The Rove issue is a groundswell and it takes almost all the news media time. Every show that I turned to talked about Rove and what Bush would do now that it was claer Rove was the person who disclosed the fact Wilson"s wife was a COA agent and that she had somethong to do with Wilson going making his report to the CIA. Wilson's report about the yellowcake and that Saddam Hussein to did not try to buy that yellowcak was true. The 16 words Bush used in his state of the Union Address about the yellow cake was wrong!

One thing he's very clear, either Rove lied to Bush about his involvement or Bush has been lying to the American people. For George Bush to say he his confidence in Rove wrote clearly shows that George Bush has lost touch with reality. It Bush has confidence in Rove then America should not have confidence in Bush!
on Jul 12, 2005
You need help, Col. Seriously. Get some. You don't want to talk about this, you want to state the party line over and over regardless of its TRUTH. Instead of giving you more excuses to ignore my posts and just state your same tired argument again, I'll leave you to it.

Frankly, I don't believe you are this two-dimensional. All I can assume since you don't deviate from your script is that this is some kind of job that requires you to stick to it. Sometime I hope you'll find the self-confidence to discuss this stuff with us, to actually read the reports you keep refering to, and to accept that this is all politics and both sides are corrupt.

When you get there, maybe we'll know the human reasons you feel so strongly about it, instead of the party line.
on Jul 12, 2005
Bush has a real problem given his earlier statements about dealing with any White House Staff member involved in the release of a CIA agent's name. Now that it's karl Rove it's a whole different tune. I hope the press, the Democrats and the moderates pound on Bush until he does what he says he would and fire Rove

Get a CLUE, clueless! There is absolutely NO proof that he gave her name out!

The Washington Post has the strongest denial:

Rove's lawyer said Rove never identified Plame to Cooper in those conversations. More significantly, Robert Luskin said, Fitzgerald assured him in October and again last week that Rove is not a target of his investigation.

So, let's pull out the direct quotes from Robert Luskin, and see whether there is any obvious wiggle room in his denials. From Newsweek:

Luskin told NEWSWEEK that Rove "never knowingly disclosed classified information" and that "he did not tell any reporter that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA." Luskin declined, however, to discuss any other details. He did say that Rove himself had testified before the grand jury "two or three times" and signed a waiver authorizing reporters to testify about their conversations with him. "He has answered every question that has been put to him about his conversations with Cooper and anybody else," Luskin said.

Do you get it yet or do you need more?
on Jul 12, 2005
Gene, you do provide comic relief.

on Jul 12, 2005
The "groundswell" is nothing but the beltway idiots making noise, Gene. Hate to disappoint you, but there is no "there" there. The babbling hyenas are in heat, but that means little beyond a rather strange odor in the air.

on Jul 12, 2005
If the war in Iraq was to make us safe from terrorism it has failed. I pray we do not experience another 9/11 or worse in America. With the lack of Border control, that is a real possibility. Another Bush failure-- Border security.

Because the borders were so secure before Bush was elected right col? It's not just the failure of Bush, it's the failure of the border Governors, and the Senators of those states? Why don't you blame them also col?

Col, how many times do we have to tell you that Plame was not a CIA agent? Do you understand this simple concept?

How many times are yo going avoid the question col? Will you admit you are nothing but a partisan democrat who gives passes on democrat wrongdoing?
on Jul 12, 2005
The Rove issue is a groundswell and it takes almost all the news media time.

And the media has no credibility especially when it comes to the Bush administration. The media will lie and forge documents just to blame Bush.

Why does Rove get all this attention and democrats who do real crimes are ignored? Why do you ignore democratic wrongdoing col?
on Jul 12, 2005
You need to read my latest blog on selective indignation. It fits very well with yours today.
on Jul 12, 2005
I think Karl was pretty much caught red handed over the weekend. If it's good enough for Sandy, then prosecution should be in order for him as well.

The point is that no one in the government should EVER identify intelligence people to the media. It could put quite a few lives in danger. The fact it was politically motivated compounds it. It was a sleazy, dishonest, and dangerous thing to do.

But it's pretty much par for the course for bush's brain. Dirty tricks and lies are like oxygen to the bush administration. And it all stems from none other than Hot Karl himself. I for one am not suprised in the least.

I think a full congressional investigation is definately in order. At the minimum.
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