Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 21, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

The articles in Time this week have clarified a number of issues that have been bouncing around Joe User. The first issue is the status of Valerie Plame in the CIA. Many bloggers on Joe User have claimed she was not a covert CIA Agent. The CIA, in a very unusual action, confirmed that Valerie Plame was in fact an NOC covert agent. This is an agent who works undercover without the protection of any diplomatic immunity and are the agents in the most danger for themselves and the contacts that they develop in living their double life for the CIA. These agents are difficult to establish and are the type of agent that was intended to be protected under 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Unfortunately, this law was designed to be very difficult to violate and the one thing that the Time articles did not address is whether Rove or Libby met all the technical requirements that violated this particular statute.

The second issue that was clearly documented in the Time articles was the fact that it was Karl Rove that first identified Wilsonâ's wife as a CIA operative to Matt Cooper of Time magazine. It was not another reporter, it was Rove. In addition, Rove told Cooper Valerie was involved in the WMD which has also been confirmed by the CIA. In addition, Matt Cooper testified before the grand jury that Scooter Libby, the vice presidentâ's chief of staff, confirmed the fact that Wilsonâ's wife was a CIA operative working on WMD. It is now clear that the two White House staff members mentioned in the Bob Novak article which identified Valerie Plame as a CIA Agent were Rove and Libby.

These two individuals consistently lied saying that they were not involved with identifying Wilsonâ's wife as a CIA agent. It is likely that President Bush was unaware at the outset that Rove and Libby were the White House staffers that outed Plame given the fact that Bush said he would fire the persons responsible for identifying Plame as a CIA agent. No one knows exactly when Bush and Cheney learned it was their principal assistants that had loose lips but Bush has now changed the criteria to being convicted of a crime not merely violating the spirit of law which was to protect agents such as Valerie Plame.

Time magazine has done us a great service in identifying Rove and Libby as liars who endangered one of our CIA. Agents. In addition to the potential harm to Plame, there is the danger to people Valerie Plame worked with while she lived her secret life as a covert agent. That is why the CIA went to the Justice Department and a Special Prosecutor was appointed. It is also the reason that the FBI is conducting a major investigation of this matter. Only Patrick Fitzgerald, the Special Prosecutor will be able to determine whether Rove or Lobby actually violated the complex law intended to protect the identity of clandestine operatives in the CIA. There is no question that Rove and Libby are the people that violated at least the spirit of law and lied to the American people. It is time for President Bush to follow his original commitment to terminate Rove and Libby for their actions in identifying one of our covert CIA Agents.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 24, 2005
As I have said, it is my understanding that person who testifies before the GJ are not bound to keep their testimony confidential. I am not saying someine in the GJ leaked the testimony but the people themselves. For two of the highest people appointed by the President and VP to act as Rove and Libby have acted is no TEMPEST IN A TEA POT! It also brings into question the judgement of a Presisdent and VP that would surround themeslves with people like this!

If you do not think the White House is not concerned, you are kidding yourself. This is not somthing the Libs did to the Republicans. It is what the conservatives that operate as they do have done to themselves! If other members of the Bush administration also leaked the Secret State Dept memo, they too should be punished. If there are leakes in the GJ they should also be punished. The serious nature of this can be sceen from the approach of the CIA, FBI and Justice Dept. and all the news media. This is NO TEMPEST IN A TEA POT!
on Jul 24, 2005
"wilson didn't lie about anything in his report (you must not have read the senate committee report)."

No, he just lied to the press and to investigators thereafter. Just a little political smear using fake intelligence, though. Nothing that would be frowned upon here... from a Dem, that is. Granted, if he were Republican the col would have written 10 or 15 articles about him...
on Jul 24, 2005
Your shrieks of righteous indignation are wasted, Gene. You know perfectly well that the media taking this "seriously" are the attack dogs of the liberal MSM. They smell blood in the water - of course, they're going to "take it seriously." And you scarf all this down like Pablum, child that you are. If you were "serious" about this, you'd let the GJ do its job before deciding who needs lynching. I'll take you seriously when you have anything to say other than "Bush sucks."

on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary Clinton is not a ranking member of the Senate Intelligience Committe and would not be privy to any classified information about CIA agents. Karl Rove would have access through the White House for all this information. No other names other than Rove and Libby have been mentioned as identifying this CIA agent. Rove is by
public information on th edge of indictment. The Special Prosecutor is however not going after a Democrat (clinton) but after Bush's most trusted advisor. There will
be no indictment because of politics not because of law.
on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary Clinton is not a ranking member of the Senate Intelligience Committe and would not be privy to any classified information about CIA agents. Karl Rove would have access through the White House for all this information. No other names other than Rove and Libby have been mentioned as identifying this CIA agent. Rove is by
public information on th edge of indictment. The Special Prosecutor is however not going after a Democrat (clinton) but after Bush's most trusted advisor. There will
be no indictment because of politics not because of law.
on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary Clinton is not a ranking member of the Senate Intelligience Committe and would not be privy to any classified information about CIA agents. Karl Rove would have access through the White House for all this information. No other names other than Rove and Libby have been mentioned as identifying this CIA agent. Rove is by
public information on th edge of indictment. The Special Prosecutor is however not going after a Democrat (clinton) but after Bush's most trusted advisor. There will
be no indictment because of politics not because of law.
on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary Clinton is not a ranking member of the Senate Intelligience Committe and would not be privy to any classified information about CIA agents. Karl Rove would have access through the White House for all this information. No other names other than Rove and Libby have been mentioned as identifying this CIA agent. Rove is by
public information on th edge of indictment. The Special Prosecutor is however not going after a Democrat (clinton) but after Bush's most trusted advisor. There will
be no indictment because of politics not because of law.
on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary Clinton is not a ranking member of the Senate Intelligience Committe and would not be privy to any classified information about CIA agents. Karl Rove would have access through the White House for all this information. No other names other than Rove and Libby have been mentioned as identifying this CIA agent. Rove is by
public information on th edge of indictment. The Special Prosecutor is however not going after a Democrat (clinton) but after Bush's most trusted advisor. There will
be no indictment because of politics not because of law.
on Jul 25, 2005

If as you claim the press has a reason to play this up, explain why the CIA, FBI and Dept of Justice is doing the very same thing?
on Jul 25, 2005
If as you claim the press has a reason to play this up, explain why the CIA, FBI and Dept of Justice is doing the very same thing?

Are you aware there are constantly investigations about "leaks" in Washington? These investigations are common and the only people who are making a big deal about this is the liberal media and the democrats. Why didn't the media go into this kind of frenzy about Berger? Because he's a democrat.

You have constantly ignored any challenge to your arguement. You have already convicted Rove without knowing the facts. Nothing matters to you but, "it's Bush's fault". You are a pathetic individual.
on Jul 25, 2005
“Top Cheney Aide Among Sources in C.I.A. Story” is the headline the Associated Press chose for its article on now-famous journalist Matthew Cooper’s first-hand account of his testimony before the grand jury investing the leak of Valerie Plame’s identity.

But the real story is that Karl Rove has been further vindicated.

Though the ultimate arbiter of any legal issues will be special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and the aforementioned grand jury, the political case against Bush’s right-hand man is quickly crumbling. Cooper’s story—on Time’s new cover—confirms that Rove was not “shopping” for an outlet to “out” Plame, but that he was merely warning Cooper not to “get too far out on Wilson.”

Much of what was in the account was covered in Mike Isikoff’s Newsweek scoop on the contents of the e-mail Cooper wrote to his editor almost immediately after his 2-minute phone conversation with Rove. From the Newsweek article, it was established that Cooper called Rove—not the other way around—and that it was the Time reporter, not the supposed evil genius, who brought up the topic of Joe Wilson.

Perhaps the most significant “news” item in Cooper’s piece is that he also counted Vice-President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, as a “source” on Plame—which explains the AP’s headline selection.

But rather than implicating Libby, Cooper’s article is yet more evidence that there was no “story shopping” by the White House. Here’s what Cooper wrote:

In August 2004, I gave limited testimony about my conversations with Scooter Libby. Libby had also given me a specific waiver, and I gave a deposition in the office of my attorney. I have never discussed that conversation until now. In that testimony, I recounted an on-the-record conversation with Libby that moved to background. On the record, he denied that Cheney knew about or played any role in the Wilson trip to Niger. On background, I asked Libby if he had heard anything about Wilson's wife sending her husband to Niger. Libby replied, "Yeah, I've heard that too," or words to that effect. Like Rove, Libby never used Valerie Plame's name or indicated that her status was covert, and he never told me that he had heard about Plame from other reporters, as some press accounts have indicated.

No matter what the AP headline—or others—may suggest, Libby appears to have been a “source” only in the loosest possible sense. Not only was it Cooper who initiated the call, but Libby merely told the reporter that he had “heard that too.” It would seem nothing more than an off-handed response to Cooper’s question, and the Cheney aide too, did not appear to know Plame’s name or covert status.

The other significant “news” item in the Time cover story was what Cooper wrote regarding what Rove told him at the end of the very brief conversation:

Although it’s not reflected in my notes or subsequent e-mails, I have a distinct memory of Rove ending the call by saying, “I’ve already said too much.” This could have meant he was worried about being indiscreet, or it could have meant he was late for a meeting or something else. I don't know, but that sign-off has been in my memory for two years.

Could it mean something? Possibly. Cooper seems to have spent two years pondering just that. Leftist bloggers have already started doing so—albeit in a much more conspiratorial fashion. But in and of itself, Rove’s comment is cryptic, and, as Cooper noted, it could have meant any one of a number of things. In other words, there is no smoke, let alone a gun.

Though the Left has largely been dismissive of the distinction that Rove was not telling Cooper to write a story but rather to be careful so as not to publish an incorrect one, at least one key Clintonite disagrees. Former Clinton spokesman Mike McCurry recently wrote in the Huffington Post, “A two-minute call such as the one now reported is basically to get the signals straight -- green, yellow, red. Rove seems to have been telling Cooper that the yellowcake story was a flashing yellow and he needed to be cautious.”

As it turns out, Cooper did have reason to be cautious. Wilson’s credibity was later eviscerated by the bipartisan Senate Select Intelligence Committee. Not only did Wilson lie when claiming that his wife had nothing to do with him going to Niger, but his report back to the CIA was interpreted by analysts as being somewhat supportive of the Saddam-yellowcake intelligence.

None of this changes the legal questions. No one outside of Fitzgerald’s team and the grand jury know exactly what evidence the prosecutor has gathered. Not that that will stop the Left and their calls for “frog-marching” Rove to the penitentary. Yet as things stand, what is out in the public domain—which is to say quite a bit—indicates that no law was broken.

The latest “news” from Cooper only strengthens that likelihood.

on Jul 25, 2005
The Fitzerald investigation will answer the letter of the law questions, but the fact remains, Rove told Cooper that Wilson's wife was a CIA Agent working on WMD. Libby confirmed what Rove told Cooper. The intent of the law was to PREVENT disclosing the idendity of CIA Agents. That is just what Rove and Libby did even if they have not met all the details of breaking the law. If they were mearly gossiping from what they heard from the press they are wrong. WHY would two of the highest appointed officials be gossiping about our CIA Agents? The fact Rove told Cooper the information was about to be declassified make is very doubtful that Rove learned about Plame from any reporter! He most likely read the TOP Secret State Dept memo on Air Force 1 that contained a papagraph that mentioned Mrs Wilson's CIA status which was marked "Secret NO Foreign Nationals" . That indicates the info was important and a Top Secret document should NOT have been just anyplace for people to read!
on Jul 25, 2005
He most likely read the TOP Secret State Dept memo on Air Force 1 that contained a papagraph that mentioned Mrs Wilson's CIA status which was marked "Secret NO Foreign Nationals" . That indicates the info was important and a Top Secret document should NOT have been just anyplace for people to read!

That's a lot of speculation there col. All your opinion as usual.

WHY would two of the highest appointed officials be gossiping about our CIA Agents?

I don't see where gossiping has anything to do with it. And would you stop with the "our agents" nonsense that you have been doing. You don't care one bit about Plame, just this non-scandal that barely involves Rove.

Understand this col.

The special prosecutor involved in the leak of a covert CIA Agent, has told the lawyer of Karl Rove, in an interview with the National Review, that the White House Advisor is "not the target of the investigation."
on Jul 25, 2005

The Fitzerald investigation will answer the letter of the law questions,

Excuse me Klink, but the letter of the "law" is ALL that matters! If during the investigation Rove is found to be "innocent" of any supposed charges, guess what? He goes free! If he's found guilty, then throw the book at him. "If" he's innocent all your whining, complaining and howling for his blood means absolutely NOTHING!
on Jul 25, 2005
Island Dog

That statement about Rove was last October. The info that is comming out every day about the Rove and Libby testimony and the statements of the reporters have expanded this to possible perjury and obstruction of justice. In addition there is an issue of a person with a security clearance revealing classified information.

I have a very clear understanding of how secret and top secret the documents are handled. I was responsible for many many such documents as a nuclear weapons officer in the Army. Please don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about concerning the handling of classified documents. I was personally responsible for top-secret top-secret crypto no foreign national, secret and confidential documents that filled an entire room. This is a big deal and I would suspect some people have done things that violated the laws of this country and for which they should be held accountable.
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