Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The strategy at the White House has changed with respect to the Iraq War. We are now attempting to withdrawal just as soon as we have trained enough Iraq security and military forces. Bush wants to make the withdrawal appear legitimate and when that magic number has been achieved, you will see the troops begin to come home. The truth is we are not winning the military battle against the insurgents. Our military fight and die to secure an area and a few months later the very same elements are operating in that area. We then repeat the action and loose more of our troops. We do not have the manpower to control the entire country and prevent the reintroduction of the insurgent forces in the areas that we cleared with our precious military lives.

When the history books are written about this conflict, it will not be a positive oration. First, the rationale for the war was untrue. Bush supporters will say everyone thought there was WMD and therefore he did not lie as to his reason for attacking Iraq. The problem with that rationale is that the reason given today is to provide the Iraqi people the right to choose their own government. If that were the reason we chose to depose Saddam Hussein, that is the reason that Bush should have provided the Congress of the United States before asking for approval of the war resolution. Bush did not give that reason and this whole process was justified by the imminent danger to the United States. Then Bush said it was to enforce the UN Resolutions however the UN NEVER made the United States or England the enforcement agent for UN resolutions. Another rational Bush gave to remove Saddam was to rid the world of an evil dictator. There are many more evil dictators that exist in this world and Saddam Hussein was not the worst of the lot. If you have any doubt about that, look at what is happening to millions of people in Africa. If we were to provide this choice of the type of government that Bush NOW claims is the reason for the war, why not Cuba 90 miles from Florida? Why not Syria, North Korea, Iran, China or a host of other countries where the people do not have a choice. Why not our so-called ally, Saudi Arabia.

The real reason Bush wanted to invade Iraq may never be known. It was clear that this was in Bush's mind when he first took office. The removal of Saddam Hussein was a discussion item at the VERY FIRST Cabinet meeting. This has been clearly stated by the former Treasury Secretary Paul O' Neal. This was before 9/11, before we were attacked or heard about the War on Terrorism in America. The lesson we must learn is that in the future if a president asks Congress to go war with reasons that are not as stated, that president needs to be impeached and removed from office. If George W. Bush had asked Congress for authorization to attack Iraq so that Iraq people could select their own form of government, the resolution would NEVER have been approved. It is a sad day for this country that our president did not give the actual reason for America to go to war. The Bush LIE has cost America over 1,800 lives, more then 25,000 injured and over $300 billion dollars! It has created thousands if not millions of NEW enemies all over the world!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 13, 2005

The policies congress is passing are the Bush policies. He and his conservative cohorts are creating the problems. It was the Bush policy on taxes and spending that took the National Debt from $5.7 Trillion in Jan 2001 to $8 Trillion today. It is the Bush policy that expanded the failed trade policy by adding China. The trade deficit almost doubled under Bush. The Iraq Way was the Bush policy that he got through Congress with a LIE-- We were in danger from Saddam according to Bush-- Now it is to give the Iraqi people the right to choose their own government. It is the Bush energy policy that has none NOTHING to help the price of oil because he refuses to deal with the single most important reason for increased demand and thus higher prices-- Poor gasoline mileage for new SUV's , cars and trucks sold in this country. The policies are those of Bush and people who think like him in Congress that have either created the problems (The Iraq War and annual deficit ) or made it worse (Trade deficit) etc.
on Aug 13, 2005
The policies congress is passing are the Bush policies. He and his conservative cohorts are creating the problems. It was the Bush policy on taxes and spending that took the National Debt from $5.7 Trillion in Jan 2001 to $8 Trillion today. It is the Bush policy that expanded the failed trade policy by adding China. The trade deficit almost doubled under Bush. The Iraq Way was the Bush policy that he got through Congress with a LIE-- We were in danger from Saddam according to Bush-- Now it is to give the Iraqi people the right to choose their own government. It is the Bush energy policy that has none NOTHING to help the price of oil because he refuses to deal with the single most important reason for increased demand and thus higher prices-- Poor gasoline mileage for new SUV's , cars and trucks sold in this country. The policies are those of Bush and people who think like him in Congress that have either created the problems (The Iraq War and annual deficit ) or made it worse (Trade deficit) etc.

Then by "YOUR" own words the mess we're supposedly in is NOT all Bushs doing if it's congress that's passing the "failed" policies. You can't have it both ways. It's as simple as getting congress to stop passing the policies. Not everyone in congress thinks like GW. And btw... knock of the lie shit. We went to war on no lie. How many ways/times do you have to be shown/proven that every itell agency in the world thought the same things ours did?
on Aug 13, 2005
Us rednecks are gettin' slaughtered over there in Iraq for that there blood-oil. Total war or no war. Stuck in the middle is not where us rednecks '...illers want to find ourselves, unless of course it's not your own neck on the line, right drmiller.

Love drkiller.\

BTW, a roll a giant meatball and whack you right upaside your a heada... redneck!
on Aug 13, 2005
It is the Bush policy that expanded the failed trade policy by adding China.

I might be wrong here, and feel free to correct me if I am, but it seems to me that China was added, or at least proposed, while Slick Willy held the Big Chair.
on Aug 13, 2005

It is the President that proposes policies and Bush did everything possible to pressure congress into passing his policies. For the most part, he got his way and thus they are HIS POLICIES that Congress passed because it is controlled by the conservative GOP. The point is the policies are not solving ANY of the problems that existed ( energy, trade, jobs Social Security, Medicare, Medicade border security) when Bush took office and he has added new problerms (annual deficit and the Iraq War). It is time that control of congress change so they do not rubber stamp the bankrupt policies of Bush!
on Aug 13, 2005
Yes, China was proposed during the Clinton term but approved by Bush. After 8 years of failed trade policies under Clinton, Bush expands the policy that failed- Real SMART!!!! Now Bush further expanded it into Central America. A intelligent person learns when something does not work and tries a different approach-- NOT BUSH! Who said he was intelligent?
on Aug 13, 2005


It is the President that proposes policies and Bush did everything possible to pressure congress into passing his policies. For the most part, he got his way and thus they are HIS POLICIES that Congress passed because it is controlled by the conservative GOP.

Sheer BALONEY! The congress may have a plethora of republicans in it but there are "still" democrats in it. They can fillibuster EVERYTHING else but not this? BULL! Try again klink.
on Aug 13, 2005
Man, Col....you need to take a pill or something. What are you going to do when Bush's term is up and you no longer have your favorite whipping boy to wale on?
You'll probably sink into depression and commit suicide for lack of purpose.
on Aug 13, 2005
First, when Bush has completed his term the problems he will leave behind will just be getting started! The policies that are being passed are not what moderates or democrats want. The truth is that the Conservative GOP controlls Congress and the White House and the PISS POOR results are because of their policies! If you think Iraq, energy costs, the deficit, lack of border security, the trade deficit, lack of a solution for Social Security, a new prescription Drug plan that does not have one cent available to pay the estimated $60 Billion annual cost are good results of the current administration, you have a very LOW standards!
on Aug 13, 2005
Bush was left with the ruin of a military that Clinton's policies created, and "went to war with the army" he had...which was Clinton's. We're still trying to climb out of that mess, and in the middle of a war, at that. Yet Bush takes the blame for it from myopic morons like you.

lack of a solution for Social Security

A problem actually left over from the previous administration.

a new prescription Drug plan that does not have one cent available to pay the estimated $60 Billion annual cost

There is no good solution to this, other than to lower the cost of the drugs. The only way to make prescription drugs will cost less is if the pharmaceuticals industry lowers its prices, and since they know they have us over a barrel and that we need their stuff, that ain't gonna happen.
This is a simple matter of greed, and trying to find a way to pay for it.
on Aug 13, 2005
First, we did not NEED to go to war. We were not in danger from Iraq. Second, Bush compaigned in 2000 that the military was Too small and did NOTHING to increase its size after he became Commander-in-Chief WHY? Then he gave the overstreached military even more to do with Iraq and he is destroying the Guard and Reserve. There are a number of issues that Bush inherented and EVERY one has gotten worse since he took office-- Social Security, Medicare, Border Security, Trade deficit and the energy problems. Then he added new problems that did not exist in 2001 like Iraq and the annual budget deficit. There is not one major issue facing this country that Bush has solved or improved to ANY degree!!!!!!!!!! The prescription drug program is a NEW mandiate that Bush and his cohorts in Congress passed and have failerd to fund. Even if drug costs were static, we would have a NEW $60 Billion per year obligation with no money to pay for it! That amount will grow as more seniors retire and the cost of drugs go up. It is easy to see how Bush ran his two companies into the ground.
on Aug 13, 2005
The truth is that the Conservative GOP controlls Congress and the White House and the PISS POOR results are because of their policies!

Sorry, that's BULLSH*T!!! Like I said the dems can fillibuster everything else why not these failed policies? And don't hand me that crap that the GOP controls the house. We might have control, but the last I looked no member of the GOP was holding a gun to any democrats head. So do not try to lay this all on GW because that would be a major LIE!
on Aug 13, 2005

All these policies start with BUSH. It is his policies that he has gotten through congress that are NOT WORKING. He told us we needed tax cuts because we had a surplus which needed to be returned to the American people. There was NO SURPLUS-- Then as Greenspan and O'Neil said the tax cuts should have be dependent on the surplus to pay for them. WE had no surplus but Bush proposed and the conservatives in Congress passed three of the largest tax cuts in our histrory-- The result deficits. We spend with no plan to pay for the spending. Republicans have complained about the amount of spending and pork Democrats approved when they were in control. Both spending and pork have never been more out of control since the GOP took control of Congress and the White House! Bush has NEVER vetoed a spending bill so he becomes responsible because he failed to act with fiscal balance. We borrow 1 out of every 5 dollars spent by the Fed. Bush continues a trade policy that FAILED for 8 years under Clinton. WHY? Bush claims we need 10,000 more border guards and only requests funding for 200 out of the 10,000 he says are needed. WHY? He tells us we must conserve oil and refuses to deal with low mileage cars which are the biggest wast of oil. WHY? I could go on and on. Bush has not solved and made better any of the major issues facing this country. WHY? The conservative agenda which is what has been enacted is NOT WORKING! We need a change in Congress in 2006 by electing either Moderate Republicans of Democrats.
on Aug 14, 2005

All these policies start with BUSH. It is his policies that he has gotten through congress that are NOT WORKING. He told us we needed tax cuts because we had a surplus which needed to be returned to the American people. There was NO SURPLUS-- Then as Greenspan and O'Neil said the tax cuts should have be dependent on the surplus to pay for them. WE had no surplus but Bush proposed and the conservatives in Congress passed three of the largest tax cuts in our histrory-- The result deficits. We spend with no plan to pay for the spending. Republicans have complained about the amount of spending and pork Democrats approved when they were in control. Both spending and pork have never been more out of control since the GOP took control of Congress and the White House! Bush has NEVER vetoed a spending bill so he becomes responsible because he failed to act with fiscal balance. We borrow 1 out of every 5 dollars spent by the Fed. Bush continues a trade policy that FAILED for 8 years under Clinton. WHY? Bush claims we need 10,000 more border guards and only requests funding for 200 out of the 10,000 he says are needed. WHY? He tells us we must conserve oil and refuses to deal with low mileage cars which are the biggest wast of oil. WHY? I could go on and on. Bush has not solved and made better any of the major issues facing this country. WHY? The conservative agenda which is what has been enacted is NOT WORKING! We need a change in Congress in 2006 by electing either Moderate Republicans of Democrats.

Dance around the point some more. Go ahead, it just makes you look more foolish! Your right they may have started with Bush. But they "went through" congress to pass. And the congress still has some democrats in it. I also note how you ignored the part about the dems filibustering these failed polocies. Ain't heard squat from them. Just noise from you!
on Aug 14, 2005
I wish the Democrats had filibustered the tax cuts, and hope if Bush tries to create private accounts in Social Sceurity they do just that in the Senate (there is no such thing in the House). If Bush tries to make his tax cuts perminant, the Democrats MUST filibuster that action. However, the point you fail to acknowledge is that we have a government (White House and a slim majority of Congress) that are making policies that are NOT SOLVING the problems that exist and are actually creating new major issues for our country. We have an administration and a majority of Congress that is not only acting AGINST the best interest of the MAJORITY of Americans but AGINST the wishes of the majority as shown by poll after poll. I hope you enjoy paying for the bankrupt policies that Bush and the conservatives have enacted!!!!!

The noise, as you put it, will be nothing compared to the Trillions of dollars Bush will cost future tax payers!
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