Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
America needs a change
Published on September 5, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This disaster and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf coast was not only predicted but there were detailed plans prepared showing what needed to be done to strengthen the levees around New Orleans and the coastline along the Mississippi river. These studies and simulations were prepared in 2001 and 2002 for the Bush administration. They were almost 100% accurate as to the consequences of failing to rebuild this infrastructure in the largest port in the United States. George W. Bush ignored these studies and the warning contained in them.

The studies clearly indicated what it will take in terms of rebuilding the levees to withstand category four and five hurricanes as well as repairing the coast line along the Mississippi. The cost to rebuild the region would have been in the $20-$30 Billion range according to the studies. Bush, rather than starting to implement ths essential rebuilding, actually cut the funding for the Corps of Engineers to that region beginning in late 2001. He diverted the money to the war in Iraq. The truth is that our priorities are DEAD WRONG! With 10% of what George W. Bush has spent in Iraq, we could have completely rebuilt the levees in New Orleans and the Mississippi coastline and prevented this disaster from occurring. Now we need to rebuild an area as large as Great Britain and still need to repair the levees and the Mississippi coastline. The cost in human lives and dollars are many times what it would have been if Bush had his priorities in line with the NEEDS of this country!

In addition, water levels are rising because of the global warming and here again the Bush administration has done nothing to protect our environment and ignores a growing problem that the use of fossil fuel is helping to create. Rather than seek alternate energy sources with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are dumping in the Iraq War, we ignore our energy needs. There are studies that show the infrastructure of the United States is aging and that it will take more than $1 trillion dollars to repair all the levees, bridges, roads, electrical grids, dams, schools, water and sewer systems throughout this great nation. There is NO money for these needs but we have SPENT 1/3 of what it would cost to rebuild the infrastructure across the entire Unites States with what we have spent in Iraq. The time has come to redirect the priorities in America to meet the long term needs of our people and not the political ideology of the conservatives in this country! Bush cuts the federal revenue with tax cuts and ignores essential repairs. He starts a war that did not make us more secure and spends the money needed to help rebuild America on that war. WAKE UP AMERICA!


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on Sep 05, 2005

All anyone ever needs to know about the great Gene P. Abel
on Sep 05, 2005

You are an ASS pure and simple. My Blog contains the facts. I did not make them up . I support our troops not the policies of a president that is NOT meeting the most BASIC needs of our nation. I served my country and not by hiding in the National Guard like Bush!
on Sep 05, 2005
Specifically, the Champagne Unit of the guard, during a major conflict, and he couldn't even meet that commitment.
on Sep 06, 2005
I have to look at the date of your posts col, they all read the same.
on Sep 06, 2005
They are all the same beause Bush and his performance is the same - A FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that changes is the area of need in our country that is NOT HELPED by Bush and his policies! Show me THE MAJOR issues that Bush has significantly improved since he became President?
on Sep 06, 2005
Col you posts are a failure. I'm sure you're really going to hurt Bush's chances in '08.
on Sep 06, 2005
I'm sure you're really going to hurt Bush's chances in '08.

That does bring up an interesting question, Genie. Where exactly are you going with all of this bush-bashing anyways. What exactly are you going to change?

He's got two terms so no re-election to hurt. Conservative and republican members of congress aren't going to change their votes. What do you want?

The chance to meet him in person so you can have a manly confrontation? Perhaps we could give him a good old fashioned puritan shunning? Impeach him and write nasty graffiti on his tombstone after he's dead?

Or do you think he's going to walk up to you one day, and say, "Gee, Col Abel, you were right, and I was dead wrong. I guess I was just an evil human being. I really enjoyed your book. You're a swell guy. Good job. I'm going to go turn myself in for war crimes now, bye."

Bush's here, he's going to be here for 3 years, and none of this constant bitching is ever going to change that. Please, please find something else constructive to do. You're obssessed.

Jeez, did you rant like this to your soldiers?
on Sep 06, 2005
What I would like to see is for Congress to change the policies we are following that ARE NOT WORKING! That can happen now or by electing more responsible Congressmen and Senators in 2006. To sit arround and continue the failed Bush policies, is to waste another 3 years. We can not afford that! Americans deserve better from their government!
on Sep 06, 2005
Oh yes COLON GENE we're failing in Iraq, that is why the bacteria have done so much good in Iraq and all our troops are doing is getting in the way of their wonderful progress. The people of Iraq are kissing the feet of the bacteria... because we failed.

Our economy is so in the toilet that unemployment, inflation and prime lending rates are all in the double digits.

Hurricane Katrina has totally destroyed the will to live of the people of Alabama, Missippi and Louisiana, the delays in aid are so rampant than no one is in shelters in those states or any other. The entire population of New Orleans, Biloxi and Mobile are rioting and shooting anyone who dares come near, for fear that their cities will be rebuilt to the pre Katrina horrors created by the Bush administration. They are more afraid of the rebuilding than they are of the destruction.

You are so right, ColonGene, America is finished, we should all just drink the Kool~Aid and leave mother earth to all the other nations who so deserve a world without the lowly inhabitants of the only country in the world that would elect Dubya... twice!!

Does all this sound stupid? If it does, well, congratulations, it is the point of every one of your myopic, moronic articles. If it all sounds about right to you, well you worm ridden piece of moldy slime... that doesn't suprise me a bit.

How many troop deaths did you pray for today?
on Sep 06, 2005

What an ASS you are. If I had my way, we would not have lost ANY of our brave militarty in Iraq. Today the Sec Gen of the UN said, the terrorist in Iraq are worse then in Afghanistan in 2001. We have killed almost 1,900 Americans, injured another 25,000 and spent 300 Billion to convert an evil dictatorship into a terrotist haven! Great work George W. Bush.

Bush cut the funding to help the Corps of Engineers protect New Orleans and sent the money to Iraq. He was warned of the danger of not upgrading the Gulf area and he not only did not act but made it worse by cutting the money they needed. How in the Hell did this help America?

How did Bush help America by turning a balanced budget into a massive defficit? How did he help Americans by expanding a failed trade policy which has resulted in the loss on hundreds of thousands of jobs. How was America Helped by allowing 3 million people to cross our borders because Bush will not ask Congress for the money to hire the guards HE SAID WE NEEDE TO DO THE JOB!

Four years in a row the poverty index increased. Big business and the top execuatives are doing just fine and the average worker gets SHIT!

There are a SAD group of people that Blog on JoeUser.
on Sep 06, 2005
Bush cut the funding to help the Corps of Engineers protect New Orleans and sent the money to Iraq.

Col, can you show that the money was specifically cut was used in Iraq?

If I had my way, we would not have lost ANY of our brave militarty in Iraq. Today the Sec Gen of the UN said, the terrorist in Iraq are worse then in Afghanistan in 2001. We have killed almost 1,900 Americans, injured another 25,000 and spent 300 Billion to convert an evil dictatorship into a terrotist haven! Great work George W. Bush.

Col, if all liberals like you had their way we would do whatever the terrorists wanted. For you to quote something Kofi said about Iraq is too funny. Kofi and the U.N. were in bed with Saddam, they didn't want him out.
on Sep 06, 2005
COLON Gene, Newsflash! We ARE IN IRAQ!! Your constant whining about it means nothing. Deal with reality for once. If you want to discuss history, that's fine, but the fact is, we ARE IN IRAQ!!!!

What do you want us to do, unilaterally and unconditionally surrender? Last I checked, YOU took an oath that you wouldn't surrender as long as you had the means and ability to continue the fight... Remember?

There is nothing to be gained by surrendering now except betraying the people of Iraq to the bacteria. If you and the bacteria are both all for us leaving Iraq and betraying the people there, what is the difference between you and they?

(((and if your answer is anything about "we shouldn't have gone in in the first place" then just shut your festering pie hole, since it has nothing to do with the question))))

So far, all I see is you siding with terrorists and Hussein's best thug, Kofi Annan.
on Sep 06, 2005
If the constitution is not approved on 15 Oct, we should get out and let the Iraqi people sort things out. The more basic issue is that Bush is not following policies that meet the real needs of this country. Iraq was no threat to the US and was not the cause of the terrorism that created 9/11. We have misallocated our human and financial resourses. That is 100% because of Bush.

The money that was diverted from the Corps of Eng was DoD funds. Even with this diversion, Congress passed an $83 Billion supplemental to meet the DoD needs in Iraq. The point is we ignore the needs of our people to attack a country that was NOT A DANGER TO AMERICA! We have spent 10 times the estimated amount needed to rebuild New Orleans and that region on a war that did not have to be fought!

Bush and his policies ARE NOT MEETING THE NEEDS OF AMERICA. HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN MODERN HISTORY! None of you have yet shown how Bush has improved any of the major needs of this country. Everything that needed improvement is worse today and he has created new problems like Iraq and the annual Budget deficit.
on Sep 06, 2005
You just couldn't help yourself could you, you had to jump in with an answer for a question not asked. What you are saying is, if the constitution is not approved then we should turn the country over to the bacteria to terrorize the people at will.

What a putrid pro terrorist, Anti American waste of human flesh you have become!! Surrender? Just because it's taking them some time to get their Constitution together? It took us how long? You Mr. Abel are no better than the rapist looters in New Orleans, they just rape a person, you cheer on the the bacteria who would rape all the women in Iraq if we leave them to it.

You need to go live with Al Qeada, where your heart truly lies!
on Sep 06, 2005
there was a time when this sargent would have... never mind.. gene you are a huge disappointment to veterans everywhere.
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