Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
America needs a change
Published on September 5, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This disaster and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf coast was not only predicted but there were detailed plans prepared showing what needed to be done to strengthen the levees around New Orleans and the coastline along the Mississippi river. These studies and simulations were prepared in 2001 and 2002 for the Bush administration. They were almost 100% accurate as to the consequences of failing to rebuild this infrastructure in the largest port in the United States. George W. Bush ignored these studies and the warning contained in them.

The studies clearly indicated what it will take in terms of rebuilding the levees to withstand category four and five hurricanes as well as repairing the coast line along the Mississippi. The cost to rebuild the region would have been in the $20-$30 Billion range according to the studies. Bush, rather than starting to implement ths essential rebuilding, actually cut the funding for the Corps of Engineers to that region beginning in late 2001. He diverted the money to the war in Iraq. The truth is that our priorities are DEAD WRONG! With 10% of what George W. Bush has spent in Iraq, we could have completely rebuilt the levees in New Orleans and the Mississippi coastline and prevented this disaster from occurring. Now we need to rebuild an area as large as Great Britain and still need to repair the levees and the Mississippi coastline. The cost in human lives and dollars are many times what it would have been if Bush had his priorities in line with the NEEDS of this country!

In addition, water levels are rising because of the global warming and here again the Bush administration has done nothing to protect our environment and ignores a growing problem that the use of fossil fuel is helping to create. Rather than seek alternate energy sources with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are dumping in the Iraq War, we ignore our energy needs. There are studies that show the infrastructure of the United States is aging and that it will take more than $1 trillion dollars to repair all the levees, bridges, roads, electrical grids, dams, schools, water and sewer systems throughout this great nation. There is NO money for these needs but we have SPENT 1/3 of what it would cost to rebuild the infrastructure across the entire Unites States with what we have spent in Iraq. The time has come to redirect the priorities in America to meet the long term needs of our people and not the political ideology of the conservatives in this country! Bush cuts the federal revenue with tax cuts and ignores essential repairs. He starts a war that did not make us more secure and spends the money needed to help rebuild America on that war. WAKE UP AMERICA!


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 06, 2005
If you believe that allowing our young men and women to die in that rat hole is good, why don't you go over there and fight. If the Iraqi's can not protect their country, WHY should our young people die? I believe our military are more valuable than that. You two sicken me. We killed these fine young people for NO GOOD REASON. WE ARE NO SAFER AFTER THEY DIED THEN BEFORE THEY DIED! This idea going to Iraq was to make us safer was a BIG LIE. That country is more dangerous today then when Saddam was in charge.
on Sep 06, 2005
Moderateman, I'm sure Hasan Akbar is one vet who isn't disappointed in Colon Gene.
on Sep 06, 2005
I'm getting tired of col and his caps. It's the same post over and over.
on Sep 06, 2005

What I would like to see is for Congress to change the policies we are following that ARE NOT WORKING! That can happen now or by electing more responsible Congressmen and Senators in 2006. To sit around and continue the failed Bush policies, is to waste another 3 years. We can not afford that! Americans deserve better from their government!

Okay that actually made some sense! But exactly "WHAT" does this have to do with Bush. You just admitted it was congress's fault. And they need to be replaced. So which is it?
on Sep 07, 2005
It is the policies of Bush, as passed by Congress that is the problem!
on Sep 07, 2005
It is the policies of Bush, as passed by Congress that is the problem!

and that's an extrememly relevant point. To distance the president from congress is ridiculous, particularly given that the executive branch is in repubs control, the legislative branch is in repubs control, and the judicial branch is in repubs control. There are no longer any checks and balances in our government. It's a one party, one mind, one philosophy government. And, when the dems complain, or even oh no attempt to use their right to filibuster, the repubs go on the attack and accuse the dems of abusing that last vestige of a check and balance. The repubs continue to spin shit away from bush, but we all know that they really are doing bush's bidding.

There is no mandate held by the repukes in this country, as much as you righties claim it is so. Dubya has the lowest rating of his presidency. He was voted in by the slimmest of margins, and even those victories were questionable. He is backed by only maybe 50% of this country. No mandate. Polls continue to indicate dissatisfaction with the dubya dummy and with congress. But, they don't care. They have the power, and really that's all they want or care about.

Yet they dictate policy to the rest of the 50%, because they have the power and they shove their power down our throats. If we complain, they accuse us of being unpatriotic. The spin all accountability for anything, including Katrina, away from themselves, as if the dems has some power to do anything, which right now we don't. You got the power, then accept the responsibility. But, they don't.

The framers of the Constitution must be rolling in their graves.
on Sep 07, 2005
Dabe... Colon Gene... And the mindless bash bush bus rolls on.
on Sep 07, 2005
ParaTed, it is not mindless. It is studied and well thought out. Liberals are capable of that, you know. But, as a conservative, I guess you wouldn't know. You obviously have zero experience in critical study and thinking when it comes to politics and this administration. You're just buying the misplaced patriotic crap being dished out by those idiots running our country, and into the ground, I might add.
on Sep 07, 2005
Dubya has the lowest rating of his presidency. He was voted in by the slimmest of margins, and even those victories were questionable. He is backed by only maybe 50% of this country. No mandate. Polls continue to indicate dissatisfaction with the dubya dummy and with congress. But, they don't care. They have the power, and really that's all they want or care about.

Neither of his victories are questionable dabe. You need to get over that. You base all your opinions like col on slanted media polls. The most important poll was taken in November, and Bush overwhelmingly won that one. Despite all the nonsense from the democrats, they still couldn't win. And the democrats still don't realize why they keep losing.

Yet they dictate policy to the rest of the 50%, because they have the power and they shove their power down our throats. If we complain, they accuse us of being unpatriotic. The spin all accountability for anything, including Katrina, away from themselves, as if the dems has some power to do anything, which right now we don't. You got the power, then accept the responsibility. But, they don't.

The left is accused of being unpatriotic when they are. You have U.S. Senators standing in session complaining that America is like Hitler. I can go on and on about the anti-Americanism coming from the left. The leftists in this country scream how much they hate America, they blame America for everything, but when you call them out they say "why are you questioning my patriotism"?

The mindless blaming of Katrina on Bush is another backfire for democrats. Everybody holds some responsibility, but the most goes to the useless mayors and governors of those states. But you guys don't comment on that, it's all about trying to get Bush again. Which like all other attempts will fail, and you guys will wonder once again why you lost another election.
on Sep 07, 2005
ParaTed, it is not mindless. It is studied and well thought out. Liberals are capable of that, you know. But, as a conservative, I guess you wouldn't know. You obviously have zero experience in critical study and thinking when it comes to politics and this administration. You're just buying the misplaced patriotic crap being dished out by those idiots running our country, and into the ground, I might add.

Dabe, this country is not being run into the ground. This is an example of the overdramatic nonsense that comes from democrats. But once again, I have to laugh when you guys talk about critical study and thinking.
on Sep 07, 2005
bash bush bus

Say that five times real fast.
on Sep 07, 2005
It amazes me how utterly blind you are, dabe. You realize that all the corporations that donate to the Republican party also donate to Dems, right? They don't mind a damn bit when Republicans win, and they carefully decide who's going to vote for what, so that they can score the biggest approval at home.

You watch the next time there is a big vote in Congress. Dems in conservatives states will vote conservative, and there will be stragglers from places like Massechussetts that will vote against it to please their constituants. Look at the Iraq war votes, look at the funding the troops votes. It wasn't an accident that those particular Senators dissented and the rest didn't.

That's how they keep both their voters and the lobbyists who own them happy. I think it is really sad that you somehow thing the Left in Congress is sitting there outraged but outnumbered. They get their way 99.9% of the time, they just don't give a damn about the rest and play to the highest bidder.
on Sep 07, 2005
this country is not being run into the ground. This is an example of the overdramatic nonsense that comes from democrats.

Like the overly dramatic nonsense that the left is ruining America?
on Sep 07, 2005
Like the overly dramatic nonsense that the left is ruining America?

on Sep 07, 2005
Get over yourself and Anti Bush agenda. I'm tired of hearing about how Bush screwed up events that are the STATES and LOCAL goverments problems! The people on the southern coast knew darn well the leeves would fail with a Cat 4 storm and THEY did nothing about it!!! THEY could have fixed it their selves, they could have paid a little more in taxes to fix it.

So what, now Bush NEEDS to ban Trailer homes in "tornado ally"? Require all home in Tornado ally have basements? How bout making Bush make sure that ALL homes on fault lines are "earthquake proof" and everyone on coasts have plenty of plywood and Cat 5 Leevies surounding the shores?

What is your point? Do you even really have one, oh ya, BLAME BUSH FOR OUR OWN SHORTCOMMINGS!!! Have fun with that.
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