Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
America needs a change
Published on September 5, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This disaster and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf coast was not only predicted but there were detailed plans prepared showing what needed to be done to strengthen the levees around New Orleans and the coastline along the Mississippi river. These studies and simulations were prepared in 2001 and 2002 for the Bush administration. They were almost 100% accurate as to the consequences of failing to rebuild this infrastructure in the largest port in the United States. George W. Bush ignored these studies and the warning contained in them.

The studies clearly indicated what it will take in terms of rebuilding the levees to withstand category four and five hurricanes as well as repairing the coast line along the Mississippi. The cost to rebuild the region would have been in the $20-$30 Billion range according to the studies. Bush, rather than starting to implement ths essential rebuilding, actually cut the funding for the Corps of Engineers to that region beginning in late 2001. He diverted the money to the war in Iraq. The truth is that our priorities are DEAD WRONG! With 10% of what George W. Bush has spent in Iraq, we could have completely rebuilt the levees in New Orleans and the Mississippi coastline and prevented this disaster from occurring. Now we need to rebuild an area as large as Great Britain and still need to repair the levees and the Mississippi coastline. The cost in human lives and dollars are many times what it would have been if Bush had his priorities in line with the NEEDS of this country!

In addition, water levels are rising because of the global warming and here again the Bush administration has done nothing to protect our environment and ignores a growing problem that the use of fossil fuel is helping to create. Rather than seek alternate energy sources with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are dumping in the Iraq War, we ignore our energy needs. There are studies that show the infrastructure of the United States is aging and that it will take more than $1 trillion dollars to repair all the levees, bridges, roads, electrical grids, dams, schools, water and sewer systems throughout this great nation. There is NO money for these needs but we have SPENT 1/3 of what it would cost to rebuild the infrastructure across the entire Unites States with what we have spent in Iraq. The time has come to redirect the priorities in America to meet the long term needs of our people and not the political ideology of the conservatives in this country! Bush cuts the federal revenue with tax cuts and ignores essential repairs. He starts a war that did not make us more secure and spends the money needed to help rebuild America on that war. WAKE UP AMERICA!


Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 07, 2005
Where would local and states get 30 Billion which was the estimate to rebuld that area? Bush reduced the federal funding.
on Sep 07, 2005
The mayor had no manpower or police to help with any evacuation. You could only have moved 3,500 people on 700 school buses. You talk out of your A**. The ONLY agency that had the resources when needed was the Active military. Only Bush had the authority to act. It took a week for the National Guard to be available in the numbers needed to make a difference! Last night congress told Bush to his face his administration got an "F" on the way they handled this disaster- Both Republican and Democrats. BUSH FAILED AGAIN!!!!! He failed to prevent the disaster by ignoring the need to rebuild the levees and then failed to deal with the disaster. Anyone that defends Bush is a fool!

The only fool here is you. Just how goofy do you have to be to figure out that "no matter" who's making the trips for evac that it's going to take MORE than one trip? 3500, indeed! Even our full military does NOT have the capability to evac "everyone" in New Orleans at one time! "YOU'RE the one talking out their butt here. And just to set the record straight....

Despite the orders to leave, roadblocks had been set up, and nobody was being permitted either to enter or leave the city. The only advice from the city was to head for the convention center.

Heroic efforts by people taking risks, even risking their own lives, to rescue others shows the compassion of the human spirit, and that most of us will help others with no questions asked. The story of the young man who commandeered a school bus, picked up stranded people and drove them to safety in Houston illustrates that spirit. He didn’t ask permission to take the bus, or wait for instructions from authorities; he just did the right thing—while the mayor sat in a hotel and complained that the federal government wasn’t doing enough.

Why didn’t he order city staff to implement the city’s evacuation plan, using locally available school buses, while there was time? Private hospital administrators contracted to evacuate patients even before the storm hit. They used helicopters and ambulances supplied by private companies.

The first, most crucial, responsibility of government officials is to protect their citizens. Mayor C. Ray Nagin and his city bureaucracy didn’t do that. Prisoners were released from jails, apparently unsupervised; thugs looted stores, stole guns and threatened citizens and rescuers; the mayor was incommunicado “camped out” at the Hyatt hotel near the Superdome, while his government was in Baton Rouge. He couldn’t even talk with his chief of police. No one took charge.

Instead of showing strong, steady leadership, Nagin reportedly was “upset” and “agitated.” Angrily he blamed the federal government for his incompetence. Three years ago, Ray Nagin won the election, running against a former police chief. He ran on creating a “larger black middle class” by promising to reconstruct the local economy, according to a New York Times report. Somehow Mr. Nagin convinced gullible voters he could up-grade low-wage jobs. Now, it’s easy to imagine that many low-wage earners, without jobs in New Orleans, may wish they had voted for the police chief.

And what kind of BS is this? Louisiana has absolutely no funds of any kind?

30 Billion needed to rebuild the levees to prevent this disaster
on Sep 07, 2005
SkwaK Money for levees.... Skwak... Money for levees

Once again you vomit on and on about ancient history. The problems with the Mayor and Governor's response are what caused the breakdown in management. Biloxi did well with their response, so did Mobile. why? Because both those cities had complete and comprehensive emergency protocols and actually USED THEM!!

The fact is, the city and state have been given a lot of money for levee repair, maintenance and improvement, but somehow that money found it's way to Bourbon Street instead of the coast...

Napoleon is quoted to say, "Amatuers talk tactics, Professionals talk logistics"... Well Mr. Amatuer, go back and play with your little trucks.
on Sep 07, 2005

Where would local and states get 30 Billion which was the estimate to rebuld that area? Bush reduced the federal funding.

What, Is there no Taxes in those states? The local Govs should have found a way, and that is that! Bush cut funding to maintaining the leevies, which weren't being maintained anyway because the locals used the money for funding other "projects". The Fed Gov SHOULD NOT pay for local government BRIBES!
on Sep 07, 2005
"Slammed" again! Eh, col?
on Sep 07, 2005

Where would local and states get 30 Billion which was the estimate to rebuld that area? Bush reduced the federal funding.


The city isn't supposed to have $30 billion to rebuild, they are supposed to be able to have done a legitimate evacuation (using the vehicles they had contracted with when that part of the Emergency Management Protocols were being created); a good assessment of the situation; a list of the shelters, where they are, an estimation of how many people are there, what facilities are available at each; among a few other things... They are also supposed to be able to tell the state what their police, fire, EMS.. and other emergency agencies are doing; a list of what logistical supplies they have and what they need....

Basically what the state requires from the local authorities, and what the Fed requires from the stae is the Emergency Management equivolent of a "SALUTE" Report for each division of the Emergency Management Protocol.

No real evacuation occurred, No real shelters were established, the Mayor had no idea what was going on in his city, the mayor was clueless to what his city needed. Since he had no way to give a complete report to the state, the Governor had no idea what to request from the feds.

All the Mayor could do was call for unenforceable "Martial Law", and run to Baton Rouge to whine that no one was doing his job for him. the Governor was left with giving such a professional request as "We need everything you can give us!" as she paniced.

Seriously Gene, if I requested support from your unit and I couldn't tell you anything more about my unit's situation, or what I needed from you, would you ever be able to give me the support I need? You'd have no idea what support I need....

Of course all that doesn't matter does it... "hate bush... hate bush... hate bush..."

Sad, I'm sure at one time you had a brain.
on Sep 07, 2005
Been gone for a week. Knew this would be here when I got back. Pathetic.

on Sep 08, 2005
Been gone for a week. Knew this would be here when I got back. Pathetic.


Welcome back to the fray. We kept your foxhole warm for ya.
on Sep 08, 2005
I see everyone slamming col, but no one saying anything about the fact that Bush saw what could happen and did not act on the info and later cut the funding to the area in question.

Does anyone have anything to say about that particular?

To me its politics as usual, whether it be Bush or Gore or whoever.

New Orleans was continually in peril for a while (raising water table, the city sinking, the wetlands disappearing, being surrounded by water on 3 different sides and all of them on average are above sea level), but sometimes people have to die before something is done.

I don't think it was a Bush error, but there is defiantly enough blame to go around for this one.
on Sep 08, 2005
We need a person with a VERY different outlook!

You had that chance col, and you lost. Do you even understand why democrats keep losing?
on Sep 08, 2005
I see everyone slamming col, but no one saying anything about the fact that Bush saw what could happen and did not act on the info and later cut the funding to the area in question.

So now Bush can see the future? If Bush could see so could the mayors and governors. But they chose things like building a new sports arena. Cutting the funding does make one bit of difference in this situation.
on Sep 08, 2005
Bush did not have to be able to see the future. The studies in 2001 and 2002 showed what would happen to that area if a Cat 4 or 5 storm hit. Bush controlls the Corps of Engineers funds and the locals do not spend that money on other projects. Bush did NOTHING to implement the requiremenets of his own study and would NEVER have invested the 30 Billion in that area to rebuild the levees et al. He was too busy spending the money in Iraq. If anyone who believes the States would have had 30 Billion to spend, they is nuts. That area is among the poorest areas in our country and that ports supports the entire United States This was a Federal responsibility!.

As for the 700 buses, it is unlikely they could have made more then one round trip out of the area in two days prior to the storm. If they made two round trips they could have moved 7,000. We are talking about 25-30 times that number that needed to be evacuated. The ONLY agency that has the assets needed was the Active Military and they were under the control of Bush! The National Guard took 6 days to arrive in the numbers needed to do the job.

You Bushies are the scum of the earth. You have not shown what I have said to be untrue. The facts are clear. Even the Republicans in Congress gave Bush and his staff an "F" for the way they handled the storm. When you look at how Bush helped prevent or reduce the disaster by rebuilding the area, he gets another "F".

on Sep 08, 2005
You Bushies are the scum of the earth. You have not shown what I have said to be untrue. The facts are clear. Even the Republicans in Congress gave Bush and his staff an "F" for the way they handled the storm. When you look at how Bush helped prevent or reduce the disaster by rebuilding the area, he gets another "F".

Yes we have col, many times.
on Sep 08, 2005

I see everyone slamming col, but no one saying anything about the fact that Bush saw what could happen and did not act on the info and later cut the funding to the area in question.

Does anyone have anything to say about that particular?

Yeah! Because Bush is NOT ALLOWED to go in with active military without someone from the state asking for help! To go in without that call being made is against the constitution and therefore unlawful!
on Sep 08, 2005

The Possie Act allows the president to act to preserve order. It also allows the Navy to assist the Coast Guard in ANY emergency.

WRONG AGAIN BOYS Look at what IKE did on Alabama if you want proof!
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