Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
America needs a change
Published on September 5, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This disaster and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf coast was not only predicted but there were detailed plans prepared showing what needed to be done to strengthen the levees around New Orleans and the coastline along the Mississippi river. These studies and simulations were prepared in 2001 and 2002 for the Bush administration. They were almost 100% accurate as to the consequences of failing to rebuild this infrastructure in the largest port in the United States. George W. Bush ignored these studies and the warning contained in them.

The studies clearly indicated what it will take in terms of rebuilding the levees to withstand category four and five hurricanes as well as repairing the coast line along the Mississippi. The cost to rebuild the region would have been in the $20-$30 Billion range according to the studies. Bush, rather than starting to implement ths essential rebuilding, actually cut the funding for the Corps of Engineers to that region beginning in late 2001. He diverted the money to the war in Iraq. The truth is that our priorities are DEAD WRONG! With 10% of what George W. Bush has spent in Iraq, we could have completely rebuilt the levees in New Orleans and the Mississippi coastline and prevented this disaster from occurring. Now we need to rebuild an area as large as Great Britain and still need to repair the levees and the Mississippi coastline. The cost in human lives and dollars are many times what it would have been if Bush had his priorities in line with the NEEDS of this country!

In addition, water levels are rising because of the global warming and here again the Bush administration has done nothing to protect our environment and ignores a growing problem that the use of fossil fuel is helping to create. Rather than seek alternate energy sources with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are dumping in the Iraq War, we ignore our energy needs. There are studies that show the infrastructure of the United States is aging and that it will take more than $1 trillion dollars to repair all the levees, bridges, roads, electrical grids, dams, schools, water and sewer systems throughout this great nation. There is NO money for these needs but we have SPENT 1/3 of what it would cost to rebuild the infrastructure across the entire Unites States with what we have spent in Iraq. The time has come to redirect the priorities in America to meet the long term needs of our people and not the political ideology of the conservatives in this country! Bush cuts the federal revenue with tax cuts and ignores essential repairs. He starts a war that did not make us more secure and spends the money needed to help rebuild America on that war. WAKE UP AMERICA!


Comments (Page 6)
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on Sep 08, 2005

Get a life already, col....geez.
on Sep 08, 2005
Oce More Col Gene has had the utmost moral courage to speak the Truth. I too have said the same in my pieces on Katrina but the sense of outrage and anger so pal0pable in Col Gene is not there in my blog, perphaps Col Gene feels too deeply about this GREAT TRAGEDY. Instead of abusing COL GENE and calling him name, I wish bloggers read what he says carefully. The IRAQ WAR has led to a climbing budget deficit and the federal funds to Dixie Land were cut. I would even say that there was politics right from the very beginning afterall Dixie is Black and Democratic something that the neocon men do not particularly like. Col Gene has been very sophisticated in his piece and I think he deserves a deserves
on Sep 09, 2005
Bahu -

You don't have a clue here, so good luck. And Gene's level of sophistication is well-represented by this quote: "You Bushies are the scum of the earth."

Gene might get the job at MoveOn.org that he seems to be buckin' for, but even MoveOn might have a hard time getting past that. Maybe DU needs some admin help - though he might be considered a bit too diplomatic for their tastes.

on Sep 09, 2005
WELL!!!! I'm just shocked and utterly floored that Bahu has sided once again with his buddy and pal the good col.


They keep the minority sounding like the majority, I'll give'em that.
on Sep 09, 2005
And the dems wonder why they lost the past 2 elections.....
on Sep 09, 2005
The studies in 2001 and 2002 showed what would happen to that area if a Cat 4 or 5 storm hit.

No, they show what COULD have happened if a catagory 4 or 5 hit. To KNOW what would happen would require the use of either The Psychic Hotline or Doc Brown's tricked-out DeLorean.
The LA government took 2 billion bucks in '98 and '99 and pissed it away on smaller, less crucial projects. How about slapping them a little bit, and giving the Bush thing a rest for a while?
on Sep 09, 2005
"America needs a change"....what? Like we're not going to eventually get one? The guy's got three years left, and there'll be another warm body in the chair.
If there's any justice in universe at all, though, it'll be a Republican, and more conservative than Bush.....just to make empty liberal heads explode and aggravate your carpall tunnel, Col.
on Sep 09, 2005
Oce More Col Gene has had the utmost moral courage to speak the Truth. I too have said the same in my pieces on Katrina but the sense of outrage and anger so pal0pable in Col Gene is not there in my blog, perphaps Col Gene feels too deeply about this GREAT TRAGEDY. Instead of abusing COL GENE and calling him name, I wish bloggers read what he says carefully. The IRAQ WAR has led to a climbing budget deficit and the federal funds to Dixie Land were cut. I would even say that there was politics right from the very beginning afterall Dixie is Black and Democratic something that the neocon men do not particularly like. Col Gene has been very sophisticated in his piece and I think he deserves a deserves

Hey Bahu....get a grip. This thread is about Katrina, NOT Iraq! And the col does NOT speak the truth about it. He has been shown to be wrong on just about every aspect of it.
on Sep 09, 2005
The IRAQ WAR has led to a climbing budget deficit and the federal funds to Dixie Land were cut. I would even say that there was politics right from the very beginning afterall Dixie is Black and Democratic something that the neocon men do not particularly like. Col Gene has been very sophisticated in his piece and I think he deserves a deserves

Only the simple mind of a liberal can link Iraq and a hurricane. And only these people can somehow bring race into this tragedy. Pathetic.
on Sep 09, 2005
You all better look at what the people impacted by this storm have to say about the way this storm was handled. PISS POOR is kind! The population impacted in the three state area was reported at 1.5 million. It is not just New Orleans.
The issue is not the exact number but the way the Fed handled this disaster.
Now it appears the head of FEMA lied on his resume. He had NO line operational experience . He was an : Asst To: not the Assistant Manager. He was not a professor at a college as his resume states. Even if every word was correct, the FEMA Director was a "LIGHT WEIGHT"! In the privatre sector that is reason to fire the person. These are the type of people Bush selected for KEY positions. Others in FEAM also appear to be no more then political hacks of Bush with little or NO experience. What does that say as to the judgement of Bush? As I have said, " Birds of a Feather". The investigation of this disaster may prove to be very informative as to Bush and the people who he selectd to help protect this country.

In another article today, Colin Powell has admitted that we went to war in Iraq with insufficient troop levels to stabalize the country. He also learned that some intelligence officers knew the information he used in his Feb 5, 2003 speech before the UN was wrong and were afraid to tell the truth. When the history of the Bush years are written, the American People will understand how big an error was made to have George W. Bush as President of the United States!
Powell, for exaple was a 1,000 times more qualified then Bush to be President. The problem was the political power brokers would not have ben able to control Powell. McCain is a similar case. The latest AP Poll with a 3% error rate shows 65% of Americans feel the country is headed in the Wrong Direction! Time for a CHANGE.. Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008! Not just new faces but elected officials with a very different outlook- We need moderates not conservatives or liberals!
on Sep 09, 2005
Ohhh, Powell as President. Not in my life time. I can just see that campaign now and all I can say about it is UG.
on Sep 09, 2005
The latest AP Poll with a 3% error rate shows 65% of Americans feel the country is headed in the Wrong Direction! Time for a CHANGE.. Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008! Not just new faces but elected officials with a very different outlook- We need moderates not conservatives or liberals!

Col you were in another thread complaining about the reliability of polls, but now you agree with this one. What a hypocrit. Hey col, the latest poll shows Americans don't blame Bush for the hurricane, won't you change your position?
on Sep 10, 2005
Of course he won't, the only poll he cares about is that accursed CBS crap.
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