Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
America needs a change
Published on September 5, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics

This disaster and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf coast was not only predicted but there were detailed plans prepared showing what needed to be done to strengthen the levees around New Orleans and the coastline along the Mississippi river. These studies and simulations were prepared in 2001 and 2002 for the Bush administration. They were almost 100% accurate as to the consequences of failing to rebuild this infrastructure in the largest port in the United States. George W. Bush ignored these studies and the warning contained in them.

The studies clearly indicated what it will take in terms of rebuilding the levees to withstand category four and five hurricanes as well as repairing the coast line along the Mississippi. The cost to rebuild the region would have been in the $20-$30 Billion range according to the studies. Bush, rather than starting to implement ths essential rebuilding, actually cut the funding for the Corps of Engineers to that region beginning in late 2001. He diverted the money to the war in Iraq. The truth is that our priorities are DEAD WRONG! With 10% of what George W. Bush has spent in Iraq, we could have completely rebuilt the levees in New Orleans and the Mississippi coastline and prevented this disaster from occurring. Now we need to rebuild an area as large as Great Britain and still need to repair the levees and the Mississippi coastline. The cost in human lives and dollars are many times what it would have been if Bush had his priorities in line with the NEEDS of this country!

In addition, water levels are rising because of the global warming and here again the Bush administration has done nothing to protect our environment and ignores a growing problem that the use of fossil fuel is helping to create. Rather than seek alternate energy sources with the hundreds of billions of dollars that we are dumping in the Iraq War, we ignore our energy needs. There are studies that show the infrastructure of the United States is aging and that it will take more than $1 trillion dollars to repair all the levees, bridges, roads, electrical grids, dams, schools, water and sewer systems throughout this great nation. There is NO money for these needs but we have SPENT 1/3 of what it would cost to rebuild the infrastructure across the entire Unites States with what we have spent in Iraq. The time has come to redirect the priorities in America to meet the long term needs of our people and not the political ideology of the conservatives in this country! Bush cuts the federal revenue with tax cuts and ignores essential repairs. He starts a war that did not make us more secure and spends the money needed to help rebuild America on that war. WAKE UP AMERICA!


Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 07, 2005
The protection of this country is a joint responsibility. This area is important to the entire country not just the three states that were hit by the storm. The size and the fact that is covers several states makes it the primamy responsibility of the Federal Government. The amount of money that will be required can not be provided by these three states. Bush has the studies that told him what needed to be done to protect our LARGEST PORT. He did NOTHING! In fact he cut the funding for that area. We can spend 300 Billion in Iraq while we ignore the needs of our country! God save us from the Conservatives in Congress and the likes of GWB!
on Sep 07, 2005
ParaTed someone is not a terrorist just because they are critical of Bush and present views counter to Bush.

You have shown in this thread you are a loud mouth bully attacking all Anti Bush people.

I am curious though; you were in the Forces but yet you seem willing to follow and support the forces and President no matter what the objective is.

Have you ever objected to a mission or decision a president has made?
Do you have the ability to do that? After reading your responses in this article I really would like to know.

on Sep 07, 2005
Here's something interesting. A Newsweek article ... (see COL, I can bring Newsweeks into it, too. Since it is such an authoritative source, you aren't going to argue this one, are you? I doubt it) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9232666/site/newsweek/

The article is referring to who's to blame for this. Interesting points are brought up. Like the fact that the local board directly responsible for the maintenance of the levee's fell down on the job. Sorry, ran as far away from the job as they could. [sarcasm]But, see? Bush was standing right behind each of them (simultaneously) and forced them to spend the money that they were legally obligated to spend on levee maintenance/repair/upgrades and spend it ... on casinos. [/sarcasm]

Enjoy the reading. Maybe it'll help.
on Sep 07, 2005

It is the policies of Bush, as passed by Congress that is the problem!

Then from YOUR own mouth you say it's not Bush's fault! He's not the one passing the policies, is he? Nope Congress is.
on Sep 07, 2005
ParaTed, it is not mindless. It is studied and well thought out. Liberals are capable of that, you know. But, as a conservative, I guess you wouldn't know. You obviously have zero experience in critical study and thinking when it comes to politics and this administration. You're just buying the misplaced patriotic crap being dished out by those idiots running our country, and into the ground, I might add.

Actually Dabe, while I rarely agree with you, and sometimes hit you with personal shots, I give you a lot of credit for being able to think things out. Unlike Colon Gene, I think you often offer compeling arguments, fun humor and interesting insight. I just think it's rediculous to blame bush for a local mayor and governor's inability to comply with their own emergency protocols. I'm not even saying there weren't things Prs. Bush could have done better, there were...but the "bash bush bus" is getting bogged down on this one.
on Sep 07, 2005

ParaTed, it is not mindless. It is studied and well thought out. Liberals are capable of that, you know. But, as a conservative, I guess you wouldn't know. You obviously have zero experience in critical study and thinking when it comes to politics and this administration. You're just buying the misplaced patriotic crap being dished out by those idiots running our country, and into the ground, I might add.

It is mindless when you start quoting the wrong figures. Hate to tell you this but GW got MORE votes and had a BIGGER margin than "Slick Willie" ever got. And to top it all off you're accusing ted of having zero expierence in critical "thinking" AND "study"? This coming from someone who can't get their own figures straight?
on Sep 07, 2005

The protection of this country is a joint responsibility. This area is important to the entire country not just the three states that were hit by the storm. The size and the fact that is covers several states makes it the primamy responsibility of the Federal Government.

You're right, it is a joint responsibility. To a point. IT only can become the feds problem AFTER the fact! Get that? NOT before OR during, but AFTER!
on Sep 07, 2005
And, as I have been stating, all culpable people should be held accountable, from the mayor on up. they all shoulder some blame, and I sure don't deny that.

However, regardless of that, I think that duh-bya is an idiot extraordinaire, Katrina or not. And, I will bash him as often as I see fit, and particularly in a forum wherein there is this apparently blind sense of misplaced patriotic furvor. And, if anyone does not see fault in the way duy-bya is running this country, then yes I do believe you lack at least some degree of critical thinking and deductive reasoning.

And, to make matters worse, that lame-ass duck has just put himself in charge of an investigation of the Katrina response shortfallings. If that isn't a conflict of interest, then nothing is. Goddamm, he's investigating himself. How the hell can any outcome of that be even remotely without bias? I contend, it cannot.
on Sep 07, 2005
However, regardless of that, I think that duh-bya is an idiot extraordinaire, Katrina or not. And, I will bash him as often as I see fit, and particularly in a forum wherein there is this apparently blind sense of misplaced patriotic furvor. And, if anyone does not see fault in the way duy-bya is running this country, then yes I do believe you lack at least some degree of critical thinking and deductive reasoning.

And, to make matters worse, that lame-ass duck has just put himself in charge of an investigation of the Katrina response shortfallings. If that isn't a conflict of interest, then nothing is. Goddamm, he's investigating himself. How the hell can any outcome of that be even remotely without bias? I contend, it cannot.

And we feel the same way about you. And yet again you missed the main point. The FIRST line of defence (state and local government) "failed" and that is what's being investigated.
on Sep 07, 2005
The mayor did not have the resources to rebuild the levees or to deal with aftermath of the storm. Only the Fed has anything close to the level of resources needed.

Drmiler - I never said Bush alone failed to address the issues facing this country . But it is HIS ideas that Congress has passed that have failed this country. We first need a change in Congress (2006) and then a person in the Whitre House with policies very different from those of GWB. We need more then just a new resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We need a person with a VERY different outlook!
on Sep 07, 2005

The mayor did not have the resources to rebuild the levees or to deal with aftermath of the storm. Only the Fed has anything close to the level of resources needed.

BALONEY! He sat on 700 school buses that could have made a sizeable dent in the evacuation.

Drmiler - I never said Bush alone failed to address the issues facing this country . But it is HIS ideas that Congress has passed that have failed this country. We first need a change in Congress (2006) and then a person in the Whitre House with policies very different from those of GWB. We need more then just a new resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We need a person with a VERY different outlook!

Okay they are his ideas!..... But "Congress" passed them, didn't they? NOT Bush. Just an FYI there are still quite a few democrats in congress. Enough to put a wrench in the "policy" works if they "really" wanted to. I see you "still" aren't getting it! Bush is out in 2008 no matter what! What is your bashing of Bush going to accomplish? You think he'll resign? Fat Chance!
on Sep 07, 2005
What the Hell does 700 school buses have to do with the 30 Billion needed to rebuild the levees to prevent this disaster. The mayor had no manpower or police to help with any evacuation. You could only have moved 3,500 people on 700 school buses. You talk out of your A**. The ONLY agency that had the resources when needed was the Active military. Only Bush had the authority to act. It took a week for the National Guard to be available in the numbers needed to make a difference! Last night congress told Bush to his face his administration got an "F" on the way they handled this disaster- Both Republican and Democrats. BUSH FAILED AGAIN!!!!! He failed to prevent the disaster by ignoring the need to rebuild the levees and then failed to deal with the disaster. Anyone that defends Bush is a fool!
on Sep 07, 2005
The only consolation I get from all this annoying buzz is how miserable an existence the Col must have, sitting outraged and stewing in all this mental sewage...
on Sep 07, 2005
Dogs lay down with Cats! Zule is coming! Everyone bow down to your new god!

Oh, wait that is a different one trick pony.
on Sep 07, 2005
The protection of this country is a joint responsibility. This area is important to the entire country not just the three states that were hit by the storm. The size and the fact that is covers several states makes it the primamy responsibility of the Federal Government. The amount of money that will be required can not be provided by these three states. Bush has the studies that told him what needed to be done to protect our LARGEST PORT. He did NOTHING! In fact he cut the funding for that area. We can spend 300 Billion in Iraq while we ignore the needs of our country! God save us from the Conservatives in Congress and the likes of GWB!

Yep, a JOINT responcibility!!!!!! NOT JUST BUSH! Why didn't those states make a compact, share the responcibility of maintaining the leeves since they were all affected by them. The first line of defence IS local Government, not federal. Otherwise, what is the point of local government? Swimming pools and skateparks?
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