“The real problem is an unrealistic understanding of the global economy we are in and will remain in. We cannot isolate ourselves to prosperity, no matter how many protectionist laws people like Gene can think up. This "road to disaster" was paved by people like Gene with incremental nicks in productivity (taxes, regulation) that have finally accumulated sufficient weight to drag us down. Business needs liberation, not a tighter straight jacket. No amount of "inspiration" will build a single ...
This is my Blog about the BS the Treasury Secretary told us in August: Treasury Secretary Paulson LIED About Economy By COL Gene Posted Sunday, August 19, 2007 on Bush Truth Discussion: Politics This week Secretary Paulson said the U.S. Economy was just fine. NOTHING could be further from the truth and we again see the White House SPIN DOCTORS at work. Paulson points to the continued creation of jobs but he does not acknowledge that those newly created jobs are paying substant...
There is this FICTION that says government spending is evil and we are better to allow individuals rather then the government from deciding how to spend their money. The truth is that many of the essential services that make our country free and provide the opportunities would not exist without that government spending. Roads, intestate commerce, national security, banking, health care and retirement for seniors, disaster assistance to list just a few. Individuals would not provide those...
Last week the Bush Administration sent half his Cabinet, lead by the Treasury Secretary, to China. The subject was Trade. Since 2001 when Bush approved the entry of China to the WTO, the trade deficit between China and the U.S. has spiraled out of control. In 2001 the trade deficit with China was $83 Billion. In 2002 $103; 2003 $124; 2004 $162; 2005 $ 202 and it is estimated for 2006 at $220 Billion. The source of this data is the Data Dissemination Branch of the U.S. Census Bureau. Follow...
President Bush has been going to community after community telling Americans that the economy is improving. Remember his earlier claim, "we are turning the corner" In many of the states he visits with this message, workers can not find work or if they can it is at a pay level far below their old job. Millions of American workers have lost their health benefits since President Bush took office. In fact, the example Mr. Bush points to most often is the creation of jobs by small business. Thes...