Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Time to GET OUT!
Published on May 7, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Within the past 24 Hours the following events have been reported:

43 Iraqis were found shot execution style.

Iraq people cheer when a British helicopter is shot down in Basra and stone the British troops attempting to reach the crash site.

Four more explosions were reported killing 17 and injuring 44 more.
We are headed for another record level of deaths in May

The atrocities we saw under Saddam are continuing the only difference is which side is inflicting the killing. The elections that were to bring stability took place four months ago and the violence continues without improvement.

It is time to allow the Iraqi people decide what is to become of Iraq. Our continued presence is NOT solving the conflict among the three factions in Iraq. All we are doing is sustaining more deaths, injuries and spending money that would be far better spent on the needs of Americans.

Comments (Page 9)
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on May 19, 2006

Welfare is a useless entitlement program that rewards people for not working and having more kids they can't afford. Only a liberal would think this is useful.

This clearly shows how heartless you and many conservatives are. It is compassionate to HELP people that have experienced hard times through no fault of their own. The people in New Orleans for example lost everything due to a storm that did not create. Dirt like you would ignore such people.

Remember col, the "polls" said Bush would lose. Polls have about as much credibility as your Blogs and books.

If you believe that the VAST MAJORITY support Bush you are living in a DREAM WORLD. Bush is a looser and on EVERY issue the people of this country DO NOT WANT WHAT Bush IS SELLING!!!!!

And a wave of crime and murder happened yesterday in America. Should we pull out there too?

If armed insurgents conducted the type of attacks that took place yesterday in Iraq and Afghanistan in America, Bush would have called a NEWS CONFRENCE to declare a National Emergency!!!!!!!!

Like the Al-Associated Press is credible. I can't stop laughing.

Now you are saying the stories carried in EVERY newspaper from the AP are not true? You are truly demented and refuse to see the facts if they in ANY WAY reflect ILL of King George!!!

on May 19, 2006
This clearly shows how heartless you and many conservatives are. It is compassionate to HELP people that have experienced hard times through no fault of their own. The people in New Orleans for example lost everything due to a storm that did not create. Dirt like you would ignore such people.

Col, liberals like yourself keep people poor through entitlements like this just to secure your voting base. I have no problem helping people who truely deserve being helped. Most people on welfare do not want to get a job because of this entitlement. Being poor is a choice col.

If you believe that the VAST MAJORITY support Bush you are living in a DREAM WORLD. Bush is a looser and on EVERY issue the people of this country DO NOT WANT WHAT Bush IS SELLING!!!!!

I notice you once again ignore what I said. Your beloved polls showed Kerry with a "sweeping" victory. In fact it was just the opposite. Biased media polls, only a liberal would believ them. However col, why don't you respond to polls when they show something good about this country?

If armed insurgents conducted the type of attacks that took place yesterday in Iraq and Afghanistan in America, Bush would have called a NEWS CONFRENCE to declare a National Emergency!!!!!!!!

Armed insurgents, street gangs, etc. Not much difference really. All you do is watch todays headlines from Al-Associated and want to surrender. So many people have posted the progress and good news in Iraq and all you do is ignore it. Even the liberals here get tired of your pointless rhetoric. If the media glorified the murders and crime in this country as they do in Iraq you would be terrified to walk outside.

Tell me when is the last time the liberal media put a good story about Iraq in the front page or headlines? People like you don't look beyond what the NYT's tells you.

Now you are saying the stories carried in EVERY newspaper from the AP are not true? You are truly demented and refuse to see the facts if they in ANY WAY reflect ILL of King George!!!

King George? How old are you really? Col, I can present a fact and make it out to be a hundred times worse than it is. That is what al-associated does. When is the last you al-associated showed you a story about progress and good news in Iraq? Do you even bother to look or are you too interested in how the media can trash this country today?
on May 19, 2006
Col continues to prove his stupidity thru this article alone.

This clearly shows how heartless you and many conservatives are. It is compassionate to HELP people that have experienced hard times through no fault of their own. The people in New Orleans for example lost everything due to a storm that did not create. Dirt like you would ignore such people.

The is no such thing as "through no fault of their own" unless you had some kind of accident that prevented you from working. You lose you job, you find another. I have been in positions that would garantee me welfare but I have always looked for work and have always found it. You're ignorance to ignore all those people who are NOT in hard times "through no fault of their own" but because they chose to get free money rather than work. This system is faulty and needs to be changed or disolved, there are better ways to help those who need help, welfare is a disaster.
on May 19, 2006
The is no such thing as "through no fault of their own" unless you had some kind of accident that prevented you from working. You lose you job, you find another. I have been in positions that would garantee me welfare but I have always looked for work and have always found it. You're ignorance to ignore all those people who are NOT in hard times "through no fault of their own" but because they chose to get free money rather than work. This system is faulty and needs to be changed or disolved, there are better ways to help those who need help, welfare is a disaster.

Charles, just like many other libs trying to pose as a caring individuals when I agree with Island dog. They want to keep the poor there so that they vote for them. The fact is they know that these people are stealing from the hard working low and middle class. It makes me sick that I work 40+hrs a week and am happy to pick up a roast when I see someone who just popped out their 7th kid because they don't have the discipline to keep their legs having MANY steaks in there cart. Especially when I know that there are many like myself working hard and basically supporting them. The welfare system is also a part of the insentive for the illegals to come here. Not only are they breaking and entering but they are stealing the sirloin steak out of the fridge and leaving me with Top Ramen. A FACT Col likes to overlook and call me heartless. I support the local soup kitchen. I give clothes, shoes, etc to the needy. I have seen people go from being homeless and poor to being successful. Their is a difference between them and those on welfare. They want to make a change and most like me are too proud to get food stamps. When times are tough you tighten the belt. I don't see that from those on it. There may be a few but definitely not the majority.
on May 19, 2006
There are millions of people in America that are poor not because they do not work. Many have jobs that do not pay a living wage. Some lost everything in Katrina. Still others have physical problems. I do not want to help people that refuse to work but there are many that need help and do contribute. Anyone that believes ALL the poor are that way because they want to be POOR or because they do not work are idiots. 500,000 homes were destroyed by Katrina. Many of the people who owned these homes do not have the money to rebuild or take on another mortgage-- Even a low interest mortgage. We spend Billions every week in Iraq but have no money for Americans in Need. That is pure Conservative BS. Ley's take the money we are spending in Iraq and help our people.
on May 19, 2006
ALL the poor are that way because they want to be POOR or because they do not work are idiots.

Didn't say all the poor col, just most. It's been pointed out to you before how someone in America can survive on very little. You just ignore it.

We spend Billions every week in Iraq but have no money for Americans in Need. That is pure Conservative BS. Ley's take the money we are spending in Iraq and help our people.

Col, we give so much in entitlement programs and welfare it's almost uncountable. Do not ever say this country doesn't help it's own people. The difference is you want a welfare state where the government takes care of everything.

You, as other liberals, use Iraq as another basis for your welfare state. What about all the money democrats have spent on wasteful programs? How sad.
on May 19, 2006
500,000 homes were destroyed by Katrina. Many of the people who owned these homes do not have the money to rebuild or take on another mortgage-- Even a low interest mortgage.

Col, Let's use Katrina since you would like. I personally have seen two people who were 'displaced' to my community. One used the aid from the gov't to feed himself (eating ramen, mac-n-cheese, etc) and was off of it in 3 weeks. He searched and found a job. Now he is doing well and has bounced back. Now here is person number too. He was living off of credit cards planning to go 'bankrupt' once he came close to reaching credit limit. Then would find a job. He has gone to the hospital and detox a few times and although 'says' he is trying to start a new life but shows no fruits. Because he is Katrina victim his .4 blood alcohol visit to the hospital was paid for by our taxes. My point here is that the one's you and your lib friends are trying to help are already off of the aid and making it on their own. My congregation sent money to help those in NEED not welfare leeches.

By saying the opposite you aren't even being a robin hood. You want to steal from the honest hard working Americans who ARE trying to make a better lives and give it to the leeches?
on May 19, 2006
Col is just making excuses. He does not know what it's like to live poor. I do, I have been struggling for 8 years now. But I can only blame myself for not trying hard enough. But that will change in about 2 weeks awhen I move back to the US (keep in mind I have only lived here for 2 years). I will prove to you Col that there are jobs, that I can live a decent life if I try and that most of those who claim can't do will be proven wrong by me.

Col, just like you say I have no opinion over military issues cause I am not in the Armed Forces, you can't talk for the poor cause you do not know what it's like to struggle to put food on the table for your kids and I don't mean working hard, I mean working hard while getting paid barely enough to pay rent, light, water, gas, car insurance, food, clothing, all that without buying any funiture, not TV's bigger than 19 inch, a futon for a sofa and bed, a used playstation from a pawnshop for the kids. Not even Bush knows, he can never relate, no president ever can. But we can make sure he knows, we can make sure he gets the messages and we can show him how to do it by telling him what to do.
on May 19, 2006
The extent of the poor was revealed by the storms last year. In Texas and the Gulf areas. There are over a million people that have next to nothing. When Bush went down too that area 10 days after the storm, he admitted he was unaware of just HOW MANY POOR we have in America.

For what we have spent in Iraq, we could have rebuilt every home and rebuilt the levies to protect the area from flooding in the future. Instead we wasted what will most likely be TRILLION tax dollars on that stinking country. What did we get from that money? 2,450 dead. 18,000 injures and many new enemies. If we had spent that same amount of money in America, 1.5 Million people would have a home and the area would be safe for the future. The money we would have spent on rebuilding the Gulf would have put people to work and created profits for the companies doing the rebuilding. What return did we get from INVADING Iraq? More enemies and 26 Million Iraqi’s that look at us as occupiers of their country. Anyone that believes we made the correct choice is just NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on May 19, 2006
How does a mind get as tightly shut as yours, anyway?
--Daiwa (from post #27)

Maybe he has radiation poisoning?

Colonel, I, for one, thank you for your service; but, man-o-man---you hate more than any one person I think I've ever encountered. Your irrational hatred blinds you to established facts that those here have used time and time again to refute your claims. You just keep on keepin' on, ignoring their information, while adamantly insisting that they accept yours.
That's why you always come off on the bad end of the argument, despite anything you say.
on May 19, 2006
Colonel, I, for one, thank you for your service; but, man-o-man---you hate more than any one person I think I've ever encountered. Your irrational hatred blinds you to established facts that those here have used time and time again to refute your claims. You just keep on keepin' on, ignoring their information, while adamantly insisting that they accept yours.
That's why you always come off on the bad end of the argument, despite anything you say.

Rightwinger have a cookie
on May 19, 2006
Instead we wasted what will most likely be TRILLION tax dollars on that stinking country.

And you want to talk about somebodies compassion? What a hypocrit.

Col, let's end welfare and tell those people they have to find a job. Then they can buy their own places to live. No welfare state. Why don't you go live in France?
on May 19, 2006
Island Dog

No, Lets STOP spending the money we are spending in Iraq and help our people. Do you realize that if the Fed had built 500,000 new homes at a cost of $300,000 per home, we would have spent $150 Billion? That is what we have spent in the past 18 Months in Iraq. If we add rebuilding all the levies and river banks and clean up ALL the rubble, it would amount to two years of this unnecessary war. You mean to tell me that the Iraq war is more important than what I have suggested? If you believe that you are in another world. I am not up tight. I am pointing out what could have been done for America rather then the cost of a war that has NOT made us safer and that has no end in sight! If this war does end up costing a Trillion Dollars, it will cost 5 Times more then rebuilding 500,000 homes and rebuilding the Gulf Area. Just think Bush Borrowed EVERY CENT he spent on this WAR. So you can enjoy it year after year as you pay the interest in the added debt this war has cost the American Taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on May 19, 2006
What about the $2K debit cards Col? 2 Gs in my hand would help me tons. I don't think our taxes should pay for rebuilding peoples houses. They built their houses in a high risk area. If I built my house in an avalanche chute and an avalanche came through and wiped out my house would you feel sorry for me? If you do then please send me your money because you obviously have too much. These people knew that they were living below sealevel. I don't see much difference. Take the $2k move the heck out of there and start your life anew. Face it Col. You just want to bash Bush for peoples' laziness. I have a friend down there in NO who owns a business. His was looted and he is optimistic and is rebounding. His family hasn't moved back but they are in the process of rebuilding their lives without the gov'ts help. Quit trying to play sympathy card with the lazy ones. There are many opportunities for them to start their lives over. I can teach someone to fish but I can't force them to catch their own.
on May 19, 2006
Do you realize that if the Fed had built 500,000 new homes at a cost of $300,000 per home, we would have spent $150 Billion?

Col, the Iraq war has absolutely nothing to do with this. $150 billion is nothing to the federal government. It's not the governments responsibility to rebuild everyones homes.

I am pointing out what could have been done for America rather then the cost of a war that has NOT made us safer and that has no end in sight! If this war does end up costing a Trillion Dollars, it will cost 5 Times more then rebuilding 500,000 homes and rebuilding the Gulf Area. Just think Bush Borrowed EVERY CENT he spent on this WAR. So you can enjoy it year after year as you pay the interest in the added debt this war has cost the American Taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A war you democrats voted for col, remember that. I love it when you talk about what I will be paying. You have the economic knowledge of a child.
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