Americans should learn from the tragic death of this woman so that her pain and the pain her family suffered was not in vain. First, every person should be encouraged to have a clear written directive as to what they would like done should they become incapacitated like Terri Schiavo. Second, we should consider changing our laws to maintain the life of a person in the event there is no clear written directive. This would mean removing this decision from the next of kin and choosin...
The Terri Schiavo case is a perfect example of how the religious right and the conservative Republicans will do almost anything to get their way. I for one favor allowing the parents of this woman to care for her if they so chose. That is not the issue at hand. The Republican conservatives see this as another opportunity to gain political advantage with people who believe as they do. The Republican “talking points” clearly show how the Republican leadership considered this case an op...
Social Security MathBelow are the results of President Bush’s Social Security plan as outlined one web site a worker age of 53, their account value at age 68 would be $48,922 with a 8% compounded yield per year. Adjusted for inflation at 3% that is the equivalent of $30,980 today.For a worker age 43 their account value at age 68 would be $150,789 with a 8% compounded yield. Adjusted for inflation at 3% that is the equivalent of $70,442 today.For a worker age 28 their account...
I watch the Lou Dobbs show and each night he has a question that listeners respond to via the Internet. I know these polls are not scientifically constructed however the topics that are being covered are in the forefront of the issues that are important to our nation. It’s remarkable to me night after night those who choose to vote on these polls show the overwhelming disapproval of the policies our government is following. What is most astounding is that the results are not even ...